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"Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon and the truth." ~ Buddha |
"There is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed,
or hidden that will not be made known." Matthew - 10:26 Mark - 4:22 Luke - 8:17 |
"At a cosmic or Omniversal level, you are Spirit, a Facet or a White Fire Memory Seed Atom of Divine Essence
sent forth from the heart core of the Supreme Creator. At that level, you are fully conscious of who you are
and of your connection with the Supreme Creator; you are aware of and know your “I AM” identity.
At the Universal and Sub-universal levels, you are a Divine co-creator, once more sent forth on a great refracted Ray of Light to manifest worlds without end in the name of our Father/Mother God. You are aware of the overall Divine plan for this Sub-universe and the part you are to play in it; however, you may or may not remember your origins or identity at a cosmic level.
As Spirit, which we call your “God Ray”, you are a great Being of Light who also sent forth Facets or sub-rays of yourself, leaving OverSouls or parts of your Essence in different dimensions, galaxies, star systems and worlds throughout
this Sub-Universe. In turn, each of these great OverSouls also sent forth Sparks or Soul Fragments of their Essence.
The current you, now incarnated in a physical body on planet Earth, is one of those Soul Sparks who agreed to journey forth into the unknown void, to create diverse worlds, to inhabit them, and then to experience what you helped to create so that your unique experiences can be incorporated into the universal consciousness and ultimately into the Cosmic Mind."
~ Archangel Michael, transmitted through Ronna Vezane/sacred scribe (September 2019)
sent forth from the heart core of the Supreme Creator. At that level, you are fully conscious of who you are
and of your connection with the Supreme Creator; you are aware of and know your “I AM” identity.
At the Universal and Sub-universal levels, you are a Divine co-creator, once more sent forth on a great refracted Ray of Light to manifest worlds without end in the name of our Father/Mother God. You are aware of the overall Divine plan for this Sub-universe and the part you are to play in it; however, you may or may not remember your origins or identity at a cosmic level.
As Spirit, which we call your “God Ray”, you are a great Being of Light who also sent forth Facets or sub-rays of yourself, leaving OverSouls or parts of your Essence in different dimensions, galaxies, star systems and worlds throughout
this Sub-Universe. In turn, each of these great OverSouls also sent forth Sparks or Soul Fragments of their Essence.
The current you, now incarnated in a physical body on planet Earth, is one of those Soul Sparks who agreed to journey forth into the unknown void, to create diverse worlds, to inhabit them, and then to experience what you helped to create so that your unique experiences can be incorporated into the universal consciousness and ultimately into the Cosmic Mind."
~ Archangel Michael, transmitted through Ronna Vezane/sacred scribe (September 2019)
“What you do here will affect all other planets, plus planets yet to be created. They may not have your Divine complement,
but what you do will change their awareness. You are, therefore, the catalyst for something so big that you cannot conceive of it. It's a test that has been in the planning for eons, and will eventually change the potentials of other planets that have life.
But you're the only ones who have the charge to do this .... part angelic .... part Human, you exist for this.
Other planets are free to change their reality as a result of what they decide. But only you are free to become Masters
while on the earth, changing your actual vibration level, and through that, changing the fabric of time for all the others.”
~ Kryon, channelled through Lee Carroll
See : Who is Kryon, and who are we? : and the Kryon channellings on this website
but what you do will change their awareness. You are, therefore, the catalyst for something so big that you cannot conceive of it. It's a test that has been in the planning for eons, and will eventually change the potentials of other planets that have life.
But you're the only ones who have the charge to do this .... part angelic .... part Human, you exist for this.
Other planets are free to change their reality as a result of what they decide. But only you are free to become Masters
while on the earth, changing your actual vibration level, and through that, changing the fabric of time for all the others.”
~ Kryon, channelled through Lee Carroll
See : Who is Kryon, and who are we? : and the Kryon channellings on this website
Note: "Metatron and Kryon are of the same family... that of Archangel Michael. This is the same family of spiritual physics and is very entangled." ~ Kryon (http://www.kryon.com/k_chanelnewhamp02.html)
Welcome to
'Ascension Now' The spiritual graduation of Humanity
will be very exciting and challenging: together we will explore new possibilities and opportunities. Light = Information, and Information is the key to understanding what is happening. Divine Love, Light, peace and healing to all
From Spirit and Messenger Spirit This website contains information from many sources relating to the spiritual awakening and evolution of Humanity, the nature of reality and Consciousness, what is happening on earth and in our solar system/galaxy/universe, and prophecies for these times. This is information to which I have been guided by Spirit over the course of several years, and Spirit has asked me to bring it all together in one place for others who seek the Truth. You will feel in your heart whether it resonates with you.
(See 'All Articles') We are not our physical bodies, we are spiritual beings, individuated expressions of the One Infinite Creator whose Conscious Awareness is now awakening in the Human family. It is time to remember Who We Are and to rise to our full potential. As fully-awakened Humans - the 'rainbow bridge' between Spirit and matter - we have a very important role to play in the Universe. Love is the ultimate force in the Universe; it holds every galaxy, star and planet in its place. In the presence of Love, patterns of beauty, perfection, harmony and efficiency manifest spontaneously.
Life is the Creator’s Love made manifest. ~ Archangel Michael (2020) We are the Creator, the Created and the Creation:
All is the Creator; there is no Other. We are One Consciousness expressing as many: The One in the many; the many in the One. 'For the Highest Good of All'
Few consciously remember The path we chose in life. But time will show our destiny As every thought and deed Unfolds the story deep within. A story written long ago In realms beyond our earthly reach, Of aims and aspirations For the Highest Good of All. With Spirit’s help and guidance And the love of those around us This time of revelation Will unveil our lives’ true goal. We came to help the raising Of Mother Earth’s vibration, And the lifting of Humanity To higher realms of Light. As waves of Higher Love and Light Sweep through the Solar System, Vibrations rise And Mother Earth Expands her consciousness. Humanity awakens In the presence of Divinity, Awakens to Divinity within. Always present, dormant …, waiting …. For Humanity’s remembrance Of our origin in Light. A new dawn awaits us; Is now within our grasp. Reach out and touch it ….. From Spirit, through Messenger Spirit See also: 'What If ...'
One of the best videos describing ASCENSION in the most thorough yet simplistic way! Thank you Dr. John Ryan! You can find him at https://www.unityfieldhealing.com Dr. John Ryan youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmUi...
“To achieve the balanced experiencing necessary for spiritual growth, a soul may spend hundreds or more lifetimes evolving out of duality’s negative potential into the positive end of the spectrum, where the energy of love, peace, generosity, harmony, honor and kindness prevails.
In this unique time in the universe when all experiencing is being accelerated, souls have been given the unprecedented opportunity to evolve out of third density’s low vibrations and physically accompany Earth into higher energy planes.” Spirit teacher Matthew Ward Ra : Acceleration towards the Law of One
Uploaded by LLResearch101 on 14 Mar 2011
For more information on the Law of One, the highly-evolved social memory complex called Ra, quotes, Carla's teachings, or general information, please visit our website: llresearch.org See also : http://www.ascensionnow.co.uk/ra-and-quo-the-law-of-one.html http://www.ascensionnow.co.uk/ll-research-ra---law-of-one.html "SEEKING THE LIGHT OF THE INTELLECT"
Archangel Michael channelling 2011 Transmitted Through Ronna Herman https://www.starquestmastery.com/ "YOU ARE NOT YOUR BODY, YOU ARE PURE CONSCIOUSNESS encased within a costume of flesh. As you have done thousands of times before, when you leave the earthly plane, you will discard your physical body for garments of Light, and in due time you will prepare for another great adventure in a new reality. As you gain Self-awareness, you will develop a Divine curiosity and an intense desire to begin a new personal spiritual quest. You will develop a sense of adventure as you delve into the mysteries of the cosmos, and the Divine Plan will begin to unfold at your level of awareness. It is important that you understand that each major transformational human progression involves cosmic wisdom in a new form to fit the forthcoming cycle of evolution." "ENHANCING YOUR POWER TO MANIFEST"
Archangel Michael channelling January 2019 Transmitted through Ronna "We are in the midst of one of the greatest cycles of transformation that this Universe has ever experienced; however, it is important that you understand that there have been many minor cycles of change on Earth, and each of you has experienced these transformational times in one way or another. The coming Seventh Root Race will be highly-evolved and spiritually-attuned, and will be influenced by the SEVENTH RAY of transformation, purification, freedom and redemption. Everyone and everything on Earth will be affected by the radiance of the Seventh Ray, the Violet Transmuting Flame. “We are coming to a time in our history that will be like no other. The path we walk will dissolve reality as we know it. The entire earth plane is shifting – people, plants, animals, earth. Though we may only glimpse this now, we are one world and embody as one being. We must join together to share our spiritual gifts. Many of us have been waiting for this time and it has come.”
The Good Remembering, Llyn Roberts (see 'Recommended Books') A Love That Is You
Uploaded by colorfulteardrops on 29 Jul 2011
"Love's Light is never lost, instead it tends to linger around the peripherals. When you attempt to grasp at it, it quickly disperses, for the Light of Love can never be contained. Instead, expand your perceptions and grow within, and as you do, you shall witness that this Light called Love has always been the Divinity that is You." The Family of Jacob / Elohei Yaakov Website: www.youtube.com/colorfulteardrops / www.facebook.com/Loveis Brian Baruch is a conscious channeller for the "Family of Jacob". The "Family of Jacob" (Elohei Yaakov) is an inter-dimensional collective consciousness that resonates a central frequency of the united essence of All Source. “The Universe itself is a thought, a thought from which was born a dream, which is partially visible as matter. When you approach the edge of all creation, your thought will reveal a new beginning and continuation. From obscurity will arise a new and resplendent birth of you, and it will reflect in itself your soul, your dreams, your whole aspirations. My son, you are infinite, you are eternal, within you are your dreams of creation.” ~ Anastasia
'The Ringing Cedars of Russia' by Vladimir Megré See also: Recommended Books/The Ringing Cedars Series St. Germain - Earth Birth Changes
"It is nigh unto the ripeness of time – indeed, a culmination of eons of time unto the Harvest. The time is Now... The rapture will allow you to perceive fourth density... therefore third density will no longer be able to perceive you, for you will be simultaneously existing, co-existing in the same space/time, but merely not perceived, because it is of a different frequency. The year 2012 of your time is the apex of it. It is a convergence point into unlimitedness.... Cycles - there are cycles within cycles within cycles. There are many, many, many different cycles that are culminating in this Now. The reason for the focus on planet Earth, and for all the galactic confederations coming forth unto this area of your solar system, is because the universe is in the shifting of densities.... it is also occurring to the astral body of Earth, the etheric body of Earth, and the soul body of Earth. These particular dates (2012) are all shifting, because consciousness is shifting all the time. It is a flux. It appears that it is somewhere between 2010 and 2013 of your Now…..…and when fourth density or super-consciousness comes upon the planet, it will not be perceiving third density and third density will not be perceiving fourth density, for they will be different dimensions then. Now they are co-existent dimensions, and when super-consciousness prevails, the shift will occur and that is called a rapture. In many references your Harvest is your fourth density transformation, your ascension. Some would call it rapture." “In both the heart and mind of man the gates which lead from mortality to immortality are still ajar. God continues to love and guide the destinies of His Creation. The soul of man has not been deprived of its wings; they are merely folded under its garment of flesh. Still as of old, the soul released can spread its wings and soar to the very Source of itself.”
The Secret Teachings of All Ages, Manley P Hall |