Homo Divinicus - the shape of things to come
by Chris Bourne, Founder - Openhand Foundation
27 December, 2012
These are monumental times we're blessed to be living in. Humanity is waking up from eons of amnesia. Gaia has centred in the Fifth Density and powerful evolutionary transitions of consciousness will unleash the earth from the restrictive and exploitative karmic energies of our past. To many, in these early hours, the full magnitude of what's taking place will be challenging to grasp. It's entirely understandable. The key is to keep walking the path of the soul, allowing our natural Ascension to peel away the crusted veils.
I can feel the birth of a new multidimensional humanity beginning to unfold, one which I feel given to call "Homo Divinicus"...
I can feel the birth of a new multidimensional humanity beginning to unfold, one which I feel given to call "Homo Divinicus"...
Breaking the Intervention
Humanity was always meant to be fully multidimensional, interconnected with the higher realms of consciousness and centred in the natural flow of the universe: a benevolent guidance that co-creates situations for maximum soulful expression, the bountiful experience of interconnectivity and expansive evolutionary growth.
Gaia has now reclaimed herself from this global intervention, and although it will still take time to fully unwind, the time has come for those ready and willing to truly begin to shake off the karmic layers that limit, and become once more what we were always meant to be. So what is "Homo Divinicus" all about? |
The Seven Bodily Vehicles of Expression
We don't just have one bodily vehicle of expression, but seven. There is one connected through each of the main chakras, each at a variant vibrational frequency. Because of the Opposing Consciousness intervention, for most people the soul has been fragmented and thereby contained within the lower physical and mental vehicles. You could consider the distortions of the ego have drawn the soul into eddy currents of lower density. Alternatively, full embodiment has been prevented by the distraction of higher blissful like frequency resonance (false love and light). These are the variant frequencies we must discern through in order to reclaim our full divine gift of multidimensionality. So how is the full complement of Homo Divinicus truly meant to function? To me, the soul is meant to flow naturally down through the chakras from the higher dimensions, creating and animating expression as it builds downwards through our being. When this happens, we become truly as one with the higher creative flow. In my knowing, based on my own experience and in working with many evolving people, here is a personal indication of how I feel that is supposed to happen. In sharing it, I encourage you to explore your own experience within this framework, which in itself can help activate that destined beingness... |
A Divine New Form
So for me, the onward journey of humanity and first step is all about reclaiming this multidimensional nature, which we'll look at how to facilitate in a moment. It's something that a growing number are beginning to fully reclaim here and now.
Despite our convoluted DNA heritage, the infusion of light around the planet is helping to ease that path. In following the ascending path of the soul, core beingness will begin to resonate the tone of one's soul ray harmonic. It is this that shapes aligned bodily vehicles through which to express. |
In my vision of the way higher co-creative flows appear to be shaping, I see humanity beginning to divide into three 'camps' for the onward journey and next evolutionary chapter:
Reactivating our Multidimensionality
So what can we do in our day-to-day lives to currently facilitate the maximum inflow of this new evolutionary consciousness? How may we provide the most fertile inner ground for the seeds of Divinicus to germinate and grow?
The "Five Gateways" project has been designed with plenty of insight, guidance and tools that evolving souls can benefit from. Here below are seven recommendations from the book...
The "Resurrection"
So an amazing opportunity awaits all those who choose the higher paradigm. It's one we can reclaim here and now in physical form: to become fully multidimensional as a way of life, living in two realms simultaneously. Then when the physicality of the old world finally peels away, we'll open a new chapter in more divinely aligned form, with the convolutions of the past resolved out.
This new sense of Homo Divinicus, is something I feel was very well expressed in the Gateway 5 chapter of the film 5GATEWAYS. It's all about the "Resurrection" into new multidimensional form. You can watch the film freely here...Gateway 5
Blessings to all in these amazing times of transition!
Chris Bourne
Openhand Foundation
Chris Bourne
Openhand Foundation