Eva Kroth
Bacteria and Viruses
Bacteria and Viruses
The universes are like seas of the building blocks of life, filled with consciousness. Consciousness finds material forms as bacteria, viruses, minerals, or the smallest forms of life. All are carriers of information.
When the Earth slowly became a solid planet, it did not yet have a protective shell around it. It was just on its way to individuality. Building blocks of life rained down on Earth. Primordial cells found their place. They formed the basis for the development of life on Earth. They are the founders of life. They were fertilized with ever new building blocks in different forms of life and developed further. In this way they always found new variations of evolutionary possibilities. Also viruses rained down on the Earth. They are not living beings on the way to a new evolution of their own, but residual information of destroyed cosmic matter. They are an energy that is not whole. Viruses are like travellers without a home. They seek a place they can never find. They invade cells and then move on. They use information to change the living beings they enter. They exchange information with the living beings about whether and how they should initiate change processes as part of evolution. Viruses come from everywhere where life is and was, inside and outside our solar system. And wherever life is, it will be destroyed in the course of evolution or will destroy itself in order to start over again in a changed form. There are many kinds of destruction. Expression of different energies, as diverse as life. Every living being carries within itself shares of knowledge from the universe. The primordial cells expanded their consciousness with every experience on the slowly evolving Earth. They built themselves a living space, which at the same time became the living space Earth. They developed group consciousness and spread all over the Earth. More and more new building blocks of life rained down from the universe onto the Earth, expanding the consciousness of the primal cells and thus also the consciousness of the Earth. If a change in the evolutionary process was to happen, it was the viruses that brought change. They carried information from other life and life forms within themselves and transferred parts of it into the bodies of the developing life on Earth. Bacteria created the Earth's atmosphere. They developed into cells and became more and more differentiated. Each experience expanded their DNA. New life forms emerged, made experiences on the slowly developing material Earth, died and were reborn to bring forth new life forms again. Consciousness pushed further and further into matter and into time. Thus new forms of life arose again and again, which not only developed from differentiated, evolved bacteria but were also accompanied by them. Every form, every living being, every animal, every plant, every human being lives with bacteria in and on the body. The bacterial fields live in community with the different forms of life, have co-created them and develop them further. Humans and all life forms of the Earth exist through and with bacteria. They are our origin and the origin of our natural habitat. We have an individual and a collective habitat made up of bacteria that let us live. Our bacterial habitat contains the history of all life. In this history we have developed together with the bacteria and viruses. They and we have formed together. They have helped shape our being. Our bacteria still work continuously on our development, together with the viruses. The viruses cause changes that we need in order to further develop ourselves spiritually. We communicate spiritually with the viruses. On a spiritual level we determine which changes they cause in us. If we are mentally, spiritually or physically out of balance, viruses and bacteria reflect this. We ourselves determine our life on a spiritual level. Bacteria and viruses help to shape our lives. The connection that we have with the bacteria on different levels is so direct because we have emerged from them. The primordial cells from outer space were fertilized again and again by building blocks of life from space and began to develop the Earth and us. If changes were needed, it was and is the viruses that influenced evolution with their information. An infinite number of different bacteria which have developed parallel to us during our evolution surround us and all living beings, every form on Earth. New communities of bacteria arise, depending on where we live, how we live and how we develop. In the future, bacteria will continue to change and evolve. The different types of bacteria with and through which we live originate from different phases of our common evolutionary history. Climate, nutrition, places and changes in living conditions help to shape our lives. In the course of evolution, life forms on Earth have been destroyed again and again. Remains of these life forms were left behind as viruses and are like a memory of past information of the Earth evolution. Viruses surround us. They also surround plants and animals. Viruses exist in the Earth and everywhere else. We unconsciously communicate with all bacteria in and on our bodies. Bacteria communicate with us and with each other. They send out vibrations and pulsate as if they were breathing. Each type of bacteria sends out individual multidimensional vibrations into our physical body, into our emotional body and into our spiritual body. On the level of vibrations there is no separation. We too oscillate with our electromagnetic field and communicate with the bacteria and viruses and our environment. Every thought, every feeling is perceived by the bacteria and our immune system. It is like an uninterrupted flow on all levels into our aura, into the energy body and from there into the physical body. So our immune system is part of us and in constant exchange of information with us. Many bacteria are in charge of our external protection. They give signals from the skin into the body. The signals penetrate everywhere and are perceived by all bacteria in the body. It is a system in which every bacterium is informed about everything in the body. The skin is our external protective organ. The group of bacteria living on the skin protects us from the invaders, hostile bacteria, viruses, fungi or parasites. It is our mind that decides which experiences we want to have with whom and with whom we do not want to have experiences. Bacteria and viruses have a spiritual aura, like everything in the material world. Through the spiritual aura they are connected to our spirit. Viruses and bacteria are servants of our spirit and also serve us as protection. The Earth is also surrounded by a protective aura, by its atmosphere. It is filled with consciousness. As with we humans, no-one can enter the protective aura of the Earth who has not been called by its spirit. But in the course of its history, the Earth has been thrown off balance again and again. Meteorites have repeatedly destroyed parts of its protective aura. Or turbulences changed the course of the Earth. Or its electromagnetic field was weakened, only to rebuild itself again in a different way. Our immune system, including the Earth's, grows and changes. Like bacteria, viruses are part of our individual development, of our development as part of humanity and as part of all living beings on Earth. A bacterium is a living being with a living space. Viruses move on. They do not develop a habitat of their own, but develop further through changes in other living beings. They teach living beings to develop powers and initiate changes. The immune system also develops from this, and so it continues to develop. If our immune system is attacked, on a physical, mental or spiritual level, it is weakened. Then disease-causing bacteria and viruses can invade us. The balance on different levels is disturbed. Just as the Earth learned to develop an immune system against invaders, so every living being on Earth learns to develop an immune system to protect itself. It consists of experienced bacteria, which have become stronger and stronger over the course of time due to the changes and will continue to grow stronger and stronger. Parts of viruses that exist in our body are also part of our immune system. They store experiences and meanings of different viral diseases that we have experienced. This concerns all living beings that store experiences in themselves in different ways, develop further and pass on the experiences. We are in direct contact with all vibration fields in our environment. If our immune system is healthy, we can fend off break-ins. The system remains harmonious. But there is another level. Our mind decides who or what makes us sick and when, why and how we heal. This is the spiritual level on which we are connected to everything, including the Earth. Each bacterium too has its own immune system, in which its whole history as an individual and the history of the bacterial collective are stored. Our immune system reflects our common history of development on Earth. The spirit of the Earth decides how the journey of life continues. And how are new viruses created? Viruses infect living organisms and multiply in them. If the living being has enough strength to defend itself or has learned to get rid of them again, most of these viruses pass away. But some viruses remain strong. They have mutated with the information from the infested living being. Something new has emerged. These few strong viruses have unified with information about the living being they had infested. All the information about the illness overcome, the life of the sick person and the original virus are contained in these new viruses. They have become wiser. After the sick person has recovered, the new viruses are discharged to the soil, into the water or the air. The new viruses continue to exist. They want to develop. Everything that exists wants to evolve. They need experience. They find it in another life form they can enter. Because only through living beings do viruses learn about life on Earth. Their genetic information changes with the respective form of life which they invade and survive as a new kind. We breathe. The air is not empty. It is filled with life forms, bacteria, viruses, pollen, dust, toxins of civilization, physical and non-physical contents. Everything in the air is full of information. We breathe in all this information, add our lives to it, and breathe out again. We breathe in the state of man, nature, and of all living beings on Earth. The magnetic field of the Earth is disturbed. The elements on Earth are weakened. Climate change is not only making the weather chaotic. It is bringing altered information through the air. It brings chaos on all levels. Information exchange has become as chaotic as the weather. We have weakened our habitat so much that the corona viruses can have a powerful effect. The Earth wants to change. It is on the way to a new age. The spirit of the Earth decides when the pandemic will leave us again. Until then the viruses will learn and become stronger and stronger. The viruses and bacteria are servants of our spirit. They want to be in balance. This can be achieved on different levels. We have many possibilities. We cannot expel viruses from our lives because we do not really understand them. They are a powerful part of life on Earth. It may be possible to deactivate viruses through vaccination. They then pass this information on to later invaders: "There are already many of us here." So they're also part of our immune system, and they look after us. |
Copyright c June 2020 by Eva Kroth
Translated from the German
This text has been reproduced on 'Ascension Now' by kind permission of Eva Kroth.
See also (All Articles): Articles by Contributing Authors: Eva Kroth
Translated from the German
This text has been reproduced on 'Ascension Now' by kind permission of Eva Kroth.
See also (All Articles): Articles by Contributing Authors: Eva Kroth