Eva Kroth
The Interweaving of Time and Space
The Interweaving of Time and Space
In the astral world, time and space are flexible.
We are travelers of the universe, at home in many times. Why do we come to the physical Earth? How did we reach this decision for our life? How did our present life on Earth come about? The moment of conception. The right moment to begin our life. I am sitting at my desk writing. I open my astral eyes with my awareness. I perceive things with my astral body. It is a subtle body consisting of all the lived experiences I had in many earlier lives in linear time on Earth. As I sit here at the table in my physical body, my astral awareness opens up.
I find myself in the astral world on a plane of vibration that I will return to after the end of my limited time on Earth. My present “I” on Earth is like a small part of my astral personality. I can look at this “I”. We are separate and yet not separate. In the astral world, time and space are flexible. Past, present and future are flexible vibration spaces. I can visit any time in the past, present, and future and any place as well. In the material world, time and space are linked in a fixed relationship and are limited. I can see my earthly life in linear time before me, from the beginning to the end. I know it. I have shaped it myself on the astral plane, from my conception to my death. On Earth, in my physical body, I am not aware what my future will be like. But my life was already laid out as an energy pattern or template before I arrived on Earth. With my opened astral awareness, I can travel at any minute into the past and future of all my lives. I can tune into the time of my various lives and observe them. When I extend my view, I see how my life is interwoven with infinitely many other lives, with other human beings, with nature, with all living creatures on Earth at all times, today, yesterday, and in the future. I am also interwoven with the Earth’s timelines and its time-spaces. My view takes in the whole Earth now. I am part of the Earth, as we all are. Now I open up my awareness further and perceive myself as a spiritual universal being. I am in the light of the sun on a higher plane. It is a light world made of ideas. We are part of the idea of the Earth. It is our homeland as long as we commit ourselves to the idea of the Earth. We are also travelers of the universe, at home in many times and spaces, as part of infinity. And why do I come to the physical Earth? On the astral plane the knowledge grows in me that I should go into matter, into linear time. I know all life on Earth is finite, for linear time consists of limited periods of time. I plan my time period in contact with collective aspects. I gaze into an infinite weave of time-spaces interwoven with the lives and previous lives of humans, of nature, of the Earth itself with its time-spaces in past and future and the time-spaces of the sun, the solar system and the universes. I will stay unconsciously in contact with all of them when I live with partial awareness in a physical body on Earth. For my physical body will be a body in linear time. My subtle body composed of energy and my aura of light will continue to be with me outside of linearly bounded time. This applies to all life, including the Earth itself. While I am physically on the material Earth, my higher all-encompassing personality exists on the astral plane as part of the Earth, consciously connected to all living beings. We are a family here, the Earth family. I have brought this feeling with me into my present life on Earth. I observe the time period I have chosen for my present life. How did I reach this decision for my life? It arose through the glimpse into the future. The future drew me into linear time. It exists as a template of energy that pulls toward realization. This is what we call forward motion in time. I can see that the chosen time period is interwoven with a time period of the Earth, with its prehistory and future. I am not only interwoven with my past lives in a fabric of many experiences of many human lives, I am also interwoven with the history of the Earth and all its living creatures in the past, present, and future. Life on Earth generates energy for realizing the future. Time and space are flexible on the astral plane. We can slip into other times and spaces. We can meet the inhabitants of other planets and communicate with them. They live in other time-spaces but we are not separated from them. There are energy tunnels we can travel through. The inhabitants of our galaxy are not alien to us. We can communicate with them and learn from one another. We all see ourselves as inhabitants of the stars. Our galaxy, like other galaxies, is a living spiritual being and we are part of and in communication with all things. When we live on Earth in the dense matter of linear time we see our limited reality as the only truth. On Earth we divide time and space into sections. Seconds, minutes, hours – everything runs along the line of past, present, and an assumed future that we calculate according to our ideas of probability. Our earthly reality is limited to the space and time we can calculate. We are not aware that we also exist simultaneously outside our linear time in flexible astral time. Unconsciously, and at night while we sleep, we open up to our superconscious astral reality. We draw energy and awareness from the template of our astral and spiritual existence. In this way we connect with our future and past and nourish our life in the material world of the Earth, drawing our strength and ideas from the spiritual plane, the world of light. Our higher awareness knows the different spaces and times. We are actors of energy in the time and space of the material world. Now I am opening up to the spiritual planes behind the astral worlds, to the worlds of light. Light is the source from which all that exists is nourished with strength. No space, no time, and no individuality exist here. It is a source composed of light. Ideas are born here – ideas of separation in space and time, ideas of universes, galaxies, suns, and planets, ideas of forms of awareness. We are part of this source made of light. We are never separate from this source beyond time and space. Whether we live out our awareness on astral planes or on the Earth, we are never separated from this source made of light. If we open up our awareness to this source, we are connected to all that exists and to the infinite strength in all things. And we are able to realize that we are made of light. Our awareness is like a spark, not separated from anything or anyone. On Earth we see the sun as a fiery light and a source of heat. We know that our life on Earth depends on the sun. We have our theories about the Big Bang and the linear time of the sun. Now I open up to the light of the astral sun. The sun is a source of awareness. On the astral plane, light and awareness are not separated from each other. Light is awareness. We are in contact with the sun here by means of our awareness. We recognize the astral sun as our superconsciousness, which guides us. It gives us time and space for all our lives and life forms. For here we are in the time and space of light-consciousness. The light of the astral sun guides us on the path we want to take on all planes. The time-spaces in which we can move freely are time-spaces of awareness. They are not places, nor solid bodies, nor time spans. They are states of awareness. We become denser and expand with the sun. As separate beings we are children of the sun. As aspects of awareness separated out from the sun, we experience the separation from light in flexible time-spaces on the astral plane. And in a denser form on the physical Earth, we experience the separation from the light, and the sun, as something outside ourselves. In the astral world we are part of the sun’s consciousness. Every material life carries its experience into the astral world and the planes beyond, into the light of the sun. Our time-space on Earth is limited. Matter, as we know it, is limited by space and time. Whether stone, plant, animal, or human being, we are born and we die. The physical existence of matter is finite. The time span of the Earth, the sun, and everything we know in our galaxy, and even beyond it, is also finite. This is the view of the world from our limited time-space. But it is only part of the truth. All things are also in communication with the astral and spiritual planes, with the flexible times and spaces of our past and future. And how did my present life on Earth come about? I chose my parents on the astral plane, the time and place of my birth, the course of my life with all its happiness and unhappiness. My higher self also determined the manner and time of my death. I knew I would be born in a dark time – a time in which we would experience the material side of our reality in a particularly concentrated manner. But I also knew that I would experience a transition of the physical Earth with its living creatures into a new dimension. Now I go to the moment of conception of my life on Earth. With part of my astral awareness I enter a timeless space as if I were going to lie down to sleep. A vortex of energy arises. The template of my future life flows in a channel and concentrates vortex-like into the point of my conception. The conception is an explosion of light. The energy of a whole life condenses into a single point. Awareness in the form of the energy of a whole life whirls in a tunnel in linear time and explodes in matter. Until birth, in our mother’s body, we pass through a period of adaptation to our earthly space-time structure. It reflects the development of life on Earth. A sphere of light forms around the being that will be born. It nourishes the life energy of the life to be. It contains the whole lifespan and life force within it. The first breath taken at birth is like an act of fixation in the earthly space-time structure. The sphere of light, filled with the template of life, retains lifelong contact and communicates with the higher self on the astral and spiritual plane. A channel of energy in a vortex remains in existence as long as we live. At the moment of our death, the energy channel opens up beyond time and space, and the experiences in the material world flow into the astral body, expanding it and the whole world on all planes. And how do I know when the right moment will come to begin my life? At the moment the first breath is taken, the firmament, with the sun, the planets, and all the celestial bodies, is in a specific state and moves onward in the course of time. On the astral plane I am aware of earthly time. I know when the sun and all celestial bodies act together on the Earth in such a way that they will reflect my life on Earth. I know the movements that the sun, the planets, and all other celestial bodies will make in the course of my earthly life. I know my time. For the whole of my life, simultaneously with my astral body, I will be in communication with the Milky Way and the whole universe via the sun, the planets, and our solar system. At the moment of our first breath, the position of the sun, the planets, and other celestial bodies is fixed. The vibrations reflect my characteristics and the temporal rhythms in the course of my life. With the experiences of thousands of years, astrologers decode the vibrations of celestial bodies and their effects on my life. From the perspective of the astral plane, it is only a fraction of what constitutes human life. But it can provide a meaningful insight into the template of our lives and our developmental phases over the years. On each birthday the moment of birth is repeated and connects with a new timeline on an expanded plane. Now I am aware of my earthly body. For every life I have lived, I find an energy link to my body, my soul, and my spirit. My body is like an analog version of my multi-dimensional personality. My strengths and weaknesses are related to experiences of many lives, both good and difficult. All things are bound up in the life of other people, nature, and the Earth. I am part of an infinite weave of experiences in time and space. My “I” began at the very moment of the Big Bang, an “I” of light separated out of nothingness. Like all of us, I have a long journey behind me. As inhabitants of the Earth, we have become part of a linear time. It was a time of separation of spirit and matter to the point where we have become isolated individuals. Now we can open up our awareness and realize that we are part of the Earth, interwoven with it and the rocks, stones, animals, and plants in a web of time and space. |
Copyright © June 2013 by Eva Kroth. Translated from the German by Karen Margolis, copyright © 2015.
This text has been reproduced on 'Ascension Now' by kind permission of Eva Kroth.
See also (All Articles): Articles by Contributing Authors: Eva Kroth
This text has been reproduced on 'Ascension Now' by kind permission of Eva Kroth.
See also (All Articles): Articles by Contributing Authors: Eva Kroth