Awaken, Children of Earth!
Awaken, Children of the Universe!
Awaken, Children of the Universe!
Awaken, Children of Earth!
Awaken, Children of the Universe! We are all co-creators of our world. Through the medium of Love, shaped by our intent, we create the world around us. Love is the clay of existence. Thought is the moulding force. This power we have, to create our world, is the source of our greatest ecstasies - and our deepest sorrows. For with this power to create comes grave responsibility to create wisely. For too long we have abdicated this responsibility. Too long. We have given it over to others to make our decisions, to control our destiny. We have followed the path laid down for us by those who crave power and control. They fear free thought, for they know thought creates. They would have us see ourselves as puny, fearful beings, Incapable of existing without them. We have been misled. They don’t want us to re-discover how powerful we are. It is time to reclaim our Spiritual inheritance! Throw off the conditioning! Throw off the restraining dogmas that keep us from knowing our true selves. Awaken, Children of Earth! Awaken, Children of the Universe! We, as Spirit beings, have chosen to be here at this time, in this place To make a difference. Love and noble intent must be used to create a new world. A new reality. This is our challenge. To listen to our true selves. To listen to the Spirit that resides within us. To hearken to the Soul that whispers to us in our self-inflicted thought-prison. As Co-Creators of our world, of our existence, we can make this planet a shining beacon of Love and Light for all the universe to see. It is time to awaken! The time is NOW Author unknown |