A New View of Consciousness and Reality
Conclusion and Notes
Conclusion and Notes
A Supreme Intelligent Consciousness underlies reality. This Consciousness manifests all of the energy in the universe and provides the information necessary to create stars, galaxies, planets and life. In other words, it forms and directs the matter of the universe. This explains the creation of DNA and cellular structures which show clear signs of intelligence. It also explains how the mind can control brain and bodily processes.
Near-Death Experiences provide clear-cut evidence that after death, consciousness continues to exist. Our individual consciousness is part of a larger Consciousness and may experience union with this Source after death or while alive. Experiential union with this source consciousness is experienced in terms of love, light, and knowledge. Accepting the underlying consciousness, or intelligence, to the universe opens up a new paradigm. Not only is consciousness fundamental and eternal, but life begins to resemble a cosmic play in which every individual aspect of consciousness plays a part. The human body/brain allow our aspects of consciousness to experience the material dimension. As I have shown, however, the body is only a shell. Consciousness can disconnect from the body. Life, far from being a meaningless accident in a far off corner of the universe, serves a purpose. Since our individual aspect of consciousness is ultimately identical to the Source, we have created the material universe to experience. A vast body of knowledge from NDE's to LSD psychotherapy shows us that life is about spiritual growth and everyone serves a purpose. And indeed this makes sense in light of the new paradigm. Why would you create a universe that served no purpose? |
Because life is partly about spiritual growth and learning, evil serves a necessary purpose in the universe. Whether we like it or not, the sword of logic tells us that there can be no good without evil. Without evil, there can be no learning, no growth, no test.
What people need to learn is that there is nothing to worry about. Our ultimate home is in complete love and bliss, which we return to upon death. Even though evil exists on the material realm, we exist as multi-dimensional conscious beings capable of experiencing in many dimensions. We can connect with other dimensions while alive or after "death". Conversely, conscious entities from other dimensions may cross over into this one. The material realm is simply a dimension of consciousness. It is created by Consciousness and sustained by it. There are many more creations of consciousness which may be experienced. If nothing else, this new paradigm will help us to expand our ideas about what's possible. The true power, though, is that it empowers us. We, as co-creators of reality, have a duty to accomplish in the universe. We are all here to serve a valuable purpose. We need no longer fear death, for it is only a new beginning. Instead, we may embrace life and ask the universe to guide us on our journey. And all the while, we must know that no matter what troubles we have in this life, after it's over we will return to the Light. |
Note: Don’t miss another subject-related article by Daniel Neiman: 'Dimensions of Conscious Experience'
1. Meyer, S. C. 2009. Signature in the Cell. HarperCollins: New York, pages 102-103.
2. Ibid., p. 99 3. Ibid., p. 211 4. Ibid., p. 211 5. Ibid., p. 212 6. Ibid., pp. 107-110 7. Ibid., p. 362. This is based on William Dembski's work on design detection. 8. Ibid., p. 341 9. Dawkins, R. 2009. The Greatest Show on Earth. Free Press: New York, page 241. 10. Meyer, S. C., Ross, M., Nelson, P., and Chien, P. "The Cambrian Explosion: Biology's Big Bang." In Darwinism, Design, and Education. Ed. John Angus Campbell and Steven C. Meyer, East Lancing, MI: Michigan State University Press, 2004. Page 373. You can also find this article online here: http://www.darwinismanddesign.com/excerpts.php 11. Behe, M. J. 2007. The Edge of Evolution. Free Press: New York, page 86. 12. Ibid., pp. 90-91 13. Ibid., p. 91 14. Ibid., p. 91 15. Ibid., p. 89 16. Lommel, P. V. 2010. Consciousness Beyond Life: The Science of the Near-Death Experience. HarperOne: New York, page 247. 17. Ibid., p. 171 18. Broome, K. (Director). (2002). The Day I Died [TV Documentary] United Kingdom: BBC. 19. Lommel, P. 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Ibid., p. 22. 112. Ibid., p. 112. 113. Fowler, R. E. 1995. The Watchers II. Wild Flower Press: Newberg, page 342. Copyright 2011 by Daniel Neiman All rights reserved. Presented with the kind permission of Daniel Neiman |