Human Energy Field (aka Aura), including the Chakras
Every human being has an energy field around their body. Some people call it the aura, or the luminous energy field, or simply the human energy field. The purpose of this article is not only to prove the existence of the human energy field, but also to explore the function of our DNA, the interaction between DNA and the unified field, and the influence of the human energy field on that relationship.
Ultimately, if the science is indeed correct, this is a first step to health, healing, and possibly human evolution. “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”
~ Nikola Tesla Human Energy Field and DNA – The Origin of Health
In the Western world our doctors go through almost a decade of schooling, and in that time they become masters of human biology, anatomy and physiology. They become adept at understanding disease and diagnosing all forms of illness, yet in a large majority of cases, what is their prescription? Drugs or Surgery. All illness has a spiritual/energetic origin. When you do not cleanse your human energy field your energetic field becomes distorted, stagnant and impure. It becomes extremely imbalanced and charged with low-energy vibrations, which cause disease in mind and spirit, and eventually in our bodies. But why? The reason why this occurs is because one of the major functions of our DNA is that it receives and transmits energy. This has been shown to be one of the major functions of ‘junk DNA’ (which makes up about 95% of the human genome) which is what it was called before they understood what it was all about, but now it is beginning to be shown as the an essential component of our biology and DNA. One of the new discoveries in DNA, which Bruce Lipton talks about [see video below. MS], is epigenetic control, which means literally “above-genetic” control. Thus the new understanding of DNA is that the genes which our DNA codes is dictated as a response to the environment. In essence we are in a perpetual process of adaptation, which means that we have the potential for continuous evolution in our environment; moreover, spontaneous evolution. Bruce Lipton, Ph.D.
Epigenetics: The Science of Human Empowerment Published on Oct 27, 2013
Through the research of Dr. Lipton and other leading-edge scientists, stunning new discoveries have been made about the interaction between your mind and body and the processes by which cells receive information. It shows that genes and DNA do not control our biology, that instead DNA is controlled by signals from outside the cell, including the energetic messages emanating from our thoughts. He demonstrates how the new science of Epigenetics is revolutionizing our understanding of the link between mind and matter and the profound effects it has on our personal lives and the collective life of our species. More specifically, what is it that our DNA responds to in order to determine the nature of our environment?
Our DNA does not have eyes, or ears, so it cannot see or hear what is going on. Instead it determines the environment by ‘reading’ the energy. It receives energetic signals from the environment and interacts directly with the information and codes encoded within the unified field, reads them, and then our DNA codes and/or activates the appropriate genes suitable for the environment we are in. What do you think happens to DNA when the human energy field is all polluted by negative energies? To answer this question, we have to look to water. Consciousness and Water For a number of years Dr. Masaru Emoto from Japan has been doing some truly revolutionary work with water. What he is doing is researching the effects of human thought, emotion and intention (directed attention) on the structure of water. (The source for this section is 'The Hidden Messages in Water' by Dr. Masaru Emoto, which is a truly enlightening book.) His tests involve him sending specific thoughts to water (or getting others to do so), and then he flash freezes that water so that he can take a look at the crystals formed, and examine the relationship between the energy/thought/emotion sent to the water, and the crystals that are formed as a result. Amazingly he found that when positive thoughts, energies and words were directed to the water, they formed beautiful, highly coherent crystals. Whereas when negative, angry or hateful thoughts and emotions were directed towards the water, or in some cases with words directly, he found that there was no more coherent structure, and that the crystals froze with no sacred geometrical pattern. In other words, there was no coherence. This work proves two things: (1) That our thoughts and emotions influence reality directly; and (2) That the type of energy matters. What is going on with these water crystals is that when an individual thinks a certain thought, speaks a certain word, or feels in a certain way, their energy is oscillating the human energy field, which restructures the geometric patterns within space according to that energy. Then the frequency of our energy radiates throughout space (or it is transmitted non-locally – I truly have no idea) and it restructures the field in accordance with our energy, and this restructures the field – the space – around the water molecules because atoms are 99.9999% empty space. Then when the water is flash frozen, it freezes along the geometric pattern created in the space around its molecules by human thought, emotion, and intention. As we have seen from the images*, the highest emotions of love, kindness, joy and gratitude create highly coherent geometrical patterns in the field, which creates crystals that are truly perfect, beautiful and harmonic, and which resonate those emotions within us as we observe them. [ *see also : The Mysteries of Water. MS] Negative energies, on the other hand, seem to distort the natural structure of the field, vibrating the field in a discordant fashion, which creates crystals that radiate a sense of ugliness, imperfection, dis-coherence and, in essence, disease. If it is possible for water crystals to look sick, ill, and literally diseased, it is these ones. Perception So if our bodies are 75% water, and if our genes are bio-oscillating crystalline structures which read and interpret energy, and if we are 99.999% space, then how do you think the energies within the human energy field are impacting our DNA, and most relevant of all, our health? As I said before, the latest and possibly the cutting edge of genetic sciences, is working with epi-genetic control, meaning that our DNA and the genes which are coded are determined by the energy of our environment. Well, what determines our environment? It is not what is out there which has the greatest impact, it is our perception of what is out there. In other words, what we believe, think and feel to be true about our environment determines how we perceive our environment. So if we think the world is negative, it becomes negative to us. But the opposite is also true. If we live in a state of love, happiness, and inner peace, then we perceive our environment to be the same and thus what we attract is much different. The human energy field directly informs our DNA and is directly responsible for the genes coded, our health, any illness or disease which may appear in our body, and even our intelligence, memory and ability to heal is directly affected. All aspects of our lives are determined by the quality of our consciousness. The Phantom DNA Effect Another important piece of evidence that helps us to understand what is really going on when our DNA interacts with the unified field and with consciousness is known as the Phantom DNA Effect. It was discovered by Dr. Peter Gariaev, who put DNA in a tiny quartz container and zapped it with a mild laser. He then observed the DNA with equipment so sensitive it could detect a single photon. He found the DNA acted like a sponge and absorbed the photons, storing them in a cork-screw shaped spiral. After he finished his experiments he removed the quartz vial with the DNA in it and left. Yet to his utter amazement, when he returned to his lab he discovered that the machines were still detecting the photons of light spiraling in the same cork-screw spiral as if the DNA was still present, even though he had removed it from the machine! The spiral was visible for a further 30 days. (Source: p.160-163 of The Source Field Investigations by David Wilcock) What does this mean? I believe that we can safely make these deductions based on the evidence at hand:
As a continually growing body of information related to energetically driven evolution is suggesting, all the codes, imprints and information may very well be stored directly in the energetic field from which creation emanates; in essence, within light itself. And when we are young, or when our energetic fields are pure and unpolluted, our energy resonates most clearly with the universe in this state, causing an unobstructed communication between our consciousness and universal consciousness, and between our DNA and the field. When this communication is not obstructed, we become the epitome of mental, spiritual and physical health. If our emotions were negative or incoherent, that would disrupt the communication between the field and our DNA, and it is this above all which evidence is suggesting is the source of all disease. Whatever you choose to call the infinite energy density of the vacuum - the field of intention, conscious awareness, energy, the universal mind - the fact remains that the energy of space all around us is infinite. In other words, it is Love, for that is the highest energy for which we have a name. As Masaru Emoto’s work shows, the more positive, loving and compassionate the person’s energy, the higher the degree of coherence in the water crystals. Imagine what these positive energies do to our bodies, which are 75% water, and imagine the effect of that highly coherent energy on our DNA. When we align with this energy, with our Source, and thus with our Higher Self, we are embodying this energy, which clears all the negativity and energetic disturbance within us, manifesting health in mind, body and spirit. “Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it.
Match the frequency of the reality that you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy, this is physics.” ~ Albert Einstein |
Written by Brandon West, who is the creator of Project Global Awakening, a website dedicated to the research of a variety of scientific and spiritual disciplines and applying that knowledge to help you live an inspired life and change the world.
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This article is offered under Creative Commons license. It’s okay to republish it anywhere as long as attribution bio is included and all links remain intact.