A Need and An Ecstasy
Posted on April 16, 2015 by talk2momz
This entry was posted in Ida Lawrence
Posted on April 16, 2015 by talk2momz
This entry was posted in Ida Lawrence
There’s so much I don’t know, so much it would seemingly benefit me to know, and SO much knowledge available to us right now. Recently a friend showed me some of the spiritual/metaphysical videos he had been watching, and he remarked on the availability of such previously sought-after information. It’s true… some of this is treasure! Why is it now freely given to millions? In the past, people who wanted knowledge would have to first discover that there is such a thing, and then go through great effort to get to the location where that knowledge is, and once found, they would have to qualify to receive it. So ‘seeking to know’ would have to be the person’s destiny: can’t help it, born to do it, pulled to it in fact. Are millions of people being pulled now? I mean… Deepak is on Oprah! All that is required to learn about self-development, spirituality, metaphysics and so on, is an open mind and an Internet connection. The existence of today’s massive ‘all levels consciousness school’ points to the possibility that the information has a great and timely purpose. Why now? The outside global picture is catastrophic. It looks like our world will blow up at any minute, there’s pain and suffering everywhere: just thinking about it we could get lost in grief. So what are we thinking about? A growing number of people are turning their attention to the inside. For some it is to escape, for others it is to ease inner suffering, and for still others it is Spirit in action, or to make it completely clear: it is God acting upon the world. Do I actually propose that there is a divine force, in action now, working to affect the external world? Yes, I do. It looks to me like humans power the whole thing, and we are that force. Some have said that other-dimensional forces are involved, and it could be so. Nonetheless, whatever exists, we’re still the ones responsible for change. Every consciousness-related teaching will tell you that change to the outside has to come from inside. There is no other way since the internal is the cause of the external. Consciousness is the source of it all, and we are the highest form of consciousness in this world, so, welcome the growing interest in spirituality – imperfect as it is! Do we honestly expect the picture to change for the better any other way, other than from an inner change in the people? What needs to change? Basically, we face the problem of not knowing ourselves. Until we uncover and turn on the light inside, we will be blind… led around in our blindness by the lies and manipulations of people who perpetuate a system that cares nothing for life. For at least six thousand years we have believed that the power, responsibility for change, and the authority on how to act and to BE exists ‘out there’. It doesn’t. The more revolting the current system becomes, the more lifeless, deceptive and punitive it is, the more we withdraw our support and seek to find something else. It’s so cool to see that happening. What do critics say is wrong with self-development and spirituality? It’s weak, fantasy filled, full of charlatans and hustlers, self-indulgent, a tool of the new world order… and quite a lot more. An honest look will show you some teachers that are hustlers, some beliefs that are fantasy filled, some practices that are self–indulgent, some matrix dirtying up of what is good… so yeah, it is all that. But, there is also treasure, pure information, and love for us, whatever state we might be in. We are ever evolving, and right now we’re speeding up and taking a big leap. You can see it in the numbers and in the extraordinary information that invites us to give our inner life, the true Source and the true Force, some focused attention. No, I don’t think we all need to go and meditate for hours in solitude every day. We live daily life, going to the grocery store, going to work, moving through ups and downs, and dealing with things that arise. This is the playing field, where self-development and spirituality change the world through us. Here our intention is manifested: to extend kindness, and perhaps one day to offer our highest love, without conditions, to ourselves and to others. It matters… what we say to ourselves about ourselves, and the responsibility we take for knowing and loving what is within. It matters… what we say and do to others when we don’t get our way or when someone doesn’t respond as we wish. It matters… the attention we give to others who are in pain or who are in need of love. Everything matters and everyday life is spiritual. Mastery of our relationships and the intention behind our choices; this is the very deep and high spiritual trek that we’re all taking. Can we take it with faith in ourselves? By all means we can. So, let’s go back to the original thoughts about the knowledge we find online. It is vast, and sometimes it seems there are so many views. It goes all the way from your mind giving you karma if you step on a bug, to everything you do is God doing, to everything in between. If you’re searching, you’ll make your way to what resonates with you and what you can verify through your own experience. Trust in your intuition, take responsibility, and verify. Uncovering the universe within isn’t easy, but if you’re looking for the reason for your life, this could be it. Go with gratitude, for the treasure is available.
Image courtesy of : https://sargammishra.wordpress.com/tag/dna-activation/