Archangel Michael Speaks
Including an excerpt channelled through Edgar Cayce
Who is Archangel Michael? Edgar Cayce said that “Michael is an archangel . . . Michael is the Lord or the guard of the change that comes in every soul that seeks the [spiritual] way. Michael is the Lord of the Way—and in the ways of . . . bringing about things that make for the changes in the attitudes in physical, mental or material relationships, is the guide through such spiritual relations.” Michael is an archangel of change, of movement to higher consciousness, in thought as well as spirit. Cayce defined Michael’s role. Michael helps humankind to listen to the higher spiritual calling. Michael is not an entity or person, as we have a tendency to think about angels. He is a force, a vast spiritual energy—a divine intelligence. Rudolph Steiner believed that Archangel Michael is a harbinger bringing humanity to an understanding of the Christ within us. In 1917, Archangel Michael spoke through American psychic and author Nancy Fullwood and predicted the oncoming shift in consciousness from the material to the spiritual: “The old chaotic earth will fall into oblivion and a new earth, or state of consciousness, will rise. Dwell not upon material disaster, for this new world will be of such beauty and harmony that the old world will be forgotten in the joy of the new life. The children of light will not be conscious of the raging storm, for in their center there is peace. I, Michael, have spoken.” The four primary Archangels are: Michael, Raphael, Gabriel, Uriel. As Archangel Michael is 'Lord of the Way which leads to Christ', Uriel is the archangel of salvation, saving souls from the purely materialistic consciousness. Raphael presides over the forces of spiritual and physical healing in the earth. Archangel Gabriel is the angel of annunciation, resurrection, mercy and revelation. According to Rudolf Steiner, Michael is the leading Archangel. His responsibility lies in bringing souls to full awakening of the Christ Consciousness. It was the Archangel Michael, in Matthew 1:20, who appeared to Joseph, the husband of Mary, in a dream after he doubted her immaculate conception. It was Archangel Michael who helped prepare the way for the appearance of Christ on earth 2,000 years ago. It was Michael who served as protector of Jesus and his parents, manifesting at least two more times in the dreams of Joseph. On July 15, 1928, Edgar Cayce's group was in the midst of receiving a reading announcing the ideal and purpose of the Cayce association: “That we may make manifest the love of God and man”. Suddenly, Cayce made an unusual introduction . . . “HARK!” . . . “There comes the voice of one who would speak to those gathered here . . . ” Suddenly the voice of Edgar Cayce boomed out a message: . . . “I AM MICHAEL, LORD OF THE WAY! . . . GIVE HEED UNTO THE WAY AS IS SET BEFORE YOU IN THAT SERMON ON THE MOUNT . . . IN SERVICE WILL COME TRUTH!” When Michael’s message was given . . . Hugh Lynn Cayce (Edgar’s son) said, “The intensity and volume of this voice was overwhelming. Michael’s message was given with such force that I could hear the windows rattling in their frames in our home . . . and I could even hear the cups rattling in the dish-drainer in the kitchen. The vibrations nearly knocked us all out of our chairs.” Four years later, during a time of heightened spiritual unfoldment for the original Cayce group, Archangel Michael again came through as he had in 1928. Michael reaffirmed that it was our spiritual work which should always be our primary focus. “BE STILL, MY CHILDREN! BOW THINE HEADS, THAT THE LORD OF THE WAY MAY MAKE KNOWN UNTO YOU THAT HAVE BEEN CHOSEN FOR A SERVICE IN THIS PERIOD, WHEN THERE IS THE NEED OF THAT SPIRIT BEING MADE MANIFEST IN THE EARTHLY, THAT THE WAY MAY BE KNOWN TO THOSE THAT SEEK THE LIGHT! FOR THE GLORY OF THE FATHER WILL BE MADE MANIFEST THROUGH YOU THAT ARE FAITHFUL UNTO THE CALLING! FOR TODAY, WILL YE HARKEN, THE WAY IS OPEN—I, MICHAEL, CALL ON THEE!” Knowing that Cayce’s life was beset by many adversities, misfortunes and suffering, some may wonder why Archangel Michael wouldn’t solve his problems. The answer to this question was given as: “He that leads, or would direct, is continually beset by the forces that would undermine. He that endureth to the end shall wear the crown.” |