Our Gifts Are Unwrapping*
Part 1 ~ Shifting The Bones
By Joie Bourisseau
Part 1 ~ Shifting The Bones
By Joie Bourisseau
“Your task is not to seek for Love, but merely to seek and find
all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.” ~ Rumi Today I received a seasonal gift from my daughter, Jana. It was not just any gift. When I opened the box, a huge, soft glow of LoveLight emerged. While my heart was pounding with joy, the rest of my Being became totally still. Welcoming. Open. I asked my mind to silence itself. I was in awe with Love’s true essence this most precious moment was offering.
Jana had not communicated with me for over a year. I totally understood that she needed time to find her true self, away from her mother’s demands/perceived demands, both. I genuinely wanted her to give all the time she needed to unwrap ~ clear out any and all debris that was keeping her separated from her True Self. That was my gift of love to her; it was my mother’s gift to me, as well, when I, too, needed 18 months to hear ~ and trust ~ my own voice above hers. And, as it turned out, it was her gift to me, as well. This past year has been hard. Jana is my only child. She is one of the most open-hearted, caring, loving BEings I know. Of course I’m biased, but as an energy and healing facilitator, I also have a well-trained and finely attuned ability to discern the energetic signatures of Sacred Truth, Sacredly aligned Integrity and Sacred Love, from the core of our existence. Her choosing to give time to her unwrappings, gifted me with triggering my need to unwrap my own co-dependent/not-love expectations ~ not just with Jana, but within myself, and my life in general. Where/who else, besides our Creator’s LOVE, was I empowering? What are the rigid series of bones that are holding me hostage from being ALL THAT I AM? So, here’s the deal. I believe it does not matter what deck of cards we were given when we decided, as a Spirit Essence, to come to Earth. WE chose to come here so we could experience separation from Source, and then re-member how to return to the LOVE~LIGHT WE ALL ARE. It was not an accident, or fate, or karmic punishment from a ‘past’ life. WE designed this game of separation from Source. WE decided what cards/roles WE would play for each other, i.e., some of them would generate Great Love. Others would serve as triggers to bring out buried bones, or constructs of separation and limitation, we came to dissolve. WE are the only ones who can unwrap the not-love we’ve carried. WE are the only ones who can lift ourselves out of duality into Unity’s ONE HEART. Over these past 45 years since I was fully awakened, I’ve realized that talking to those arising constructs of not-love, and allowing them to tell me the nature of their discontent, breaks the bones that have locked them in. I’m still learning to LOVE them; JUST LOVE them. Their illusions will dissolve. Poof! It’s really that simple! Particularly at this NOW moment when WE are receiving such higher-vibrational downloads that are assisting us by amplifying ALL THAT IS and all that is not, our TRUE DIVINE NATURE. In that alignment, all illusions of duality and separation from Source are unwrapping and freeing ALL lower vibrational consciousness and energies that are unable to withstand those faster frequencies of our LOVE~LIGHT awakening itself. Here’s a thought: If our core essence is LOVE, how did we become so estranged with it? Especially since to me, LOVE sure feels a whole lot better than hurt and pain, anger and rage, judging, criticizing, condemning and blaming (ourselves and others), arrogance and self-doubt, fear, anxiety and depression … the list continues, but what they have in common is that they are all not-love. I believe the core nature of this game has been designed to keep us from knowing our hearts and our belly-hearts (gut feelings). Using just our minds has been probably the strongest ally to separation. From the get-go, most of us have been taught to “just think about it”. With a few exceptions, everything we’re taught directs us to use our minds, and stuff any feelings, intuitions or gut instincts, as irrelevant. We’ve covered our True Selves with packets of not-love all over our BEings. WE must break the bones of their illusion. WE have to free them, in LOVE, before WE CAN FREE OURSELVES. We’ve been trained to hold our uncomfortable constructs of not-love in a negative manner, i.e., we haven’t been given permission to express them. The moment something arises that touches that “NOT OKAY” button, we stuff them even deeper and become more defensive. Can we TRULY TRUST that the moment has arrived where it’s not only permissible to unwrap these discordant feelings, it’s vitally necessary in order for our AWAKENING/ASCENSION process to BE REALIZED. RADICAL TRUST
11th COMMANDMENT: THOU SHALT NOT SHOULD ENERGIES ARE FLOWING OR THEY’RE NOT ~ THEY EITHER FEEL GOOD OR THEY DON’T WHEN IN DOUBT, DON’T SURRENDER ~ LET IT GO to the GREATER GOOD OF ALL These are some of the phrases and concepts that I was given along the open-access highways to awakening the darker, more shadowy aspects of separation consciousness. They worked every time when I truly embraced them. Allowing the responses to present themselves freely, without my need to control the outcome, is a mandatory first step. At first, when I saw what I was normally doing didn’t work, and turned my attention to one (or more) of these thought-streams, my life began to flow more easily.
When I was strongly attached in my mind, trying to figure out if I “should” do this or that, employing “when in doubt don’t”, freed my mind from its struggle. If I couldn’t release the mind’s attachment, and added “Thou Shalt Not Should”, it was given another avenue to stop its wrangling, and just let the whole thing BE! Eventually the resulting inner feedback was so consistently right for me, I was able to trust the answer before needing to engage with the struggle. I’d like to call this game, “UNWRAPPING FREEDOM”. TRUSTING that ALL is truly unfolding just right, and there’s no “just wrong”, frees the condemnations we learned in order to keep Truth hidden. There are no victims. There are no survivors. There is no one to blame. WE ARE ALL OKAY JUST AS WE ARE!!! The common factor in all of these constructs of not-love, that have covered up the LOVE WE ALL ARE, is that they contract and constrict our Essential Self. OWWWW!!! OW! is another of my triggers for re-Membering it’s no one’s fault and there’s nothing to blame. When I find myself gathering up steam to blow myself, or another aspect of mySelf, off, I’m getting better at remembering: “they” are also a me. What part of myself wants me to listen? SLOWER is better; FASTER misses the mark. Where is my mind when I’m brushing my teeth? showering? eating? NOW is real; LATER is never. If not NOW, when? Most Indigenous First Peoples have, in their unique tongue, a phrase that reminds US that WE ARE ALL RELATED/I AM ALSO A YOU/I HONOR THE DIVINE IN YOU AS THE DIVINE IN ME/WE ARE ONE: Nikanisitook~Mitakyue Oyasin~ALOHA~In Lak’Ech~UBUNTU~Namaste ~With deep munay to US ALL~ Joie Bourisseau |
About the Author:
About me ~ I AM a self-realized, embodied participant with the Rainbow Councils of Love and of Light. I AM here on Earth, on behalf of our awakening humanity. I AM a Rainbow Bridge, activating, reweaving and re-aligning multiple realms and realities of energy and consciousness. I AM a Pathcutter, Navigator of Energy and Consciousness and a Wayshower. I AM a Rainbow Heart Warrior. I AM anchoring the vibrational essence of pure, compassionate, SACRED LOVE; I AM identifying, transmuting and reweaving
not-love into our ONE HEART. I AM an energy and healing facilitator. I AM an ordained minister in the Church of the Loving Servant. I AM a Guardian of the Crystalline Grid Matrix and Mother Earth’s Crystalline Heart Core Center. I AM an enrolled member of the Mackinac Bands of Chippewa and Ottawa Indians, Ojibwe Tribe, Anishinaabe Nation. Various aspects of my Earth Walk have been likened to that of a Shaman. I’ve earned all the letters I wear after my name. I have post-doctorates in the School of Life in the areas of: A.D.H.D., P.T.S.D., B.P. (bipolar), O.C.D., A.D.D.I.C.T. I have an athletic and dance background; I AM an artist, a writer, and in the Angelic Realms, am singing the Music of the Spheres in the 639Hz sacred tone of “FA”. (https://attunedvibrations.com/solfeggio-scale/) I AM an actor ~ all the world is my stage. In tandem with my born again, Divine aspect of my inner child, WE ARE united in myOUR Earth Walk as WE return Home. I AM Joie Bourisseau~J’aelle~Round Star~Mother of All. This is my Truth today. 12.25.17 |
*Selections from “MOONWALKING AROUND THE SUN: My Story of Waking Up as a Spirit Wearing a Bodysuit”.
Still unfolding. (All Rights Reserved 2017) Joie Bourisseau
Still unfolding. (All Rights Reserved 2017) Joie Bourisseau