When mob governs, man is ruled by ignorance; when the church governs, he is ruled by superstition; and when the state governs, he is ruled by fear. Before men can live together in harmony and understanding, ignorance must be transmuted into wisdom, superstition into illuminated faith, and fear into love. ~ Manly P. Hall
The Cross of Chains
As world events currently seem to be spiralling out of control, it is a reminder of how history repeats itself and raises the question of where mankind is failing and where we are heading. To those who have stepped outside the box, so to speak, and removed themselves from the daily programming that takes place in our modern lives, it soon becomes obvious that something is very very wrong. We as a people seem so far removed and ignorant of the natural laws our ancestors once held sacred. We have become programmed and brainwashed by a greedy minority of people, who have infiltrated our monetary system, our governments, our spirituality, via the creation of religions and wars, using the 'divide and conquer' tactic; a tactic used for thousands of years and one that can only lead to eventual destruction. Through personal research over the past 20 or so years, it became quite obvious that history is just that - ‘HIStory’. What we have learned in modern day schools does not necessarily represent the true facts and events of our ancient past. It is little wonder the ancestors once used oral stories with the aid of metaphors to protect their ancient wisdom, held sacred for thousands upon thousands of years, which all seem to tell a similar story of our history and origins. Many ancient sites and artefacts around the globe have been uncovered over the years, and prove beyond a doubt the existence of ancient civilizations and cultures. Yet so much of this evidence is silenced and never quite makes it to the mainstream media or public sector. The old saying, ‘those who win the war, write the history books’ couldn’t be closer to the truth of the matter. So why hide it? Is it a case of having to rewrite the books, or is it more a mechanism of control? Over the years I have been asked by a few [people], why concern yourself with history, when there is so much that needs tending to in our current day and age, in a world of dysfunction and greed? The answer is quite simple… When one can see the big picture, it is clear the ancients that lived via the natural laws, whether it be indigenous tribes, the Gnostics, the Cathars, the Celtic wise women, the shamans and witch doctors alike; these are the cultures and customs that have been systematically targeted and wiped out in the name of Religion, replaced with false concepts and a system of manipulated laws and agendas. Greater ancient knowledge, wisdom and truth can alter the minds of men and women, that mankind can form better social systems, free from all the competitive pressures that this present system holds. “Every truth passes through three stages before it is recognised. In the first, it is ridiculed. In the second, it is opposed. In the third, it is regarded as self evident.” ~ Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860) Modern Problems, Ancient Solutions There are remnants of the ancient lores still remaining, and many clues left behind in stone and bone. The indigenous cultures around the world were not savages, as has been portrayed to the western world. They were clever, fair and lived as communities. A wide understanding of celestial and astronomical knowledge was common among many. When a person fell ill, the medicine man would see to him without charge. Medicines came from the land, which holds cures for every disease known, just as our European ancestors did in the far gone past. Our current ways are to pay a doctor, who only knows how to prescribe chemical drugs made by the big Pharma companies, for a price, that usually create many other ailments at the same time, whilst making a minority a whole lot of money. In our modern western world we work to make the rich richer, whilst most struggle to make ends meet. We are taught to want this and want that and be jealous of those that have more. Many are trapped into ‘keeping up with the Jones’s’. Most no longer grow their own natural foods, which, if eaten on a daily basis, are the key to good health. Instead our time and freedom are given to those we are making money for. We are reduced to buying second grade vegetables and fruit (usually refrigerated for months on end and holding little nutrient value); most living off processed foods — the key to disease. The ancient cultures had a mutual respect for nature and each other, working together as communities. The young were taught by the elders, the elderly looked after by the younger. 'Modern society has us pay for our children’s education, which is not the basics of survival or natural laws, but how to make the rich more money. They know little about the universe and stars, little about hunting and gathering. Recent studies show many children these days, when asked where milk comes from, will answer ‘from the shop’, ignorant as to how the food chain works. They know nothing of healing through nature, but are taught to depend on the very ways that keep us enslaved to the system.
We are programmed through the television and media, shown how one should react in certain situations, rather than having a common law of respect for one anothers differences and beliefs. We are conditioned to be against our fellow man, instead of working together for a mutual goal of survival. This is done through violent video games, violent movies, magazines that show us how we should look, how to be envious, how to hate those of another race, creed or sex. We have become unconscious robots. Each and every day, more and more of our rights are taken away, so that soon, to go back to the old ways we would be ridiculed or even charged. Each day, more and more of the planet is destroyed by the mining companies and corporations, all for money. There are many ways to produce natural energies without harming the natural environment, but these are not revealed to us as there is little money to be made from free energy. Science has proven the healing properties of sound and frequency, yet again this is not common knowledge among the masses, although it was once common practice to the ancestors. So much knowledge about ourselves, our origins, our history, technology and such has been hidden from us and almost removed from the modern human psyche. Only when we shut down the external distractions and go within can we begin to broaden our awareness and see the power in the collective consciousness of man. It seems we are at a pivotal point in modern history, with the current affairs of the planet, the Middle East, the genocide, the racial hatred, religious wars and division, which are no different from the fear-based tactics brought against humanity in past upheavals – 'divide and conquer'. For the future of the planet, the future of all species, the future of our children and all who come after, may we become one tree with many branches, putting our differences aside, firmly planting our roots and standing strong and tall against the tyranny brought about by a greedy few. Love is the key. A Lesson from the Aboriginal Book of Wisdom
The following words from Boomba DJunebun are as fresh today as they were when he wrote them 30 years ago… Message to the People: “For thousands of years Australia was a timeless land where things stood still and very little change took place. The Aboriginal people were cut off from the rest of the world, unaware of all the things going on around the globe. Time had passed them by, whilst in other places great civilisations built up, and great civilisations were built up on the ruins of other civilisations. “It was a world of good and evil. Great and wonderful things were happening as humanity strived towards greater knowledge and understanding. Scholars traveled all over the world seeking knowledge in other lands, exchanges of cultures and ideas were taking place, it was an exciting world of new discoveries and inventions as mankind pressed ever forward. It was also a world of great and terrible things, as large armies clashed and wars swept continents. “Civilisation as we have it today did not come easily to mankind, for there was a price to pay. The price paid was the blood, sweat and tears of the people of the ages. Cultures clashed with cultures, there was religious intolerance, and whole races of people became wiped out from the face of the earth. “Food production also had its price, as it was built up on the slave labor of peoples. Small ships braved the winds and storms at sea to bring foodstuffs from other lands to their shores, and the seas took their toll in lives. Food also has its history: when you eat that slice of bread, don’t think that it was a white man invention; they were baking loaves of bread in Egypt thousands of years ago. That cup of tea you drink is not English; the people of India and China were drinking tea while the people of Britain were still living a stone age existence. “All races of the world have contributed something to this civilisation which we have today. Do you know that just over two thousand years ago, the people of Britain were just no different from any other tribal existence, roaming the land, hunting and fishing, the women gathering the things to eat which nature had to offer. They painted their bodies blue and had their own spiritual beliefs and culture. They also resented the intrusion of the civilised world; they stood on the cliffs of Dover, hurling down rocks and spears at the Roman Invaders, driving them away from their shores. But later still the Romans returned, and this time beat the tribesmen back, taking over their land. Civilisation had come to the British Isles; Britain had become part of the Roman Empire. The Iceni Tribe would not give up, and continually rebelled, until at last they were wiped out by the Roman legions. “As the British people became civilised, so Christianity came to Britain under the church of Rome, and as Christianity took a hold, so the Britons that wished to keep to their old ways of life and spiritual beliefs fled from the civilised areas to live on the heaths (an open tract of waste-land). The word ‘Heathen’ came into being, and the Christians would hunt them down, killing them off and burning their spiritual leaders at the stake. ‘Witch’ is a corruption of the ancient British word ‘Wicca’, which was a clever-woman. She was a midwife, healer and spiritual teacher, for the Britons were a Matriarchal society and women had great respect. The Christians gave the Wicca a bad name, and witch hunts took place almost up to this present age. “All these things were going on in that outside world and the Aboriginals were unaware of them." “Civilisation in those bygone days was much more barbaric than it is today. Religion was one of the main power bases by which peoples of the nations were indoctrinated and controlled by the powers to be. Religion has nothing to do with God: although the name of God is continually used, religion is only a form of earthly power. Religion has destroyed cultures and spiritual beliefs, and some of the greatest spiritual knowledge has become lost due to religion and the quest of empires. The greatest religions of this world today have reached where they are with the blood of peoples on their hands.
“Christianity over the ages has found that it has had to compromise; that is why there are so many brands of Christianity all over the world. Christianity has had to modify itself, but not Christianity alone; other religions have had to modify themselves also, but all in all, religions have not reached a full spiritual awareness and are still only groping in the dark. How could they, with their histories such as they are? “Religion, no matter what it is, aims to come to terms with evils and misfortune, and it does this by rites and ceremonies with symbolic meanings. The symbolic washing away of sin by the blood, sacrifices, the casting of sins upon a scapegoat. I do not like symbolism, it is not real. I do not like the word ‘religion’ — it conjures up in my mind all the terrible things of the past. I do not like to see people's cultures and spiritual beliefs destroyed and engulfed by powerful religions. “Spiritual knowledge belongs to ALL PEOPLE, as do the sun, the wind and the rain. It does not matter where the spiritual knowledge comes from, as long as it is reasonable and true, and helps people to understand the things beyond this earthly existence, and that it changes people's lives towards a better way of living. “To ask people to deny their spiritual beliefs and culture is to ask those people to deny the greater part of themselves. Aboriginals must hold on tightly to the best of their spiritual beliefs and culture, but must also realise that culture must grow, for if it does not, it will only stagnate and die. Spiritual beliefs and culture only grow by the discovery of new knowledge, and these discoveries of new knowledge make the culture stronger and determine that it shall survive. “What keeps a people together as a nation is the common history and spiritual beliefs of the people, and once these become lost or destroyed, the people have nothing to preserve their identity and have to adopt someone else’s spiritual beliefs and culture. This makes them just hangers-on to some other culture and peoples of that culture. “Aboriginals do not want a Christianity or any other religion with an added Aboriginal flavour. They want their own Aboriginal spirituality to grow into a greater spirituality, and to become something which is going to carry them into the future. “No longer are Aboriginals estranged from one another by the barriers of different tribal languages; the English language has become one of the major uniting factors. No longer do the vast distances of this land keep the people apart; the distance barrier has become broken down through modern transport and the telephone. Aboriginals can now write their own books and preserve the things they hold sacred, they can accumulate new knowledge and wisdom; the world is now open to them. The Aboriginals have become one people, and now seek a greater unity under their own God ‘Baiame’.
“Could it be that ‘Baiame’, in his wisdom, allowed this to happen, that you the Aboriginal people, his people, would become a ‘One People’, and a strong people? Australia had its humble beginnings, but now is the time that all must work together to make this nation of ours strong and encourage all nations of this globe to stand strong. “Now is the time for all races to look outward, and say to the other peoples of the world: We want to come to know you, and learn more about you, and we want you to come to know us and learn more about us….” ‘Message to the People’ from the ‘Book of Wisdom’ by Boomba Djunebun, 1988. Copyright The Baiame Cultural and Spiritual Advancement Association Inc. Reproduced by permission of the Baiame Cultural and Spiritual Advancement Association, with thanks to Aunt Minnie (Lenore) Mace. A Shared Responsibility Please watch this short video, produced by Rochelle Patten: mdbamedia
Indigenous knowledge of the land passed on from mother to daughter, and a call for all people to work together for the health of the forest and river. This video forms part of the Gunbower-Koondrook-Perricoota Storylines project, an initiative of Environment Victoria. |
About the Author:
Sonya van Gelder is a writer and life-long researcher of ancient mysteries. Growing up in Africa, New Zealand and Australia, Sonya gained a keen interest in the varied cultures of the indigenous peoples worldwide. With over 20 years of personal research into the ancient mysteries and esoteric teachings, she was further inspired when she journeyed to Egypt with renowned authors Robert Bauval and Graham Hancock in 2011.
Sonya’s continuing research has led her to many of Australia’s significant sacred areas and to working closely with Original elders. Feeling a deep connection to, and a mutual respect for, the Original elders and their stories, Sonya feels it is of vital importance to take a closer look at their ancient lore and explore its multi-level significance both locally and globally. Her findings point to an entirely different history of Australia and its ancient global connections, including Egypt, than the one that is ‘taught’ in official text books. She believes that it is essential that we unite to protect the sanctity of this lore and history, and the sacred sites that exhibit unique characteristics and hold many secrets within them.
Sonya is currently writing her first book, an exploration of the similarities in the symbolism and mythologies within our ancient mysteries worldwide, connecting many dots and helping to bring a greater awareness of significant truths about who we really are, and the esoteric wisdom and spirituality that was once a global understanding.
Sonya’s continuing research has led her to many of Australia’s significant sacred areas and to working closely with Original elders. Feeling a deep connection to, and a mutual respect for, the Original elders and their stories, Sonya feels it is of vital importance to take a closer look at their ancient lore and explore its multi-level significance both locally and globally. Her findings point to an entirely different history of Australia and its ancient global connections, including Egypt, than the one that is ‘taught’ in official text books. She believes that it is essential that we unite to protect the sanctity of this lore and history, and the sacred sites that exhibit unique characteristics and hold many secrets within them.
Sonya is currently writing her first book, an exploration of the similarities in the symbolism and mythologies within our ancient mysteries worldwide, connecting many dots and helping to bring a greater awareness of significant truths about who we really are, and the esoteric wisdom and spirituality that was once a global understanding.