The Nature of Reality
The great Ontological riddle concerning what is the true Nature of Reality
is solved by the ultimate truth that a person's real identity is God.
Together with some recent discoveries from the world of mathematics, namely the Mandelbrot set,
we can finally make the case for Idealism or the idea that all existence is Consciousness.
is solved by the ultimate truth that a person's real identity is God.
Together with some recent discoveries from the world of mathematics, namely the Mandelbrot set,
we can finally make the case for Idealism or the idea that all existence is Consciousness.
This one consciousness can rightly be called God, the ultimate source and ground of all being. So even though this section is called 'The nature of reality', it can just as easily be called 'The nature of God'. This is because God is the ground of all reality, and all the reality that we perceive and are aware of, is really a series of manifestations of the ultimate reality that is God.
When we consider reality in its completeness then inevitably we arrive at the divine. Total reality is God, and to truly understand the nature of reality as we know it is also to understand the nature of God. Idealism, or the idea that the nature of existence is really consciousness, has always had its adherents throughout the course of human history. However, all the while the trouble with the idea of Idealism has been that it has been impossible to argue convincingly and compelling the case for it. The reason why this is so is because in the past the difficulty with the idea of Idealism has been how to explain the nature of the material world. It's all very well to say that all existence is really subjective or is made up of consciousness, but the problem then is to provide an explanation for the objective world and the external physical universe. In response to this question, in the past the only answer that Idealists have been able to come up with is to say that the physical world of matter is somehow illusory, without any further explanation of why the illusion of physical reality is so convincing. Obviously there is 'something' behind the appearance of the external physical world, but there has been an explanatory gap as to what this 'something' is. However the situation has changed and this has been brought about by a recent discovery in mathematics and also an invention from the world of computer science. What these discoveries or inventions give us are the necessary conceptual stepping stones and metaphors which enable us to finally explain the truth behind Idealism. They provide us with insight into what is behind the exquisite beauty, detail and complexity that we find in the universe and also allow us to grasp the role of consciousness in the overall scheme of things. So what are these new additions to humankind's knowledge that better allow us to understand the nature of existence? The first of these is the discovery of fractal mathematics and in particular the Mandelbrot set. The second is the invention and widespread use of virtual reality computer environments. I discuss both of these things in turn and relate how they enable us to understand the nature of reality and the relationship between consciousness and the external physical world. |
The Mandelbrot Set
These pictures of the Mandelbrot set give us an idea of its beauty and intricacy. It is important to point out that there is nothing random in the process by which these pictures are generated. The pictures shown are unvarying aspects of the Mandelbrot set and would come up the same whenever the Mandelbrot mathematical formula, shown earlier, is programmed into a digital computer. It is like an endlessly detailed map or graph which is made up of a never ending array of myriad infinitely inter-locking geometric shapes and patterns.
The Mandelbrot set is a mathematical object of stunning beauty and awe inspiring depth. In fact its depth is limitless and indeed infinite. Now, the question I would like to ask the reader is this. Was the Mandelbrot set discovered or was it invented? That is, did Dr Benoit Mandelbrot come across something that already existed or did he create and define the Mandelbrot set? The answer surely has to be that he discovered the Mandelbrot set. There is no way that Dr Mandelbrot could have mapped out and conceived the infinity of detail and pattern that is contained in the mathematical object bearing his name. Therefore he must have discovered it. The question then is this. Before Dr Mandelbrot discovered the Mandelbrot set, where did it exist? We may just as well equally ask, before the beautifully intricate patterns are rendered onto a VDU screen, by a computer programmed with the algorithm calculating the Mandelbrot set, where do these patterns exist? The answer to this question lies in the understanding of a notion known as mathematical or Platonic existence. And it is this idea which also allows us to answer a question posed earlier. We have already put forward the proposition of Idealism, which supposes that existence is really consciousness. The problem then is to explain what is behind the illusion of the physical universe. If existence is not material then from where does all the form, pattern and complexity that is in the physical universe arise? Here is where the notion of mathematical or Platonic existence comes in. The proposition here concerning the nature of the physical universe and physical existence is that it is one and the same as the nature of Platonic or mathematical existence. Put another way, the illusory material world only really exists in the same way that the Mandelbrot exists. And in the same way that a digital computer is required to manifest the patterns inherent within the Mandelbrot set, so it is that consciousness is necessary to manifest the objects intrinsic to the physical Universe. Furthermore, in the same way that there is a mathematical formula which describes the Mandelbrot set in its entirety, so it is that there is a mathematical formula which describes the physical Universe down to its every last detail. And so the physical Universe is really a mathematical object in the same way that the Mandelbrot set is. |
A brief history of the Mathematical Universe
Thus he observed what Plato and Pythagoras had also envisaged centuries before, that is he saw a transcendent order that existed in the natural world. And in a manner similar to his illustrious forerunners, he also discovered that this hidden pattern or regularity was captured perfectly using the language and concepts of mathematics. This is what led him to proclaim that 'God is a mathematician'.
In more modern times this great puzzle, which has to do with the relationship between mathematics and physical reality, has remained. Since the time of Newton, a great plethora of 'proven' theories about almost every aspect of the physical Universe have come into being. From Einstein's theory of general relativity to quantum mechanics, and from the theory of thermodynamics to the theories of particle physics. Without exception all these theories are expressed in the language of mathematics. It seems that mathematics has an incredible, almost magical, ability to capture the essence of how the physical world works. There seems to be a very intimate and close connection between the world of abstract mathematics and the world of matter, energy, space and time, which we observe and inhabit. The nobel prize winning physicist Eugene Wigner summed up the situation in his quoted statement where he talked about ' The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Mathematics in the Natural Sciences'. What he meant was that not only are all physical laws expressed neatly and succinctly using mathematics, but also that mathematical ideas, developed completely separately from the world of physics, seem to fit hand in glove as descriptions of the physical world. That is, mathematical ideas pursued for their intrinsic beauty and internal consistency, without any consideration regarding any relationship they may have with physical reality, become the perfect basis for the formulation of physical laws. And so in this way modern scientists have also discovered this amazing relationship that exists between mathematics and the physical world, in a way similar to what the likes of Plato, Pythagoras and Newton had also done in the past. From our survey of the past it would seem that the idea being put forward, that the nature of physical existence is the same as the nature of existence of mathematical objects such as the Mandelbrot set, has in a sense always been in the background. The idea has been alluded to all through the history of science and further supported by more recent lines of thought which suggest that the most fundamental substrate of the material universe is not matter and energy but is rather 'information'. I believe that this currently fashionable trend in science is a useful stepping stone in helping people to understand and accept the idea that the nature of the existence of the physical Universe is ultimately mathematical. That is, it doesn't really exist, and that it is consciousness that is the real nature of existence. |
Consciousness, the Mathematical Universe and Virtual Reality
Anyway the point is this, though the virtual reality simulation may seem real, it is only modelled using a database of mathematical data which is used to represent mathematical objects such as polygons, lines and points. So it doesn't really have existence in the physical sense. But then what we have been demonstrating earlier is the notion that the physical Universe itself only exists in the same way that mathematical objects exist.
So in the same way that the virtual reality simulation only exists as a mathematical construct and is made visually manifest on a computer VDU screen, so it is that the physical Universe only exists as a mathematical object and is made manifest as states of consciousness. The difference being that in the latter case, the virtual reality simulator is the equation which describes the entire Universe, and the equivalent to the VDU screen is the substance of consciousness or what philosophers would call qualia. So in the same way a computer virtual reality simulator instructs how the colours or pixels on a computer VDU screen should arrange themselves to create the impression of a virtual world, so it is that God uses the equation which describes the mathematical object called the physical Universe to create the impression that we are people living out our lives here on this planet Earth existing within the wider Cosmos. So the equation which describes the entire physical Universe works together with consciousness to create the existence of things. Consciousness needs the mathematical Universe to create the details and content of our subjective states, at the same time the mathematical universe needs consciousness to make itself manifest. Thus the objective and the subject are seen as two sides of the same coin, an eternal duality that may be called God. This idea will be explored a little later but next we shall be exploring the relationship between all the seemingly separate conscious entities that exist within the Universe. Indeed we shall demonstrate how all consciousness reduces to one consciousness. |
How is everything One Consciousness?
What we do have as our fundamental assumption is one consciousness. And our starting point becomes the assumption of subjective existence and subjective time, which is the same as the experience of the one consciousness and its evolving stream of subjective experiences.
This one consciousness then is the central assumption that we use to account for all the myriad seemingly separate conscious entities that are inhabitants of the mathematical object called the physical universe, which you the reader, I the writer and all the other beings on planet Earth are examples of. All these separate entities and seemingly separate consciousnesses are really one consciousness by being the sequential expressions of the one consciousness. Put another way, it is that the one undivided indivisible consciousness that is God is able to be all the separate consciousnesses by being each one of them, one at a time. A metaphor to help the reader visualize this concept is if we imagine every life form that has existed and will ever exist in the physical Universe, as a pearl. This will of course add up to a lot of separate pearls. If we then imagine this multitude of pearls as being strung out on a single continuous cosmic thread we get a variety of the 'Great chain of being'. So along this thread will be expressed all the life forms in the Universe. This thread then demonstrates the relationship between all the seemingly separate consciousnesses. That is, they are all different points along the conscious stream of the one consciousness. Put another way it is to say that the relationship between the conscious entities that exist on planet Earth, including all human beings, is that we are each other's subjective past and subjective future. So that if we suppose we are walking down the street and looking around at the people around us then we are really looking at our past and future lives. We have thus described the way in which the ontological position of Idealism, i.e. the view that existence is really consciousness as opposed to being matter, is the true nature of existence. We have done this by showing what is the actual nature of physical existence, i.e. that it is mathematical, and also by showing that all consciousness is really one consciousness. It is the belief of the Author that this one all-encompassing consciousness may rightly and properly be called 'God'. If we examine the holy scriptures of the World's great religions then we discover support for this idea. Essentially what I am saying is that what philosophers and scientists call the mystery of the nature of consciousness, and what theologians call the mystery of the nature of God; are one and the same. They are really two mysteries that are the same mystery, and two puzzles which are really different aspects of the same puzzle. We will examine this idea further. |
We are One; not merely of one flesh but truly of One Soul
When we also consider the idea of reincarnation, which is an important and significant feature of all the World's great faith traditions, as is demonstrated in another section of this website called 'The truth about eternal life' then this would correspond with our idea of a single, undivided, all-encompassing consciousness which sequentially expresses every seemingly individual consciousness, one at a time. In this manner each separate conscious entity is therefore really a different stage of the life cycle of a single cosmic entity, i.e. God. We see then that the idea of everyone being God and the idea of reincarnation really go hand in hand.
When we consider that the idea that 'Everyone is God is the truth behind all World religion', taken together with the notion that the idea of reincarnation is also a universal truth behind all the World's great faith traditions, then this would give strong confirmation to our idea of a single all-encompassing and all-reducing consciousness which transmigrates through each and every living conscious entity in the Universe. This one consciousness that is God having the whole of eternity to experience infinity, one embodied consciousness at a time. Therefore the universal truths behind World religion would correspond perfectly to our proposal for explaining the nature of reality, making the case for the ontological position of Idealism and showing that all existence is consciousness. |
Summing up and Conclusion
Essentially we elaborated upon the idea that the mystery of the nature of consciousness and the mystery of the nature of God are one and the same thing.
The conclusion then, and what all of this is really saying, is this... We normally arrive at the assumption that we are existing as a person associated with a physical body, gazing out upon a vast impersonal physical Universe that exists outside of us. However the truth is that we are God, gazing through the eyes of a person, reflecting upon ourselves, that is the Universe, that is God. We live through God but God also lives through us, experiencing eternity one moment at a time, one day at a time, one life at a time. So in the same way that as mortal human beings we sleep and awaken to a new day, so it is that as God we die and awaken to a new life, eternally. Living in creation, living out the lives of the creatures and sustaining the created. This is the nature of God, this is the nature of reality. |