Eva Kroth
The Devil Speaks
The Devil Speaks
All that glitters is a temptation, enticing you to see material values and to trap yourselves in illusion.
I polarize. I offer you the mirror in which you can see yourselves as a self-image or as an image of creation. The choice is always yours and I help you to choose. I always hope I am tempting you to embrace material things so that you lose your way and move around a great deal. Movement is fun and pleasurable. I drive everything apart. I drive men and women apart. I drive thoughts and feelings apart. I drive a wedge into everything that is unified. In doing so, I create the basis for love, because otherwise you would no longer know the yearning for unification. With my help you can unite in yourselves what I have driven apart. I am a light-vibration that polarizes. It is pure movement, a wave, but you form me in the figure of the devil. Other cultures give me a different form. I create the basis for love and use evil to set everything in motion. Without my motion everything would stand still and nothing would exist. I revel and take pleasure in destruction, in everything evil, for that is the beginning of change. Without my impetus there is no development, only standstill. I change with the elements from solid to fluid or to gas, to all the forms in which I can cause trouble. I am a driving force for all things. I am the light impulse of motion without a body. I appear in gold, in precious stones, in illusion, in destruction. I laugh at your mistakes. I take pleasure in destruction because it means I have done my work well. I am the operator in the guise of the devil or evil. My energy is God. I am God. I am light and shadow in one. I am motion and counter-motion as a devil and angel in one, but we separate ourselves, for we are the energy of motion. Our motion gives rise to matter and your growth in matter. Do not fear evil, for fear brings rigidity. Behind evil is light. You are light, you are God. When good and evil meet, there is love. Life is motion. As if charged with positive and negative energy, it is electric and magnetic, it is the symbol of good and evil. Accept the evil in yourselves so that there is no imbalance inside you. Evil has so many faces. If you absolutely want to be good it assumes other forms. Then you push it into your subconscious mind or into your night. No human being has more or less evil, just as every human being is electric and magnetic. For some people evil is present, for others past. Time has no influence on the divine unity that is within you. As inhabitants of the Earth and as participants in its well-being, you are all in harmony with the Earth even if you harm it. Even the elements of the Earth can be evil and can torture and kill you. Then the elements assume the role of evil. The elements also do that for me. They kill and torture you, and they also do it for me. They keep you alive and their power to kill and to give life is also your power. Everything is interaction. We are all an idea of creation, and we assume a form, we live, communicate with one another, we kill and we give life, we die and are reborn. That, too, is motion. I am separation and your highest servant. United in light, you are God and need no servants. For you create all things yourselves. Your most beautiful choice is vibrating between separation and unity. Then you are motion and unity in one, active and passive, man and woman, good and evil. You can move in the course of your life and you can move in each second. Then you are in the flow of life. The deep inner value of life is hidden in the depths of the Earth. You extract gold and precious stones from the depths of the Earth to understand the value of life unconsciously. You confuse the value with the material value of gold and precious stones but unconsciously you know about the value of your life on Earth. You can recognize the value and beauty in all things around you even if they seem hidden. Their concealment makes you seek and sets you in motion. Thus the light is hidden behind the darkness and the good behind the evil. |
Copyright © Eva Kroth. Translated from the German: Karen Margolis, copyright © 2015.
This text has been reproduced on 'Ascension Now' by kind permission of Eva Kroth.
See also (All Articles): Articles by Contributing Authors: Eva Kroth
This text has been reproduced on 'Ascension Now' by kind permission of Eva Kroth.
See also (All Articles): Articles by Contributing Authors: Eva Kroth