Sacred Geometry :
The Spiral and the Holographic Matrix
Adapted from an article by Ronald Holt, Director, Flower of Life Research : August 2000
The Spiral and the Holographic Matrix
Adapted from an article by Ronald Holt, Director, Flower of Life Research : August 2000
In Genesis it says, "The spirit of God [Pure Principle] was stirring above the waters [quantum fluidity] … Let there be a firmament [Geometric Holographic Matrix] in the midst of the waters …" Could it be possible that Genesis was referring to the quantum fluidity (feminine principle) of the holographic matrix? In contrast, the geometric holographic matrix (the masculine principle) may then be an analogy for the firmament, which was created from the waters. From quantum fluidity then, came the holographic matrix or the blueprint of form. This blueprint is geometrical in nature.
See : 5) The Triune Principle of Reality: Going Beyond Sacred Geometry : Let us examine the three principles of reality that form the trinity of creation.
See : 5) The Triune Principle of Reality: Going Beyond Sacred Geometry : Let us examine the three principles of reality that form the trinity of creation.