Clips and Quips from Astrological, Mayan-Galactic
and Higher Vibe Perspectives for FREEDOM day
By Joie Bourisseau, Contributing Author
and Higher Vibe Perspectives for FREEDOM day
By Joie Bourisseau, Contributing Author
BE an EVOLutionary
SHINE Wizard Academy [clip] "BELOVEd Friend and Fellow Traveler,
Deep Breaths…The Storm has arrived…Within the realm of the UNIVERSAL order of Natural Time, as of July 26th, 2020 (Magnetic Moon Day 1, Kin 119 Blue Lunar Storm) WE are entering a Galactic year GUIDED by the Blue Storm known as ‘The WorldChanger’ who holds the power of SELF-GENERATION. Take note of the reference to ‘Self’ for it is an invitation to recognize the DIVINE virtue of BEing a CATALYZING agent of your own EVOLution and therefore the EVOLution of the planet. The old narrative conditions US to believe WE are at the whims of fate, being tossed about by the winds of CHANGE. The new paradigm REFLECTS WE are CO-CREATORS with ONE ANOTHER. WE ARE DREAMING our reality into BEing. Dear ONE, it is time to DREAM A NEW DREAM… Place your feet firmly on Mother Earth and place a hand on your heart, for the rEVOLution is here! Blue Storm will take you on a PROFOUND journey of Self-REALIZATION as you continue to shed the habitual ways of BEing that are holding you back from ALIGNing with your full potential. ... " [end clip] ..................................................................
[clip] "Astronomers are predicting a unique celestial event on July 4th called a planet parade, when planets line up in a row in the same area of the solar system. All the planets – Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto will line up on one side of the Sun at the same time. The planets are arranging in a direct vector momentum into space that opens a gateway to a higher dimensional timeline." [end clip]
FULL MOON LUNAR ECLIPSE, July 4th-5th, 2020
Another Frequency Shift of the Heart ~ July 4, 2020 ~ LOVE HAS WON This is all connected to your ASCENSION. That is BEING your eternal DIVINE Self through form. MASTERY of Form. Completed your Earth schooling. Being the Divine Cosmic God Self, that you already are, through the process of the HEART Unification, in the here and now.
In love we ACTIVATE YOU. In joy we celebrate NOW. Blessing all of YOU, through Love. ..................................................................
via GOLDEN AGE OF GAIA [clip] " ... This blast or pulse from Source happens when the lowest density planet in the universe (Earth) has reached a new level of sustained higher frequency in the majority of the population. This blast of codes, light and energy comes forth from Source and touches everything that has been created. There is no space left untouched by this signal." [end clip]
Rainbow Wave of Light ~
YOU ARE ALL EXTREMELY POWERFUL BEINGS [CLIP] " ... Truly, the collective awakening of humanity is very close, and so it makes the most sense for you to prepare to celebrate rather than to worry yourselves unduly by attempting to guess what will happen next, either locally or globally. You do know that the divine plan is unfolding perfectly, the only possible way for it to do so, therefore continue to set the intent at least once daily to be only loving whatever arises. When you do that you open your hearts to invite Love to enter, which It does immediately, and then It flows powerfully into your energy fields to interact most beautifully with the energy fields of anyone about whom you think, even only momentarily, and of course also with anyone to whom you talk, text, Zoom, or meet in person in order to commune, uplifting and inspiring them as they feel the loving energy surrounding you and which is enveloping them in those moments of togetherness. [END CLIP]
by the ARCTURIANS ~ NATALIE GLASSON (Direct Channeling) ..................................................................
ERA OF LIGHT [clip] "Beloved masters, as the multidimensional expressions of change swirl around you, and time compresses and expands at an ever-accelerating rate, you must learn to go with the flow in order to exist in a state of ease and grace. As all of you have experienced to one degree or another, life on Earth has changed drastically […]
What was the norm in 3rd and 4th environment no longer applies as you move through the more refined levels of Creator Light. We will address some of the major issues of the times to give you a greater understanding as to how the newly emerging collective consciousness of humanity compares with the old mass consciousness beliefs that have prevailed through thousands of past years. Your relationship with self: In the past your ego-desire body was primarily in control of your daily existence, and your Soul Self was the small voice of conscience that you most often ignored. Tradition, religious beliefs, obligations and duty were instilled at an early age, and you were taught to believe that what other people thought of you was of greater importance than what you thought of yourself.... Now you have learned to turn inward for validation, inspiration and guidance, because you have had what is termed a Soul-Merge, and you are connecting to multi-facets of your Higher Self. In the process, you are integrating various amounts of pure Cosmic Light Consciousness, which assists you to release all outmoded concepts without guilt as you integrate the new higher truths that are coming to you at an astounding rate. " ... Worship is not reserved for one day, for you live your spirituality each and every moment of every day. You live each and every day as a Master by monitoring your thoughts and actions. You know that your intent must be pure, for you are responsible for each and every miniscule atom of energy that you send forth. You practice discernment, and you are constantly monitoring the beliefs that you allow to take up residency within your Being, for you know that within the Truths you claim as your own are the rules you must live by. ... " [end clip] ..................................................................
Word for the Day ~ Gratefulness .org
"The function of freedom is to free someone else." ~ Toni Morrison ~ ..................................................................
With Great Gratitude, Love and Blessings with US ALL ~ Joie |
About the Author:

About me ~ I AM a self-realized, embodied participant with the Rainbow Councils of Love and of Light. I AM here on Earth, on behalf of our awakening humanity. I AM a Rainbow Bridge, activating, reweaving and re-aligning multiple realms and realities of energy and consciousness. I AM a Pathcutter, Navigator of Energy and Consciousness and a Wayshower. I AM a Rainbow Heart Warrior. I AM anchoring the vibrational essence of pure, compassionate, SACRED LOVE; I AM identifying, transmuting and reweaving not-love into our ONE HEART. I AM an energy and healing facilitator. I AM an ordained minister in the Church of the Loving Servant. I AM a Guardian of the Crystalline Grid Matrix and Mother Earth’s Crystalline Heart Core Center. I AM an enrolled member of the Mackinac Bands of Chippewa and Ottawa Indians, Ojibwe Tribe, Anishinaabe Nation. Various aspects of my Earth Walk have been likened to that of a Shaman.
I’ve earned all the letters I wear after my name. I have post-doctorates in the School of Life in the areas of: A.D.H.D., P.T.S.D., B.P. (bipolar), O.C.D., A.D.D.I.C.T. I have an athletic and dance background; I AM an artist, a writer, and in the Angelic Realms, am singing the Music of the Spheres in the 639Hz sacred tone of “FA”. ( I AM an actor ~ all the world is my stage. In tandem with my born again, Divine aspect of my inner child, WE ARE united in myOUR Earth Walk as WE return Home.
I AM Joie Bourisseau~J’aelle~Round Star~Mother of All.
This is my Truth today. 12.25.17
I’ve earned all the letters I wear after my name. I have post-doctorates in the School of Life in the areas of: A.D.H.D., P.T.S.D., B.P. (bipolar), O.C.D., A.D.D.I.C.T. I have an athletic and dance background; I AM an artist, a writer, and in the Angelic Realms, am singing the Music of the Spheres in the 639Hz sacred tone of “FA”. ( I AM an actor ~ all the world is my stage. In tandem with my born again, Divine aspect of my inner child, WE ARE united in myOUR Earth Walk as WE return Home.
I AM Joie Bourisseau~J’aelle~Round Star~Mother of All.
This is my Truth today. 12.25.17