The Future is Quantum
An interview with Lee Carroll (channel for 'Kryon')
February 2017
The MOON Magazine
An interview with Lee Carroll (channel for 'Kryon')
February 2017
The MOON Magazine
I stumbled upon the Kryon books about 10 years ago, when a family emergency prompted me to deliver all of my beloved spiritual books to my brother, and I then found myself with nothing inspirational to read… except for three books in my husband’s collection, all by someone named Kryon. (Book One: The End Times; Book Two: Don’t Think Like a Human; Book Three: The Alchemy of the Human Spirit).
I’d never heard of Kryon before. Yet I found the books so meaningful, they literally changed my life. In them, Kryon said that human beings “had passed a marker”, were not going to destroy themselves or the planet, and that they could, in fact, help heal the Earth with their consciousness. Empowered by the notion of change that was within my power to effect, I sought out an indigenous elder for shamanic training and subsequently completed the Inca Medicine Wheel, another shamanic training program. Events of the last year (2016) were so troubling, however, from our toxic national election to the bad news about climate change, species extinction and armed conflict across the planet, that I wondered whether Kryon was still optimistic about humanity’s future. So I picked up the most recent Kryon book, The Recalibration of Humanity, channeled in 2012 and 2013, and found out that, indeed, he is. Although Kryon doesn’t grant media interviews, [Lee] Carroll was kind enough to speak on his behalf for readers of The MOON. Carroll is the first to acknowledge that the information that comes through him from Kryon is not his (Carroll’s) own. Carroll has no training in physics, or even metaphysics, except that which he has received during the last 26 years through Kryon. Like me, Carroll has found the information profound and meaningful, and much of it has been subsequently confirmed by scientific discoveries and world events. Yet Kryon emphasizes that his teachings are not prophecies. They are readings of potentialities made likely by our own - human - advances. For this, Kryon congratulates us and reminds us, shocking as it seems, that humans are dearly loved. Carroll has now published 16 titles, including 3 books on The Indigo Children, and nearly a million copies of Kryon books in 24 languages worldwide (Spanish, French, German, Chinese, Hebrew, Danish, Italian, Greek, Korean, Hungarian, Bulgarian, Russian, Lithuanian, Latvian, Japanese, Dutch, Finnish, Slovene, Estonian, Indonesian, Portuguese, Romanian and Turkish). He travels around the world to channel Kryon to gatherings of hundreds and sometimes thousands of people. For readers who would like to know more, thousands of hours of additional channeling are available on the Kryon website and in the Kryon books. – Leslee Goodman The MOON: Who, or what, is Kryon?
Carroll: Kryon is a multidimensional, non-physical entity; an angelic entity. Look, I’m an engineer, and 27 years ago when Kryon approached me and wanted to speak through me, I fought it. I didn’t want to become known as some airy-fairy New Age person, some “channeler”. Engineers are based in logic. I also didn’t want to be “taken over”, or, in other words, leave my body while Kryon used it. But eventually Kryon won me over because his energy is just so powerfully loving. The love I felt from him was undeniable. Plus, he assured me that he would respect my wishes - that logic, evidence, would be provided and that I could stay present. We would “partner”. That’s what he calls me, his partner. I’m referring to Kryon as “he” primarily because I’m a he, so when Kryon speaks through me he sounds male, and because our language doesn’t have a gender-neutral pronoun other than “it”, which typically refers to inanimate objects, and Kryon is not inanimate! However there’s no gender on the other side of the veil, and Kryon’s information - his voice, his energy - are well-balanced between masculine and feminine. In fact, Kryon often refers to himself as a “collective”. Kryon said he chose me as his partner primarily because I agreed to this “assignment” before I was born. I “had a contract”, as he says, a life task, but, like every human, I also have free will. I could have chosen not to do it. Kryon said his other reason for choosing me was that I had no former training - or interest - in metaphysics, which meant Kryon wouldn’t have to overcome my own opinions and biases - except, of course, the bias that I didn’t want anything to do with channeling. It actually took over three years for me to understand and agree to our partnership. The MOON: Kryon always introduces himself as “Kryon…of Magnetic Service”. What does he mean by that? Carroll: It’s only been in the last decade that I’ve been able to really understand that. The “service” part is easy: Kryon communicates in order to be of service to humanity. He begins and ends each message reiterating how much humanity is loved - throughout the cosmos - a fact that is hard for most of us to accept. But Kryon’s one recurring theme is that love is the most powerful and pervasive force in the entire Universe. It can also be referred to as consciousness. It is responsive, benevolent energy that fills the space between electrons, atoms, molecules, and intergalactic space. It is literally the "stuff” that holds everything together. We’re all embedded in it. Kryon often says that love is not being recognized for its power and is not being used by us correctly. That’s why he is communicating with us now - to help us understand the necessary balance between spiritual and scientific thinking. He says that science - indeed, humans - are limited by three-dimensional thinking, but the universe is not limited to three dimensions. It is multidimensional. “Magnetic” refers to the magnetic grid, which Kryon tells us is necessary for life on the planet. Our planet’s magnetic field was placed here for our health - and for our spiritual evolution. He says to look around - and not just in our own solar system; not all planets have magnetic fields. Kryon says that those that do, often have life - or have had life, or will soon have life. He also reminds us that our brains use electrical impulses to communicate, and that our entire body - from nerves to muscles - functions electrochemically. This means every organ in our bodies is magnetically charged (polarized) and sensitive to outside fields. This is a reason that humans should shield themselves from artificial magnetic grids, which are all around us because of our ubiquitous use of electricity. I’m telling you this to illustrate that Kryon’s message about magnetics having a biological function is not esoteric. Other scientists - such as those at the Global Coherence Initiative - are investigating the interplay of magnetics on human physical and emotional health. The magnetic field also responds to our spiritual evolution, which is why the progress we have made throughout history has recently caused shifts in the magnetic grid, which will further accelerate our spiritual evolution. Although our science can readily demonstrate the electromagnetic properties of our bodies, it is just now progressing to the point that it can demonstrate the connection between magnetics and spirituality, as well. Kryon says that a major part of the “service” he provides is to adjust the magnetic grid to honor and now accelerate our evolution. According to Kryon, the spiritual sciences of the universe are logical, predictable, and are based on numbers and formulas that always work. They involve a marriage of the physical and the spiritual, and proper implementation brings about consistent, observable results. In fact, Kryon says that “the Creative Source is the master physicist of the universe”. Kryon is here to help us grasp these things and says that our science will leap forward in a spectacular manner when we achieve this balance. One more point about magnetics: Kryon says we have absolutely enormous raw power resources in the magnetic fields of our planet. All the energy we’ll ever need is there, as well as the secret of massless objects using the magnetic grids. But Kryon says we will not be able to understand how to tap this power with only three-dimensional science; it must be quantum science balanced with spirituality. Moreover, we won’t be permitted to develop these resources until we evolve our consciousness - our compassion, our ability to love - so that we won’t immediately weaponize them. The MOON: This is “the quantum issue” of The MOON, but quantum has several meanings. How does Kryon use it? Carroll: Kryon uses the term “quantum” to mean “multidimensional” and also to refer to energies that are responsive to attention - particularly human attention. Physicists commonly referred to this as “the observer effect”, from the famous experiment - duplicated many times - that light responds differently when observed - and the greater the amount of observation, the greater the influence. Much of Kryon’s message involves getting humans to realize how much influence we have over physical circumstances and conditions. This is a quantum attribute. One of the things I’m most excited about is Kryon’s explanations of the quantum attributes in our own DNA. Geneticists have identified the roles played by most of our DNA, which either encode proteins, or have other biological functions. However, there are components of DNA whose role science has not yet been able to determine. These were at one point labeled “junk DNA”, but Kryon says this portion of our DNA has multidimensional, quantum attributes, and also contains the blueprint of the perfect human, the blueprint of our divinity. Kryon will explain this in his next book, but a partially quantum DNA implies that we can do quantum things like slow our aging, heal ourselves, regenerate limbs as starfish do, see our own magnetic fields, or auras, and so on. Kryon isn’t the only one talking about quantum attributes, or quantum possibilities, in this way. I’ve already mentioned the Global Coherence Initiative, a project of the HeartMath Institute, which examines all kinds of evidence, including the fact that there’s a huge magnetic field around our heart. It’s something like 100 times the field around our brain. Magnetic fields are malleable; they’re sensitive to energy; they also create a field. Kryon says that the overlapping magnetic fields of the human create an energy field far larger than we’ve ever imagined. Dr. Joe Dispenza is another researcher in this area. He says that our genes are as malleable as our brains - they are always in flux and being influenced - and that our attention and intention influence both. Researchers like these, along with Bruce Lipton, Gregg Braden and Rupert Sheldrake, are studying coherence, what they call “the Field”, which is more evidence of the shift that Kryon refers to. Across the globe, people are recognizing their connectedness, rather than warring over our differences. Kryon says that the magnetic grid, and other attributes of the planet, are designed to help us in this transition. So this whole idea that humanity is developing an increased consciousness is starting to be validated from so many fields of endeavor, including physics. Kryon says that this is the result of humanity’s collective effort. We’re the ones we’ve been waiting for. The MOON: One of the most mind-blowing things Kryon has said - repeatedly and from his first book - is that humanity “has turned a corner”, that we’re not going to blow ourselves up; we’re going to make it. Why does he think that? Carroll: He says it is because of the “markers” humanity passed, culminating in the precession of the equinoxes that concluded in December 2012. The precession of the equinoxes is both an astronomical event and an esoteric one - because physics and spirituality are connected. Ancient civilizations were aware of this coming event. Many modern interpreters thought it signified the end of civilization. Kryon says that it could have: we could have had a third world war that would have destroyed the planet. But we didn’t. We developed more compassion. We recognized that we’re all connected. Not all of us have made this shift, obviously, but enough of us have. Kryon says this has literally changed the magnetic grid of the planet. The Global Consciousness Project and the Heart Math Institute people have demonstrated this scientifically. They’ve noticed that every time a big event happens on the planet that prompts an outpouring of compassion - such as 9/11, or the tsunami in Japan, or the 33 miners trapped and rescued in Chile - satellites are able to pick it up. Thanks to modern communications technologies, this is the first time humanity has been able to witness a correlation between the consciousness of humanity and scientific evidence. One - compassion - drives the other. Helping humanity understand and make the most of this is the “magnetic service”, meaning “consciousness shift” Kryon is talking about. This enhances the term “magnetic master” for Kryon. The MOON: Can you give us some examples of ways we’re pulling together, rather than pulling apart, because the pulling apart is pretty visible right now. Carroll: In the scientific realm, we’re seeing “physics with an attitude”; physics that is not inert or passive, but is conscious. This new physics is not specific to a person. It’s not going to help you levitate. However, our collective changes are doing something to the field. It’s almost like when strings on nearby instruments begin to vibrate together to match the strongest tone. Or - and there’s a YouTube video that demonstrates this - when 32 metronomes in an experiment begin keeping time together. These are mechanical metronomes started on a table at different times, yet within three minutes they have synchronized completely. By the laws of Newtonian physics that’s impossible because each one is physically controlled by the laws of gravity, and they each have to speed up or slow down in order to come into unison - which is what they do. This is a demonstration of a quantum attribute, of physics working towards harmony. Kryon is drawing our attention to this capability so that we will take advantage of it. In the spiritual realm, quantum energy is responsive to requests for help, particularly when humans align themselves to create a unified field. This is the subject of research by both the Global Consciousness Project and the Global Coherence Initiative. It is also the understanding behind all of the global group meditations - many of them organized on the internet. These are important demonstrations because consciousness - which extends to the laws of physics - responds to humanity’s decision to love, rather than to be vindictive or fearful. Scientists call this phenomenon entrainment - as in the practice of entraining one’s brainwaves to a desired frequency. We call it The Field. The phenomenon is not new, but humanity is now starting to recognize its power and potentiality. The MOON: I stumbled upon Kryon by accident, but learned in his first few books that human beings could heal the Earth by our consciousness. Please tell us more about that. Carroll: I’ve touched on it already. Consciousness is in everything. Gaia is conscious. She is alive and responsive to us. Kryon frequently tells us that consciousness changes physics; consciousness changes matter. In fact, Gaia consists of the planet and its life forms; we are one unit. Gaia not only loves us; she responds to our love in return. The indigenous peoples understood this relationship. They enhanced it through celebration, honor, ceremony and reciprocity - the importance of giving back. Kryon says that a major part of our current consciousness shift involves recognizing and returning to the wisdom of indigenous people. Kryon says that Gaia and humanity are partners. This should not be so difficult for us to accept. We’ve seen that consciousness can change the structure of crystals. There are crystals in the dirt, in each grain of sand. There is energy in water, and in fire, in all the elements. When you walk on the Earth, appreciate it. The Earth registers that frequency and responds. Appreciate the trees, the sky, all of the elements that surround and support you. When you sit in prayer, bless the Earth, the oceans, the forests, and all the creatures living there. Honor them for their contribution. That is the way of the indigenous, who pray for “the four-legged, the creepy-crawlies, the finned and feathered ones, all my relations”. People ask, “Is Kryon saying we can control the weather?” and he says, “No, but you can control the energy around you, and the weather will respond to it”. Just as we don’t normally exercise conscious control over our heartbeat, we have learned that if we change our consciousness - through meditation, or biofeedback, or listening to music, or getting excited about something - our hearts will respond. Kryon says it is the same with the physics of the planet, for the Earth recognizes the intent of the Human Being! Our intent is magnified when we focus it together. Kryon encourages us to recognize and utilize this power, rather than assume that governments, economics, or other external forces - even the weather - control everything. They don’t! The Court of World Opinion is very powerful - and “world opinion” is another name for “human intent”. Compassion is the answer - not just for how we can heal the Earth, but the first step in solving all of our problems. We need to become more compassionate individuals. It’s not that difficult. I used to be a guy whose buttons were easily pressed. I’d get angry about all kinds of things - politics, traffic, things not going the way I wanted. This is all gone. It’s gone because I wanted to change. It’s gone because I’m immersed so often in the loving energy of Kryon, I wanted to be more compassionate as well. Suddenly it was almost like my brain and heart aligned, and I began to soften. It’s gotten to the point where someone can call me a name, or flip me a gesture, and I don’t even get a ripple of reaction. I just feel sorry they’re having a bad day. When you start to recognize that consciousness is in everything, you grasp the literal truth of the expression Namaste, which means "the God in me honors the God in you". As more and more of us live from this place of compassion, we not only treat the Earth and each other differently, the Earth responds. It’s like when you go home for the holidays and, instead of engaging in the usual conflict and drama with your relatives, you just love them. Pretty soon, everyone relaxes and the whole atmosphere changes. I’m a world traveler. I’ve channeled Kryon in places you might not think would be interested in metaphysics, such as Moscow, where I’ve been eight times, or Istanbul, or the Middle East; places where people are supposedly our “enemies”, or where we have other judgments about them. But no matter where I go, people everywhere respond to compassion. They want a peaceful planet. They want a good life for their children. Sixty or seventy years ago the nations of the world were quick to take offense and go to war. This is starting to shift. Take a look at the European Union, founded 23 years ago as a political entity - and before that as a trade organization. All the former enemies in Europe got together and said "let’s get along". And they did. It might not have worked perfectly, and people are panicking now because Great Britain voted to pull out of the EU last year. But all that really means is that the system needs fine-tuning. The larger accomplishment is that for over 70 years the nations of Europe did the unthinkable - they didn’t go to war against each other. Look at humanity’s response to the refugee crisis. People all over the world saw the image of the dead child washed up on the beach and said, collectively, “We can’t allow this! We can’t just turn them away, or let them drown, or allow them to be killed at the border.” This was new. This is a brand new idea in human history. And this more compassionate sense of our connectivity is not only good for humanity; it’s helping our planet. Look at the changes Pope Francis has made very quickly in the Catholic Church and on the world stage. Kryon told us in 2012 we were going to have a new pope, and 13 months later we got one. Pope Francis has represented a nearly 180-degree shift from his predecessor. Kryon points out that this was not prophecy, but rather a potential. Those in interdimensional reality saw it coming because they have the overview and knew of the anxiety of the existing pope, the health of the man, and also of the potentials for a South American pope to come forward. And he did. Of course the internet is a big part of the shift because everyone is able to talk to everybody, instantly. One of the things Kryon said early on was that when everybody talks to everybody there can be no more secrets. We’re starting to see this. At first it’s shocking to find out all the terrible things that are going on. But that’s the catalyst for people to get together and say, “Look, here’s what we want, and here’s what we don’t want.” It’s going to take a while for the mainstream media to reflect that shift because they’re heavily invested in drama and fear, and make a lot of money off of it. But people are starting to look away because they’re so disgusted. Eventually, that will prompt a shift. Governments will behave criminally and people all over the world will say, “Oh, how 1930s of you.” I’m a senior. I went through the Cold War, which followed World Wars One and Two. Everyone was braced for World War Three - which would have been nuclear, which would have essentially terminated the human race. But then the Soviet Union disintegrated, without a war. It literally ceased to exist in the 1980s. This was what Kryon calls a “wild card” that really paved the way for us to go through this shift. Instead of destroying ourselves, we’re graduating into a new level of consciousness. Yes, there are a few countries still holding out in the old energy. And we have some transnational actors who are fomenting conflict and fueling wars because they profit from them. There’s a peaceful solution to this problem though: transparent international forensic accounting. When people see who is paying for wars- and who is profiting from them - they will rise up to put an end to it. Yes, we still have problems and issues, which Kryon has warned us will be the case. The old energy dies hard. It dies kicking and screaming. A lot of “spiritual” people want to “rise above” the chaos and disengage, but Kryon says it’s important for us to stay present and to choose. The Earth registers our choice. Our intentions pave the way for the future. Part of the problem is that we don’t live long enough. If you could interview my great grandfather, you would realize how dramatically the world has changed - for the better! - since his lifetime. Kryon says that it’s going to take two more full generations before we really can appreciate the changes that are under way right now, but by that point the planet will actually be on the way to having a Planetary Peace Day. Humanity will realize what they’ve done and celebrate a change of consciousness. There’ll even be a flag for it. We’re just at the beginning of this dramatic shift. The MOON: What does Kryon say about the role of the United States? You know, we spend nearly double what our nearest rival (China) does on “defense”. We’re the only country with 700-800 military bases around the world; the only country to have used nuclear weapons in war; we’ve got the most nuclear weapons; we’ve unilaterally declared war on other countries; we pursue “regime change” as foreign policy, despite professing to believe in “self-determination”, and a 2014 world poll named the USA as the world’s biggest threat to peace. What does Kryon say? Carroll: Kryon tells us that “Politics is our own karma and growth”, but in one channeling session he admonished the USA to build one less submarine and fund a “Department of Compassion”, which would be able to accurately vet those coming to our shores as refugees. This is what he says is missing in all our governments – an acknowledgement that compassion should be part of our leadership. It would greatly change what we do for our own citizens and for the planet. The MOON: I love how Kryon explains quantum science - in a way that even I can understand [laughs] - and also because he makes claims about scientific phenomena that can then be tested and verified. Will you share some of them? Carroll: Well, for example, on occasion Kryon has used the example of Henry and Mary, two stick figures drawn on a piece of paper. The flat, two-dimensionality of their lives is all they have ever known, and they are pleased with it. Along comes a character who has been drawn a little differently and begins to tell them about the potential of a third dimension. He speaks of 3D instead of 2D. Henry and Mary don’t really know what to do with this information: they can’t experience it, or test it; it’s beyond their abilities. To them it’s simply conjecture and not something that impacts their lives - or even exists. Kryon then asks how many laws of physics would 2D characters understand? Their laws of physics would naturally be just enough to satisfy 2D reality. That is the situation humanity currently finds itself in. Physicists have identified four laws of physics, which are adequate to explain 3D reality for the most part. But Kryon says there are actually six laws of physics. The other two describe interdimensional reality. Physicists are beginning to question their models because they are encountering phenomena like black holes, or the movement of the galaxies, which defy their understanding of the universe. For example, our solar system works in accordance with the laws of physics as Newton described them. Objects that are closer to the sun move through their orbits more quickly than the outer planets move through theirs because the gravitational pull of the sun weakens with distance. This observation gives rise to the rules scientists have discovered for gravity, mass, distance and speed. And the rules are correct…for 3D. They are sufficient to enable us to send spacecraft to the planets, to meet them in orbit, to take pictures and analyze them. But then an astronomer named Vera Rubin noticed that the spiral galaxies don’t move that way. They don’t follow those rules. Everything in the galaxy moves together, as if all the stars and solar systems were glued to a rotating plate. This defies the basic laws of gravity and force. It defies the simple, biased, singular attributes of the way things move in space. Everything in our galaxy rotates at the same speed, relative to the center. Kryon says the explanation lies at the center of the galaxy. Scientists believe the center of the galaxy - of all galaxies - is a black hole, but Kryon says that’s not correct. Rather, at the center of every galaxy are “the twins”, a weak and a strong interdimensional force; one pushes and one pulls. We assume the gravity of the black hole is somehow gripping the galaxy spiral and making it spin like a big dish in a way that violates all the laws of Newton and Keppler. Kryon says that what is actually happening in the center of our galaxy is an elegant interdimensional force that is beyond gravity, which spreads through the entire galaxy and glues it together in a way that we do not have laws to explain… yet. He says that weak and strong interdimensional forces are the undiscovered fifth and sixth laws of physics. He also says that when we step into interdimensional physics, and this includes the energies of what we call spirituality, we will find consciousness… physics with an attitude. The inter-dimensionality of our galactic center has consciousness. As Kryon says, it has to. Anything interdimensional is aligned with creation. The MOON: That’s a lot to process. Carroll: It is. Imagine how I felt channeling it for the first time. [Laughs] Makes you feel like Henry or Mary. But Kryon gives extensive and repeated explanations of these phenomena, for those who are interested. The information is available in the Kryon books, and much of it is also available for free on the Kryon website. Just Google any subject you want to hear more about. Chances are there’s an audio tape or a transcription. The MOON: Some scientists tell us the Earth is now in its sixth major extinction event; we have enough nuclear weapons to destroy the Earth four times over; and the U.S. has just elected a president who thinks we need to restart the nuclear arms race, even though nuclear weapons are not the only way we could destroy life on Earth. Does Kryon have anything to say about our most recent election? Has he changed his mind about our chances for survival? Carroll: Regarding the sixth major extinction, Kryon says that some of the species are disappearing in ways that are appropriate. However some of the changes are the result of greed, materialism, low consciousness, the destruction of our environment. These losses are inappropriate; they are the result of human actions that are not in integrity; and the result is that all over the world we have people speaking up about it. Kryon says repeatedly, “Don’t expect the future to be a repeat of the past.” Humanity’s shift in consciousness is relatively new. We’re going to start recognizing the interconnectedness of all things; we’re going to start caring about what happens all over the planet; and that’s going to make a difference in our actions. You and I are impatient, because we’ve been waiting for the shift all our lives perhaps. We’re also compassionate people and we want all life to remain. Regarding this election, many spiritual people were at a loss. They didn’t want to participate because they felt that both candidates represented old energy. Kryon encouraged them to choose. As I’ve said, our choices are important; the Earth registers them in the magnetic grid, esoterically called the Akash. He further encouraged people to vote for the most transformational candidate. For some that meant the president-elect, because he would stir things up. For others that meant Clinton, because she would not toss out the progress that has been made in areas like human rights, women’s rights, environmental protection, and so on. Kryon has indicated that the new president [Donald Trump] is an expected wild card, like the collapse of the Soviet Union. Kryon also says not to jump to conclusions, because “it’s not done yet”, indicating there might be other unexpected events coming, too. One thing that has already become apparent: the election has galvanized people who were sitting on the sidelines. This is good. This accelerates the evolutionary process. Kryon also drew our attention to the numerology of the election, which took place in 2016. In numerology, 2016 adds up to the number 9 (2+0+1+6 = 9), the number of completion. The election resulted in our 45th president - also a number 9, the number of completion. Two nines together add up to 18 - another nine. Isn’t it interesting about all those nines together? Kryon suggests that it truly means the end of something is here. Perhaps it’s the end of the old way things were done. Perhaps it’s a shake-up of the system so it can correct itself. But he also warns us not to be too quick to jump to conclusions about where we’re headed, because other wild cards- events no one predicted - are on their way. However, he also points out that 2017 is a “one” year (2+0+1+7=10=1), which signifies new beginnings. So the 2016 election signified the completion of one cycle and some kind of new beginning. Kryon likens it to a big stick being inserted into what is normal and says the stick is going to be turned. As the big stick turns, other things will respond that never would have responded otherwise. Kryon advises us to relax with upcoming wild cards. They do what they do on purpose so that we will have a better civilization in the future. Sometimes they show us what won’t work, and sometimes they change paradigms that would have never changed otherwise. But what we have now is a profound wild card. That is the message. Kryon has repeatedly said several things that bear remembering. One is that the old energy will not die quietly. This is to be expected. People who have been in control - of everything!; resources, money, people - will not give it up without a fight. But Kryon has also said that dark energy is dysfunctional. It is not very smart. It does not see what is coming. He likens it to someone hitting a beehive with a stick, thinking to scare the bees into submission. Instead, every time it does this it exposes itself for what it is and unites the bees. Third, we have allies and resources we’re not used to recognizing. One of these is the Indigo children - those born in the last 20-30 years - who come in with greater access to “who they are” from previous incarnations, with greater awareness and compassion, who see the world very differently than previous generations did. They don’t have much patience for the old energy. They’re ready to get on with it! Another resource is the Earth’s magnetic grid itself, which is what Kryon has been talking about since 1989. It has been recalibrated to give greater weight to compassionate energies and actions. Love is stronger than fear or hate. Haven’t we seen that demonstrated in the rise of Nelson Mandela from political prisoner to South Africa’s president? The same thing happened in Burma, now Myanmar, in the person of Aung San Suu Kyi, who went from political prisoner to head of state. This is a high vibrational power at work. It reflects a change in consciousness of many, many humans. Those of low vibration, even with abundance and seeming endless power, will fade and fail, as the truth comes out. The critical mass of consciousness will have discernment and make the decisions, and those who cower in secret and conspiracy will fail. This is good news, indeed, and it’s under way. I can share some of the other specific events Kryon has foretold based on the shifts in human consciousness he has seen. One is that big Pharma will fail. They’ve put profit over human lives and suffering, and they will be exposed and their paradigm shifted. Another is that centralized electric power will become a thing of the past. We’ll have decentralized electric generation, which will mean no more power black-outs or reliance on a single grid, or reliance on fossil fuels. Human population will stabilize. As people understand their impact on the Earth, resources are shared more equitably, and women have control over their fertility, growth rates will drop and population will even decline in some areas - by choice, not catastrophe. Kryon also says we will develop technology that will enable us to see multidimensional fields, such as magnetic fields. He’s even given hints to astronomers as to what might be the physics to make this work, and how to attach the technology to telescopes of the future. When that happens we’ll understand that the atmosphere is alive. The rocks are alive. We’ll point the telescope at something like a rainforest and stand back in awe because we’ll see there is so much multi-dimensional life there. We’ll finally recognize that Gaia is alive and conscious; it knows who we are and is here to support us, and we should treat it accordingly. Finally, Kryon reminds us, repeatedly, don’t expect the future to be like the past. The magnetic grid has been recalibrated to give greater weight to compassionate energy and actions. The old energy will fight back, he says, but this time we should expect to win. Lee Carroll, channel for 'Kryon'
Interviewed by Leslee Goodman The MOON Magazine |