As Soul, we are eternal. Most of us go through
cycles of existence in the universe that can be termed as "Before Life", "Lives", "Inter Life", and "After Life". All of these cycles
of Soul Existence affect us profoundly.
Life": Our existence began as pure, unmanifested
consciousness in the Ocean
of Love and Mercy from
which all life springs. Most chose to accelerate their advancement as Soul by
leaving the Ocean to journey through the universe. Some chose to remain
"pure" by staying fully connected to the Ocean and offering
assistance to those who left to experience life disconnected from their true
selves. Most angels exist in the "before life" state, never having
known a physical life.
Our intermittent existence as physical beings - for discrete units of time
where we are born, age, and die to gain experience from different viewpoints -
are the lives we lead. We forget about those lives we have lived before (our
past lives), are disconnected from those we will live (our future lives) so
that we can focus our attention on the experience we have chosen for ourselves
in our life now, today.
Our existence between two physical incarnations - where we leave the last one
and prepare for the next one - is the Inter-Life state. In the Inter-Life, we
are concerned with our own development as Soul into greater states of love. As
a result, we are confined to the areas in the inner worlds which we will use to
help us prepare for our next life. In the Inter-Life, we grow as we prepare to
live again in another physical body. "The "inter-life" state is often referred to as the bardo
"After Life":
Our existence after the cycle of our physical lives is completed is the After
Life state. In the After Life, we are concerned with assisting others in their
development as Soul into greater levels of love and awareness. As a result, we
expand our knowledge of the inner worlds, going wherever needed to help others
along their personal journey. In the After Life, we grow as those we help grow.
The Inter Life and the Need for Past Life
Healing Those in the "Before Life" state have no past lives. Those in the
"After Life" stage of their existence are clear of their past lives.
Part of the
mastership process that is necessary for the achievement of the "After
Life" state is coming to terms with past lives by settling all their
causes and effects.
Those in the "Inter Life" state and
those in "Life" are not clear of their past lives. In the "Inter
Life" state, a new life gets "formed" from the "failed
lessons" from past lives. While "physically alive" an individual
is in the process of clearing past life karma or adding to future life karma
until they reach their last physical incarnation.
So most of the time we are either living or
between lives. Although some past life karma can be and is worked off during
the Inter-Life, the majority of issues that we have had from past lives carry
over from one life to the next.
How the Inter-Life Helps and Does Not
Help in Playing the Game of Life
This can best be explained by an
example. Life is like a football game and the Inter-Life is like the time
between games when the team reviews their mistakes from the last game, lays out
strategies for the next game, and heals wounds gotten along the way. All that
matters to the fans (your guides and the Lords of Karma) is how you do once you
are out on the field of Life. And although what you do in the Inter-Life is
helpful, it somewhat "goes out of the window" when you take the field
again and become caught up in the passion and the intensity of your Life's
Like the football game, once the game of your
life starts again, you remember the times when the other team burned you. Maybe
you choose to avenge the wrong and maybe you choose to forgive it. Whatever you
decide, those choices must be made in a split second while you are on the field
of Life with emotions surging through you and onlookers screaming for blood.
You do not get the luxury of quiet time in the locker room of the Inter-Life
with your team of coaches and trainers to decide what may be in your best
interest in the long run - karmically speaking.
Here is
how you get from one life to the next…
Leaving the physical body is a normal part of
life. Often when we sleep we are out of the physical body having other
experiences in the inner worlds of God. By pursuing meditation and spiritual
exercise, some choose to leave their bodies and visit the inner worlds of God
in full consciousness ("Out of Body Experiences"). When the physical
body is at a point near death, the consciousness of the individual will detach
from the body. The person will see their own body as if "floating above
it" and be able to "perceive" more than usual. They may hear the
thoughts of others or know everything happening around them down to the
smallest detail.
Once detached from the physical body, most will
know that something is "not normal" and they will "wander
around" trying to "make sense" of what is happening to them.
Often it is this sense of confusion and desperation that prompts these guides
to manifest their presence. The guides appear to comfort and reassure the
person that all is well and to gently guide them into realizing the
"seriousness" of their situation.
The guides' first job is to get the individual to
detach from their current personality. When one comes to Earth they agree to
forget that they are a Soul who takes on a body and mind to have certain
experiences for their greater growth and spiritual advancement. The individual
is gently brought to reconnect with their own awareness of their greater
totality and identity as Soul.
Dannion Brinkley ("Saved by the
Light"), who recovered from being struck by lightning, best described this
process: "As my body lay dead on that stretcher, I was reliving every
moment of my life, including my emotions, motivations and attitudes. The depth
of emotion I experienced during this life review was amazing. Not only could I
feel the way both I and the other person had felt when an incident took place,
I could also feel the feelings of the next person they reacted to. I was in a
chain reaction of emotion, one that showed how deeply we affect one
As far as the "current" life is
concerned, this is the point of no return. Those having Near Death Experiences
(NDEs) must turn back at this point and return to their physical body. Those
who move on to the inner realms must fully detach from their physical body.
Often when the death is very sudden or traumatic, the individual will leave a
"fear imprint" behind them (more often known as ghosts). And/or they
will attempt to resolve the pain of their passing with some form of "After
Life Intervention" to assist loved ones with moving forward in life without
Ever wanted to meet Jesus, Abraham, Buddha, Krishna, Mohammed, Lao Tse, Confucius, or any other
historical figure that you are attracted to? Now is your chance. Or have a
fantasy that was never fulfilled in life? Here is the place to realize it. In
the inner worlds, all your dreams can come true even if they are not "real". Many times, Souls will elect to "take some time off" from
their journey of personal unfoldment and have these kinds of "transpersonal"
experiences in the inner realms.
The individual's team of guides and guardians
will work with them to determine where they are in the greater scheme of their
evolution as Soul. Agreement will be reached as to what was successfully
accomplished in the last incarnation and what still needs to be improved.
Sometimes this agreement will come down from the Lords of Karma as a decree
that the individual has little choice but to accept. As the individual advances
in Soul awareness, they will play a greater role in assessing their Soul
progress and in evaluating what will need to be done in the next life.
Sometimes everyone will agree that it is in the
individual's best interests to work through certain issues in the schoolhouses
of karma in the inner worlds before returning to a physical body. This kind of
"remedial inner education" is often very unpleasant much like summer
school where the person would rather be playing on Earth instead of serving
time in Heaven (or in what appears to them to be Hell). Usually this kind of
remedial education helps the individual work off heavy karma without
drastically upsetting the stage or the players in the physical realm.
Often an individual's inner bodies take quite a
beating before they leave the physical realm. Most sensible Souls take the time
that is needed between incarnations for their energy fields to be healed and
rebuilt in the inner worlds. Those who do not will often manifest birthmarks
and/or birth defects which directly relate to the unhealed wounds from past
lives. For more on how this process works, see Ian Stevenson's article and book
entitled "Where
Reincarnation and Biology Intersect: Birthmarks and Birth Defects Corresponding
to Wounds on Deceased Persons".
At some point, the individual will
"tire" of the inner worlds and feel the call of Soul urging them to
once again return to physical existence. The time between lives varies widely
among Souls. Some choose to return to the physical world right away while
others will "take their time" before coming back. When the decision
has been made to return, the team of guides in conjunction with the Lords of
Karma will determine what is best for the Soul to tackle in their next life.
The more advanced the Soul, the greater the number of issues that are usually selected.
Broad goals and plans are then formed until a consensus is reached among all
the parties involved.
INCARNATION Based upon the broad goals and plans, a specific
life contract is then agreed upon which works out the "details". This
Life Contract covers such items as where and how the person will be born, what resonances
from past lives will be embedded in their body-mind creating birth
conditions, and what major life events will be presented to the individual for
their growth as they work through their resonances. It will also touch on which
significant people they will encounter during their new life such as their
birth family, friends, romantic partners, children, co-workers, etc.
BODY-MIND Just before the individual is about to be reborn
into a new body, they are taken to a special area in the inner worlds to
prepare for their new life. In this chamber, they are shown the various
potentials that their new life holds for them. They are also embedded with the
necessary unconscious data that will allow them to recognize significant others
they will encounter on their life's journey. After last minute advice from
their team of guides, they are sent off into the adventure of their new life.