Accessing A Higher Level Of Consciousness
(and The Ego: Our Greatest Teacher)
Written by Brandon West : November 2, 2013
(and The Ego: Our Greatest Teacher)
Written by Brandon West : November 2, 2013
Stop trying to do, and just let yourself be.
The most important concept to understand in order to increase your level of consciousness is that you already are infinite, fully evolved and perfect. When we act from the perspective that we have to do and achieve anything in order to be worthy, good, important, intelligent and so on, all that we are doing is defying that infinite aspect of ourselves. To increase our level of consciousness we need only begin to understand and contemplate our inherent perfection, and then we will naturally surrender to that aspect of ourselves, and will embody it in our daily experience. Our Perfection As Consciousness We are complete and perfect beings because we are the result of radiating and collapsing geometric dynamics within the infinite energy density of space-time (also called the vacuum structure). These dynamics may well be the origin of our individual level of consciousness and the infinite level of consciousness which is the source of creation. Within these fluid geometric dynamics there is absolutely nothing that you could add or subtract from our being, because it is already perfectly balanced, harmonious and complete; if it wasn’t then there would be no conscious awareness, and no creation at all. The only way it is possible for us to perceive that we are imperfect or lacking in any way is when we separate ourselves from our true nature and observe ourselves and the world from that fractured state. This fractured and separated state is what we call 'the ego'. The biblical ‘fall from grace’ was and is the decline of our level of consciousness from pure spirit into the realm of the ego. Our ego, which perceives the impermanence, superficial appearance, differences, and the imperfection of ourselves and all that we see, is what perceptually separates us from the pure, infinite consciousness that we already are and always will be. With that being said, the ego itself is absolutely perfect in its specific function. There is nothing in our lives that does not serve a purpose in our growth and development. Even all the perceived flaws and limitations of our personality and abilities are blessings, including each and every one of our experiences that we have had along this journey called life. By facing these perceived flaws and weaknesses within us which make up our ego, and then deciding to change, we effectively heal our perception so that we can see our perfection and embody our infinite nature once more. Our ego is our greatest teacher which has shown us with infinite clarity our shortcomings, and thus the exact path that we must follow, designed specifically for us [by us - Messenger Spirit], to reconnect to and unite ourselves with the infinite level of consciousness – the universal mind/intention – as a sovereign being. Discovering Your Path Of Spiritual Awakening To discover your impeccably designed path of spiritual awakening observe your ego – your personality, identity, character – and wherever you see flaws, limitations, weaknesses and shortcomings, this is where you need to work on yourself and develop yourself so that you can realize your potential. The ego does not like to see flaws within itself, and by doing so you are shifting your level of consciousness to a more open, receptive, honest and objective position, away from the ego. You see, the fact of the matter is not that we are imperfect, it is that we are pretending to be imperfect. We act as if we are flawed and limited beings because we act on a consistent basis from the ego, in general, of course, when there is a whole different aspect to our being, much greater and more powerful, which we could train ourselves to act from just as easily. (I will touch on this later in the article.) We all know already where our ‘flaws’ are. Maybe we are mean, or self-centered, or frightened. Whatever the case may be, we have to accept that this is not who we are! We are not the ego. All that we have to do is stop empowering the ego by acting in accordance with its desires and its identity, and choose consciously to act in a way opposite from the characteristics we detest about our egos. From meanness to kindness; from fear to boldness; from doubt to confidence; from violence to peace. These are all shifts that we have the power to make, which is exactly the purpose our ego is serving: to make the necessary shifts clear to us. By making these shifts what we are doing is retraining the ego (our individual identity) to match up with the universe, until one day they are identical and our individual identity dissolves into the universal consciousness that we are. Intentions Of A Higher Level Of Consciousness All the experiences that we have had in our lives, and are ever going to have, were attracted to us by the intention of a higher level of consciousness - or should I say, a higher level of our consciousness. This aspect of ourselves is called by many different names in many different cultures and spiritual traditions. Our Buddha-nature, Atman, Universal self, Higher Self or Tao, and they all assure us that it is an inseparable aspect of our being. It is this aspect of ourselves which is constantly one with the universal mind. Ultimately, it is the universal mind. But how can we be fully evolved and complete, and yet evolving all at the same time? Because time itself is an illusion. Time is not a constant and it flows differently depending on where in the universe you are measuring from, and the amount of energy of that area. Time and energy are inseparable. Time is the measurement of the rate at which energy is flowing. Time is energy, and energy is also what makes up all ‘solid’ matter, and is the essence of the space which surrounds us all. So, all there is is energy. The rate at which this energy flows is entirely dependent on the level of consciousness from which reality is observed. A perfect example of this is the saying ‘time flies when you are having fun‘; it is all based on perception, and the higher the energies involved (fun, enthusiasm, happiness, bliss, love) the faster the perceived flow of time. The vacuum (the space-time manifold) is infinitely dense with energy, all areas have infinite levels for perception, therefore the level of the universe we observe is dependent on our level of consciousness. When an individual lives solely from their ego in a life of struggle, violence, consumption, hopelessness, anger and suffering (worst case scenario), they would operate at a lower level of consciousness than someone who lived with love, happiness, compassion and abundance. They are both equal, they are simply observing the universe from different levels. The person who is holding positive energies (emotions and thoughts) would perceive a totally different world than the one holding lower energies, and their world would be much more aligned with perfection, and thus with a higher level of consciousness. As our level of consciousness is raised, our energy is increased, our emotions and thoughts are raised, and our perception of the flow of time would also be affected. For the raising of one's level of consciousness – consciousness evolution – there are no limitations and it would get to a point where time (energy/space) would be flowing so rapidly that past, present and future would blend into one. You would be perceiving eternity and infinity in all directions simultaneously; there would be no separation in terms of time or space and everything would be perceived as one consciousness. This has been corroborated by spiritual masters from every culture around the world throughout history, and by many individuals today who have experienced varying degrees of spiritual awakening. The universe is like an infinite book that never ends, nor did it begin; it has already been written, and yet it is constantly being written. All that has happened has already occurred in the infinite mind, and we assisted directly in that co-creation and are currently assisting. We deliberately incarnated to this level so that we could experience it first hand. It is the energetic frequencies of the universe which we read and decode into our senses, into objects, into our perception of time and space, and so on. For energy is to the creator as words are to an author, and interestingly enough, the end result is the same - it all occurs within imagination. On a higher energetic level of consciousness we are already ‘fully evolved’ and completely unified with the One. A part of ourselves never left this state of unity and all that we must do to evolve is to become conscious of this aspect of ourselves. Tthen once we make an effort to become aware of it and act in alignment with this level of our consciousness, it will manifest in our lives, and we will embody it more every day. This is Being. It is this aspect of ourselves that is guiding our experiences and working as one with the universe. It is our universal level of consciousness which guides our decisions and experiences and sends us inspiration, tirelessly guiding us back to our complete awareness and the totality of ourselves. All of our karma is the result of this impeccable force, and our karma (as well as our egos which are the culmination of our karma) are our greatest teachers all generated specifically for our conscious evolution. To undergo a spiritual awakening we need only to accept it all completely and choose consciously to act in accordance with our divinity, as opposed to the negativity of our ego; it is our greatest guide, and teacher. (You do not have to believe a word I have said in this section, but know that all I have said can be verified by you through direct experience by learning how to meditate and visit the meditation techniques page for more information.) The Beauty Of Being It takes time to get back to our natural state because we have been building up a separate identity for our entire lives – the ego. We have learned how to act, and the result of this acting is the ego. It is acting because it is dishonest and it is not an accurate representation of who we are, and our unlimited potential. Being is what we are doing when we are not thinking or resisting but are simply channeling the universal mind, which arises within us when we are silent and expressing naturally our beauty, compassion, and creativity. Everything is perfect because it is an extension of that perfect awareness. Everything about you, everything about me and everything about the world, is perfect. It is all exactly as it should be so that we can learn the specific lessons that we need to learn in order to evolve. The universe is so beautiful and compassionate when we observe from this perspective. Give yourself to the expression of yourself. It is our passions, our purest desires, our love and our natural inclination to grow and expand which are the infinite, universal, aspects of our consciousness that exists within us. When we begin to act in accordance with our passions, our love, and nothing less than the deepest and purest desires of our hearts, then our universal consciousness awakens within us and our level of consciousness naturally and gradually is increased. It really is quite a simple and exceedingly natural process to apply to one's life. In all of us it is already occurring naturally, but as soon as we begin to consciously awaken to this aspect of ourselves, it occurs much more rapidly. Over the years we have trained ourselves to live from the ego, but over time we can train ourselves to live from our universal identity, and the only thing we need to do is be persistent. Here are the most important suggestions:
Written by Brandon West who is the creator of Project Global Awakening. A website dedicated to the research of a variety of scientific and spiritual disciplines, and applying that knowledge to help you live an inspired life and change the world.
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