Kryon, on the subject of ‘light’
Channelled through Lee Carroll
(extract from 'Kryon - Alchemy of the Human Spirit'; Kryon Book 3, P.187)
Kryon, on the subject of ‘light’
Channelled through Lee Carroll
(extract from 'Kryon - Alchemy of the Human Spirit'; Kryon Book 3, P.187)
Dear ones, you use the words ‘the light’ to mean so many things, and yet they are all so related to the absolute truth. Let us look at the subject from the outside inward:
I come from the great central sun, the creative love force that represents the light. All that is within the Universe is represented by the light that emanates from this source. It is the actual seed in each of you that represents your feeling of ‘home’. It is the source of your joy, and the resource of your relief from fear during trying times. It has substance and can be measured. It is the part of you that is always connected to the great central love source of the entire plan of creation. The light streams to you from your own sun. You may not consider that it has much of a spiritual significance until I remind you that your own sun is the engine of the magnetic grid system on your planet, and that I am here to adjust the grid system in response to your spiritual nature! Therefore, even the light that comes from your own sun stands in line to be honored spiritually when you define the light in general. The light is the source of all life and creation in the Universe. It is physics and spirituality all at the same time, for it represents the basic attribute of love. There is no accident that the light allows you to see, for the principles are science, and the attributes are Spirit. The light is your enlightenment and your acknowledgement of being a spiritual being walking the planet in biology, firmly connected to the light of the great central source. It is metaphorically a release from the dark, which is fear itself. An enlightened human is therefore a worker in the light, and represents a consciousness of planetary vibration intensification … the goal of all enlightened humans. The light is present in your biology at the smallest level, and is the engine of your rejuvenation itself. If you were a traveller within the smallest darkest areas of your inner cellular workings, you would actually see the light emanating from some of the yet undiscovered parts! The light, therefore, is not only responsible for creating your life, but for sustaining it as well. Finally the light comes full circle, for it represents the spark within you that is part of the whole. The entirety of creation is made from light, from the largest to the smallest. The part you carry as a love entity from the great creative source is a light so powerful that you can outshine a galaxy of suns, yet so delicate that an individual cell can use it to rejuvenate. You are a piece of the chain of light that is the Universe itself, one that represents the workings of a love source so great that it would astound you in its scope. Therefore you are indeed part of God! And you wonder why you are so dearly loved! Kryon |