The Journey
We are the first people to know, The first generation to see and understand that our Universe began more than 13 billion years ago. This is our journey. 13.7 billion years ago, energy burst forth out of a deep mystery. Energy beyond imagination. Billions of years pass as the Universe expands and cools. The first atoms of hydrogen and helium form, Becoming gaseous clouds. Eventually, stars are born – Billions of stars. Some stars collapse and grow cold. Others flare forth as supernovas with the brilliance of a billion stars. Each time, new elements are born – carbon, oxygen, nitrogen and more. The same elements that exist in our world today – the calcium in our bones, the iron in our blood. We are the first to know our sun is only one among billions of stars in our galaxy. There are billions of galaxies, each with billions of stars. We live on one of the planets that circle around our star, the sun. Men and women from many nations have ventured into space. They are the sensing element for all of us, and every one had a similar experience. “It is so beautiful!” “You don’t see any borders or boundaries” “It is our home” It is a home we share with all other species. In their different forms each species shares that ancient star dust. We are carbon and iron and oxygen and more. We share a profound kinship with all Life. We share a 13.7 billion year journey. As the first to see, to know, and to understand this miracle, we are gifted with knowledge and opportunity, power and responsibility for the future. |
The One Infinite Creator is unfolding Itself within the multitude of dimensions and universes It has created, in order to experience all possibilities within Its creation. All of the experiences we choose to undergo in our multiple incarnations in the many densities within this universe add to the knowledge and experience of the One Infinite Creator.
Human beings are now awakening to the realisation that the Divine creative impulse is within us, and that we - like everything else in Creation - are part of the One Infinite Creator learning to know Itself.
Human beings are now awakening to the realisation that the Divine creative impulse is within us, and that we - like everything else in Creation - are part of the One Infinite Creator learning to know Itself.