Planetary Challenges and Spiritual Evolution
Summary For Citizens of Planet Earth
Written by Susan Joy Rennison, B. Sc Hons (Physics & Geophysics),
05 June 2011 (Editorial Revision), Olten, Switzerland : Copyright Susan Joy Rennison
Summary For Citizens of Planet Earth
Written by Susan Joy Rennison, B. Sc Hons (Physics & Geophysics),
05 June 2011 (Editorial Revision), Olten, Switzerland : Copyright Susan Joy Rennison
20th May 2011 : The revised version of my March 2009 report Planetary Challenges & Spiritual Evolution – Citizen Summary is now available.
It was originally written for the Obama Administration, when I found out they were making enquiries amongst metaphysical leaders in the United States. Since there has been a clear and dramatic increase in the deluge of energies on this planet, to the point that various government and civilian agencies are now issuing major reports informing the world of the consequences, I have decided that the metaphysical community should do the same.
Since I have been researching this subject intensively since 2005, I feel that I am in the best position to make a credible assessment as my research is backed up by my qualifications, the early warning provided in my book Tuning the Diamonds – Electromagnetism & Spiritual Evolution (2006), an extensive online archive of articles with comments and other relevant information on my websites. Susan Joy Rennison
It was originally written for the Obama Administration, when I found out they were making enquiries amongst metaphysical leaders in the United States. Since there has been a clear and dramatic increase in the deluge of energies on this planet, to the point that various government and civilian agencies are now issuing major reports informing the world of the consequences, I have decided that the metaphysical community should do the same.
Since I have been researching this subject intensively since 2005, I feel that I am in the best position to make a credible assessment as my research is backed up by my qualifications, the early warning provided in my book Tuning the Diamonds – Electromagnetism & Spiritual Evolution (2006), an extensive online archive of articles with comments and other relevant information on my websites. Susan Joy Rennison
I include here just a sample of what is contained in this document. To read the complete document (60 pages of fascinating information, very relevant to the imminent evolution of humanity), use the link below. Messenger Spirit
The White House Medieval Engraving of Gioacchino da Fiore (Joachim of Fiore) Space Weather Turns Into an International Problem The Sun−Earth Connection Aurora over Southern New Jersey (1989) Exploration of Near Earth Objects Workshop Poster The Eventful Universe Workshop Poster Massive Coronal Mass Ejection Preceding X45 Solar Flare. 4/5th Nov 2003 Solar Cycle 23 − 24 Sunspot Number Prediction. February 2011 2 Sun Blank of Sunspots Transit of Venus across the disk of the Sun Subtle Matter Density on Earth The Precession of the Equinoxes Lloyds 3600 Risk Insight Space Weather Report The Svalbard ‘Doomsday’ Vault Cosmic Rays Hit Space Age High! UAH Globally Averaged Satellite-Based Temperature of the Lower Atmosphere (1979 -2008) Battle of the Graphs Transient Luminous Phenomena A Red Sprite With Blue Tendrils Atmospheric Electrical Phenomena Noctilucent Clouds Intense Gamma Rays & X-rays from Thunderstorms & Lightning Spectacular Image of Comet Tempel 1 Comet Schumacher-Levy A Sundiving Comet Heavenly Phenomenon? The Seismic Unknown L’Aquila, Italy Earthquake Satellite Image. April 2009 Sichuan, China: Strange Multi-Colored Clouds Diamond ‘Rain’ at The Great Pyramid Professor Heinemann and Orbs! Hessdalen Lights, Science Camp 2007 Lights Over East El Paso, Texas. 15th October 2010 Stream of Lights Seen Flying Over Cambridgeshire (UK) Earth’s Shadow Biosphere: The Golden Entity The Ohio Entity Rescue Artist’s Impression of the Becker-Hagens Planetary Earth Grid Ulysses Solar Wind Monitoring Epigenetics: DNA & the Environment Cat With Wings, Sichuan, China Light Pillars in Lower Latitudes Concept of Using Superconducting Magnets to Electromagnetically Shield Astronauts A Spiral Aurora, Tromsø, Norway |
Originally, the author also decided not to focus on the problem of Near Earth Objects (asteroids, comets and meteoroids) because it had been apparent for some time that NASA − National Aeronautics and Space Administration, had made attempts to withhold information from the general public. In May 2007, the website Secrecy News, a publication of the Federation of American Scientists, reported the following article headlined 'NASA Tries, Fails to Withhold Planetary Defense Report'.
It read:“The National Aeronautics and Space Administration earlier this year attempted to block public access to a comprehensive report on planetary defense against asteroids, but the document found its way into the public domain anyway.” As it so happened, in June 2009, it was reported that the U.S. military had withdrawn their fireball data from the scientific community. The news was delivered to the space community as follows: “For 15 years, scientists have benefited from data gleaned by U.S. classified satellites of natural fireball events in Earth’s atmosphere – but no longer. A recent U.S. military policy decision now explicitly states that observations by hush-hush government spacecraft of incoming bolides and fireballs are classified secret and are not to be released, has learned.” This action infuriated astronomers and, rather ironically, the dispute with the military was described as “a flare-up”. The fact is that Earth is experiencing an upsurge of space debris resulting in a huge increase in fireballs and sonic booms and this state of affairs has been obvious amongst interested observers. Yet, it is only recently that greater efforts have been made by government sponsored agencies to make the public more aware of an asteroid threat. Therefore this document has been updated to provide some background information outlining the evolutionary implications of comets and asteroids. The wider question of what is causing the influx of Near Earth Objects can be linked to the arrival of an interstellar cloud that is disturbing the hypothesized Oort Cloud, a vast reservoir of comets thought to surround our solar system. It has been postulated that close encounters by other stars could disturb this cloud and throw a lot of comets into the inner solar system, with possible collisions with the inner planets, and it is most likely that Jupiter, due to its large size, has recently attracted some large chunks of rock. In terms of planetary challenges, this Citizen Summary does not discuss the impact that Space Weather is having in complicating government energy policies. It is well known that many governments are struggling to implement subsidized green-energy production, such as wind power, in order to reduce the production of greenhouse gases generated by fossil fuels. Yet, the continued use of a national power distribution grid means that power supply will remain vulnerable to Space Weather regardless of how that power is generated as Space Weather forecasting is still very much in its infancy. So, while it is evident that there is tremendous pressure to maintain business as usual, the facts are the geomagnetic conditions on Earth are making our current choice of centralized power distribution a major challenge. Finally, on a more philosophical note, it is not unreasonable to suppose that the Obama Administration have already made the connection between “planetary challenges” and the arrival of a New World Age. In this regard, it is has been widely reported that in March 2009, Father Raniero Cantalamessa, (preacher to the Pontifical Household), put out a curious statement highlighting the displeasure of the Vatican that President Obama had positively referenced a heretic three times during his presidential electioneering campaign. President Obama is accused of claiming to be inspired by Gioacchino da Fiore, or Joachim of Fiore (1135 − 1202), an Italian mystic, theologian, and philosopher of history, who Obama referred to as a “master of contemporary civilisation” and “inspiring a better world”. The intrigue is that Gioacchino is remembered for his scholarly treatises that were unified by their apocalyptic tenor. Interestingly, from his study of the Bible, specifically the Book of Revelations, and ancient esoteric knowledge, Gioacchino believed that there would come an apocalyptic crisis and a “New Age of the Holy Spirit” where the church would not be required and mankind would reach a higher level of spiritual understanding. It is the belief of the author and outlined in this Citizen Summary, that we are fast approaching a ‘New World Age’ dominated by Space Weather as denoted by the scientific community or ‘The Holy Spirit’ in Christian terms. What’s more, it is impossible to believe that this is not understood by the Vatican Church, which possesses the biggest esoteric and historical archives in the world. |
The dramatic and violent nature of this solar activity and the sudden impact of the geomagnetic storm that only took 90 seconds to knock out the power grid in Quebec, woke up the space community to the seriousness of ‘Space Weather’.
There is more scientific evidence that the prediction of a flood of cosmic radiation is looking increasingly likely. In September 2008, the NASA press release headlined: ‘Solar Wind Loses Power, Hits 50-year Low’ revealed that as a consequence of a flagging solar wind and the Sun’s magnetic field being reduced, the shielding around our solar system is also being lowered. NASA’s announcement in 16th December 2008, ‘A Giant Breach in Earth’s Magnetic Field’ (read this article) revealed that scientists are seeing magnetic configurations around Earth opening up massive breaches on the daylight side of Earth’s magnetic field, which imply that in the future, Earth will experience far greater amounts of Space Weather. In January 2010, an announcement from the European Space Agency, was headlined 'Multiple rifts in Earth’s magnetic shield'. Incredibly we are told that we don’t always have the protection of Earth’s magnetic field. Thus we read: “This study reports the observation of fissures on the Sunfacing side of the Earth’s magnetic shield – the dayside magnetopause. Fortunately, these fissures don’t expose Earth’s surface to the solar wind; our atmosphere protects us, even when our magnetic field doesn’t. However, clear effectshave been detected high in the upper atmosphere and in the region of space around Earth where satellites orbit.” Simply, the intensification of Space Weather is driving our planet and all the other planets in our solar system into a higher energy state, due to the massive bombardment of charged matter and energy. On Earth, this is being compounded by Earth’s magnetic shielding weakening, but at the same time, the heliosphere is also shrinking and losing its ability to shield against most galactic cosmic rays. But that’s not all. In 2003, it was then reported that the NASA/ESA Ulysses spacecraft had detected that there had been an extraordinary event on the Sun when, for nearly a month beginning in March 2000, the Sun’s south magnetic pole faded, and a north pole emerged to take its place. Yes, that is correct, the Sun had two north poles. Normally our star, like Earth, has a north and a south magnetic pole but, for reasons unknown, a new cosmic directive was enacted. In reality, the south pole did not vanish, it just migrated north for a while and became a band of south magnetic flux smeared around the Sun’s equator. In May 2000, the south pole returned to its usual spot near the Sun’s southern spin axis, but only for a short while. In 2001, the solar magnetic field completely flipped as expected; the south and north poles swapped positions, which is how they remain now. What this means is that the Sun completely reconfigured the vast region of space called the heliosphere, a billion kilometers wide, filled by the Sun’s magnetic field. This is a region where an invisible flow of a very low electric current provides an obstacle to galactic cosmic rays and other Space Weather from outside our solar system. The critical thing to note is that the shape of this current sheet determines Earth’s Space Weather and how many cosmic rays strike Earth. During the double north pole event of March 2000, the current sheet was radically altered, resulting in the waviness increasing and new irregularities, causing a new headache for Space Weather predictions. Consequently, scientists tell us that our solar system would be increasingly flooded with ‘star dust’ and scientists predicted this to dramatically increase by ten times until 2012. It was widely anticipated that this would cause our Sun to flare, but due to the current ‘extraordinary’ quiet solar minimum of Solar Cycle 23, so far this has not happened. To add to the conundrum, in 2009 it was reported that our Sun and heliosphere appears to be located in the transition zone between the Local Interstellar Cloud (LIC) and the Galactic Cloud known as G Cloud. This was confirmation of an important report released in 1997 by Russian scientists (read Report here) who stated that our solar system had entered a new region of space and stated; “This kind of interstellar space dispersed plasma is presented by magnetized strip structures and striations.” Therefore, due to Space Weather, the environment of space is no longer considered to be empty and benign but much more unpredictable and complex, with unknown magnetic and electrical influences on Earth’s climate. The changing space conditions caused NASA to fund the “Living With A Star” program. Of interest is the priority given to the “Distribution of electric currents connecting the magnetosphere to the ionosphere”. In combination with all the other Space Weather related research, especially a dramatic increase in plasma experimentation, we can presume that NASA and other space agencies are now acknowledging the electromagnetic origin of our weather. At the same time as the Sun’s behavior has been erratic, there is another major issue of the continuous appearance of fireballs and meteorites accompanied by asteroid near-misses that have been steadily increasing in recent years. Scientific opinions vary, but it is most likely that this is being caused by a disturbance in the hypothetical Oort Cloud that exists around our solar system and presumably this relates to our transition into the next molecular cloud. Hence, as you can see from what has been outlined above, there are many new factors to consider that will determine the evolutionary destiny of mankind. This report does not focus on increased seismic activity or scientific acknowledgement or otherwise that the Earth and moon are slightly changing orbits, but it must be acknowledged that metaphysical sources and those who have retained ancient knowledge believe that orbital changes are inevitable. This document attempts to provide an explanation for the increasingly strange UFO phenomena being seen around the world. Indeed, the bombardment of Earth that includes highly charged sub atomic particles (plasma) is also accompanied by plasma “entities” which exhibit intrinsic ‘higher’ intelligence; as part of Universal Consciousness, some have been arriving en masse to help create a new version of Earth. The situation is complex, but our Earth is “managed” and, as such, we are witnessing ‘a changing of the guard’. However, this transition is not completely straightforward, but due to numerous worldwide reports, it is becoming undeniable that something beyond our current level of human understanding is taking place. In order to provide some explanations, this article is substantiated by eye witness reports, scientific studies and most importantly, substantial UK Ministry of Defence disclosure. Finally, the author has decided to use this document to provide a summary for citizens of planet Earth who are most interested in understanding the spiritual implications associated with what is transpiring on Earth, most relevant to the arrival of a new ‘World Age’ and the associated spiritual evolution of humanity. This document concludes with the implications for mankind, based on scientific opinion and metaphysical knowledge. |
To read entire Report, visit
If Earth is in peril, action is taken by Universal Consciousness to steer asteroids, but the criteria for this decision is based on the level of human consciousness. Most humans will simultaneously evolve to a new type of human that will be in harmony with the environment as specified by universal consciousness.
It is understood that those who are already at a higher level of consciousness are more easily able to access new environmental templates and others will benefit by human to human transmission. Finally, one of the most remarkable aspects of these times is the clear evidence that Earth hosts a shadow biosphere. As the energy levels continue to rise and Earth becomes a high energy plasma environment, it is inevitable that the whole of humanity will become aware that we are not alone and that an interdimensional lifeform exists alongside us. It is my hope that the Big Picture understanding of evolutionary change presented here will help some to make better choices that will enable mankind to cooperate more fully with Universal Consciousness. The arrival of Space Weather is the evolutionary stimulus that will eventually bring a better future for mankind. |
To read the complete article (60 pages of fascinating information, very relevant to the imminent evolution of humanity), use the link below: