Human Potential
Human Potential
True Human Potential
You have a choice in every moment, to go into the pool of negative thoughts and feelings -- or Align with The Perfect Love which is woven into every atom of space and every human cell.
Live life without negativity from the past or for the future. Your very existence is a miracle. At-one with the Limitless Universal Power -- use it. The only truth is NOW and.... IT'S AMAZING! "It doth not yet appear what we shall be."
1 John 3:2 "And as we have borne the image of the earthy, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly." 1 Corinthians 15:49 "Hereby know we that we dwell in Him, and He in us, because He hath given us of His Spirit." 1 John 4:13 The Human Brain
The more that is found out about the human brain, the more amazing and remarkable it appears to be. And so this begs the question of what is the extent of our mental capabilities and whether there are significant limitations to what we are capable of. Throughout history there have always been the Leonardo da Vincis, Beethovens and Einsteins, creative geniuses who have provided us with a yardstick for what we all may be capable of. But it must, of course, be asked whether such individuals are in some sense 'freaks', having brains which are distinctly different from those of the mass of the population. In other words, to what extent is genius a result of nature or nurture? The evidence appears to indicate that nurture has a significant part to play in the creation of genius, and that given appropriate 'external' conditions we all have enormous potential to move far beyond the range of our present performance. Moving Beyond our Present Boundaries Evidence that creative genius is not inborn, but is available to all is readily available. Consider the following:
Siddhi Yoga
In India, there is a practice called Siddhi Yoga, where the student learns that the outer world can be controlled by the inner being, and in controlling the outer world, a possibility of the human inner world becomes manifest and can lead to self-realization. Self-realization is the direct knowledge and experience of God. In this world, the Siddis, or the powers of the human spirit, must be mastered to go into the higher levels of consciousness. But all the while that they are training you for this understanding, they are warning you against the possible dangers in doing so. From my own training in Siddhi yoga, this is what I learned.
Two Famous Chinese Psychics
In Paul Dong's book on the psychic children of China, called China's SuperPsychics, he talks about two famous Chinese psychics. Both of these were discovered when they were children. Today, they are grown men, about 27 years old. Both are able to demonstrate psychic abilities on the same level that Jesus did. These two have been scientifically observed by the Chinese government performing what most of us would call miracles. They can float objects around the room with their minds. In controlled, scientific experiments they can move objects in and out of sealed containers. And they can perform many other incredible feats of magic. One of them has even been scientifically observed walking through a solid wall. But one of these two pyschics is still in his ego, and the Chinese government is very much afraid of him because of his power. Wherever he goes, to prime his ego, the government literally rolls out the red carpet, with fanfare. This man knows whatever you are thinking. And if he doesn't like you, his favourite thing to do is to harm you. He will send a "ball of fire" across space to where you are and set your clothes on fire, burning your body. He obviously doesn't care what happens to you. The other man can do every single thing that the first can do, except he has one more ability: he can heal people. The first man can heal no one, because he doesn't love them. But the second one cares and loves people. He can heal them, and he does. So here again we can see that one can be very advanced psychically and still have an ego very much in control. Beyond Magic When a student passes safely beyond the ego and at the same time beyond magic, what happens? A self-realized magician transforms into an enlightened being, a being who has merged with God, and where God looks out through his or her eyes. The magic is now a miracle, for it is God who is doing it. The appearance all over the world of children who can perform superpsychic feats has prompted many people to research this phenomenon. One spin-off has been the effort to teach so-called ``normal'' children to utilize the same abilities that the superpsychic children seem to be born with. Drunvalo Melchizedek