Eva Kroth
In The Solar System
In The Solar System
It is as if my consciousness stretches out into the whole of our solar system. I am the solar system and at the same time an individual “I”. In the light of the sun I want to become acquainted with the forces and tasks of the planets directly around us. I focus my awareness on them with my astral eyes.
The planets shine brightly like stars. Their energies shine out from their interiors in iridescent colors. I see their movements in space. It is not an empty space. It is filled with consciousness. The planets, including the Earth, orbit in it around the sun. The orbits of the planets have developed in the course of linear time, along with their form and their role within the solar system. The planets have filled the space with their experiences in linear time. They transform their experiences into other dimensions. The space has been filled with the life of the planets since the very beginning of time. It is a limited space with a limited time. It is a time-space in which spirit and matter communicate with each other. All planets are individual personalities and simultaneously part of the sun’s consciousness. They have gathered experiences during their life. They glow at each other and among themselves, and they glow together at the sun. The sun internally transforms the planets’ experiences and radiates these experiences back to them. The solar system is a living creature with a physical body, a soul, and a spirit. We know only the physical body of our solar system. It is the external space that we are aware of. The inner space is the astral space, the soul of the solar system. This astral space is filled with all the experiences of the sun and its planets from billions of years in an endless process of transformation. I see a dance of light in which the planets spiral around their own axes and simultaneously revolve around the sun. I see the communication of the planets flowing between them like streams of light. I see the light of the sun: it nourishes the planets with its energy. Awareness flows. It streams back and forth, communicates, and expands. As if between the organs of a body, energies flow back and forth carrying information between the sun and the planets. The sun defines the distances at which the planets orbit the sun. The distance defines the awareness of the planets, which interpret the light-awareness of the sun in their own individual way. The planets receive information through the light of the sun. They need this information for their journey through time. Every planet gathers experiences. It grows internally from the experiences and passes them on. A planet continually has new experiences at each moment and at every place on the journey around the sun. In this manner a shared experience of the solar system is created out of countless variations during its journey around the center of the galaxy. I perceive colors and tones that combine into a wonderful cosmic concert. Geometric patterns can be discerned connecting together all objects of our solar system through lines and forms, like bridges of light. Now my gaze goes further into the cosmos. I look outward, behind the boundaries of our solar system. It is as if our solar system is surrounded by a transparent, porous skin. Everything I see is the interpretation found within the life in our solar system. We are part of the solar system. Everything is interpreted from the experiences in our time-space. It is a limited time-space. Outside these boundaries there are countless time-spaces with their own realities that are, in turn, interpretations of their time-spaces. When I travel with my consciousness, I carry the awareness of the whole solar system inside of me. I perceive everything through this awareness. I observe the cosmos above me, outside our solar system. Geometric patterns are discernible there beside the countless forms and positions of stars and other celestial bodies. They form energy currents that interlink and communicate with one another. I see that connections also exist to geometric patterns outside these visible dimensions, and behind them are yet more energy currents that communicate with further dimensions. It is a glimpse into the infinity that transforms itself from one state to another in countless forms. If something changes at a certain point, everything changes, everywhere. I see our galaxy. We interpret some of the patterns we can perceive in our physical sky as constellations. Constellations are energy spaces. Interpreting them can help us know ourselves. For we carry the memory of our cosmic origin within us. These memories influence our life today. We beam our experiences in linear time back into the cosmos. Everything is involved in mutual exchange and is developing further. Nothing is fixed, everything is moving, is involved in mutual exchange, regenerating itself and finding new variations of life. We absorb every change because we were created from stardust. We carry all information inside us. Nothing divides us from the cosmos we live in. I am looking again at the planets inside our solar system. I can recognize their force because I am part of the Earth’s consciousness and the solar system. We have developed together in linear time. The planets represent forms of consciousness. Every experience we have in our material life with the energy from Mars, for example, flows back to Mars as an energy current in a new form and expands the consciousness of Mars. We live through and for the planets. We develop together with them in our time-space. Like the sun, the planets orbit around themselves. In this motion they transform experiences into their astral dimension, their subtle bodies. They are in communication with the sun with these subtle bodies. The sun receives the experiences in matter and time, transforms these experiences, and passes them on to another dimension. At the same time, its rotation impels the revolving movements of the planets further forward. In this gigantic system of exchange, mutual relationships evolve that perpetually combine in new ways. They can be reinforced or weakened. They change perspectives, just as each different kind of energy looks different with every motion of the Earth. To understand what the planetary forces mean for our lives, I have to connect myself to the Earth. This is how I can recognize what relationship they have to us and can interpret the forces for us. Now I open up to the energies of the planets. Forces immediately stream into me so strongly that I have to regulate the flow of energy. My aura controls this influx of forces. The aura is my higher awareness in which all my lives are stored, including the knowledge of my origin in the universe. My “I” looks like a sphere of light. The planetary forces vibrate in my inner world, creating relationships in the form of triangles, squares, and countless other geometric shapes. The sun, my center, shines in my middle point. My inner sun absorbs everything and transforms the energies into my astral body and my physical body. My inner sun interprets every perception. Taken together, everything forms a unity in connection and in communication with the time-space that I live in. Every thought and feeling leads to actions or decisions. Each of them expands my whole “I”. I see the solar system again. And I recognize that we are analogous to the solar system with the planets and its geometric patterns. Everything is connected and is communicating with me. Time and space change with each movement of life. Now I am coming to know some of the planetary powers. The first one I open up to is Mercury. It is the closest planet to the sun. Words echo through the solar system. The power of Mercury forms awareness into words and transports them to the sun and to all the planets. Now I am opening up to the power of Venus. It constantly absorbs new energies and transforms them into ever-new creations. It transports them further outward, adding new energies again in a constant creative process. I open up to Mars. Its power is mighty. It is our life instinct, neither good nor evil, without morality, so powerful that it almost takes my breath away. Then comes Jupiter, with awareness flowing into the vastness, expansion without borders. Its energy represents the boundlessness of awareness. Saturn draws everything into itself, concentrating everything. Uranus dismantles and reassembles. Neptune seeks the clarity behind unclear awareness. Remote Pluto tells us that destruction and transformation can come from afar. For destruction is transformation. What about the Earth? What role does it assume in the interplay with the other planets? The Earth absorbs the powers of the planets and creates physical life in infinitely many forms. It shapes these life forms together with the spiritual powers of the planets. And what tasks are performed by the moons that accompany some of the planets? I will only describe some aspects here: Moons illuminate the realms of the shades. Moons illuminate what we are not aware of, what is buried in our subconscious. On the astral plane the Earth’s moon glows with a silvery light, as strongly as the sun. It illuminates unconscious elements from past, present, and future. This information flows into our conscious life, creating an exchange between the conscious and subconscious mind. This exchange generates energy and allows us to move forward in our development. This is how the moon draws the Earth and us through time. On the other planets, too, moons illuminate the subconscious mind of that particular planet. They give their planet power to develop further and to advance on their trajectory. The two moons of Mars direct it to search for the relationship between two energies. Jupiter’s four large moons show it the balance of the four elements as the basis of physical life on Earth. Mercury needs no moon to help it develop further. Mercury constantly forms new words – that is its impetus. Venus does not need a moon because it is perpetually absorbing new energies and using them to create new things. Moons, rings, and other celestial bodies are forms of consciousness. They accompany the planets and have many different tasks. I look at myself. I see a sphere of light again. I am a concentrated analogy to the whole solar system: a physical body, simultaneously a subtle body composed of transformed powers of the sun and the planets in different times and dimensions. The planetary forces vibrate in my organs. They have contributed to the development of the whole of life on Earth. The knowledge of this development is stored in our cells. We let the power of the planets enter our glowing aura, which transforms them and makes them work in our bodies. We let the powers of the planets in, and they form our life inside and outside linear time. In earlier cultures we called upon the gods so that we could consciously open ourselves to their powers. We called upon the elements in order to receive their power or protection. Some people call upon God, the angels, or natural spirits. We give the spiritual powers names and shapes to make them available to us. All this connects us with our Higher Knowledge from times past, in which we became what we are now. Over time, our consciousness forgot our cosmic origin as spiritual beings. We have concentrated our consciousness in matter. We see ourselves separated from the spirit. Still, we are on the path to a new time. The separation of spirit and matter will come to an end. In the new time we will look into the sky and see everything that we presently perceive as planets, celestial bodies, or constellations as living, glowing conscious bodies that accompany us and illuminate our way with knowledge during the onward journey through time and space. And what will happen to our present time-space? Like every time-space, it is limited. It will change and regenerate itself. Now I am looking at the Earth’s subtle body. It is dark. The earth is weakened. It can no longer absorb enough energy from the sun. Spiritual denseness shrouds the Earth’s subtle body like a dark fog. The Earth can no longer absorb enough energy from the other planets. In this weakened state it is hardly able any longer to vibrate experiences and power back to the sun and its planets. Not only the Earth is weakened, all the planets are weakened as well. The systems of mutual exchange no longer function properly. That weakens the whole solar system. But this weakening only affects the plane of our time-space at the present moment. The sun has already revolved on its orbit around the center of the galaxy several times. On this journey the sun created the material reality that we know today as time and space. The driving force for the movement and development of our solar system comes from the center of the galaxy. At the end of the old era all of knowledge and all experiences will be transformed into a new time-space. We will then leave the time of denseness behind us. We need the power of the planets for our further development. We will take the path through time together with them. All things in the cosmos have a specific role. In the old era the Earth with all living creatures had the role of developing denseness in matter. We reflect our experiences to the planets and, together with them, onward to the sun. We are expecting a wave of energy from another dimension. It will light up our solar system. We will consciously open up to the powers of the planets and will be able consciously to communicate with them. They will be companions and helpers for our life to come. Everything that we know will awaken. The energy of another dimension will touch all of life, all of matter in our solar system. This energy will light up our solar system right into each cell. We will be liberated from darkened awareness. We will recognize all matter, including our bodies, as formed spirit. The separation will end. |
Copyright © January 2014 by Eva Kroth. Translated from the German by Karen Margolis, copyright © 2015
This text has been reproduced on 'Ascension Now' by kind permission of Eva Kroth.
See also (All Articles): Articles by Contributing Authors: Eva Kroth
This text has been reproduced on 'Ascension Now' by kind permission of Eva Kroth.
See also (All Articles): Articles by Contributing Authors: Eva Kroth