'Primary Development of the Creation'
Channelled information from
'the Principle known as Q'uo'
Library - L/L Research Transcripts
Channelled information from
'the Principle known as Q'uo'
Library - L/L Research Transcripts
This telepathic channeling has been taken from transcriptions of the weekly study and meditation meetings of the Rock Creek Research & Development Laboratories and L/L Research. It is offered in the hope that it may be useful to you. As the Confederation entities always make a point of saying, please use your discrimination and judgment in assessing this material. If something rings true to you, fine. If something does not resonate, please leave it behind, for neither we nor those of the Confederation would wish to be a stumbling block for any. Saturday Meditation - September 25, 2010 G: Our question today is: Firstly, we would like you to give us a synopsis of the development of the Creation from prior to the point of the first distortion, all the way through to the third distortion. (Secondly, we would like to ask about the spiritual principles of the Divine Masculine and Feminine and where those two polarities first became manifest—how and when they split, one becoming masculine and the other becoming feminine. See separate article : 'Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine') Thank you. (Carla channeling) We are those known to you as the principle of Q’uo. Greetings, my friends, in the Love and in the Light of the One Infinite Creator, in whose service we come to you this evening. It is a privilege and a pleasure to be called to your group. We delight in you, your beauty, your courage, your willingness to set aside part of your valuable time to seek the truth. We are eager to share our thoughts with you on the subject of the first three distortions of what this instrument calls The Law of One (and about the role of the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine, how they began and how they function). It is a large subject but we look forward to cracking it open and making of it what we can. First, as always, my friends, we would ask you to do a favor for us. Listen to our words with discernment and discrimination, feeling and sensing into the resonance of that which we say. If what we say seems useful to you then by all means work with those thoughts that seem helpful. If what we say happens not to hit the mark for you, we ask you to lay the words aside without a second thought and follow the path of resonance. Each of you is entirely responsible for your spiritual path and you have the wisdom to know what is for you and what is not. Therefore, do not be swayed by the opinions of others or even by your respect for us. We are humble messengers, as you know, and we would not wish to infringe upon your free will or to disturb the even tenor of your walk on what this instrument calls “the King’s highway.” [1] Firstly, you have asked about the first three distortions and, of course, as is our habit, we go back a bit to talk about the only thing that is not a distortion in terms of the cosmology of the Law of One, and that my friends, is unity. You and we are one; you and each other are one. The tribe of humankind on Planet Earth is one. This is simply due to the fact that the only thing in Creation is the Creator and each of you is a spark or an element of that infinite Creator. You shall always be you, through all the octaves of the Creator. You shall take upon yourself sex, appearance, gifts and limitations. You shall bring with you into incarnation relationships you have programmed because it seemed useful to you that such relationships, although always abrasive and always causing some suffering, would serve to bring both of you more into balance. And in third density’s polarity is the caldron, the furnace, the athanor, in which the dross is burned away and you become purified to be truly yourself, as the one known as G has said. Every instinct tells you that this is folly: “I am not one with that person. I am not one with that nation-state. I am not one with that philosophy or that opinion.” Ah, but you are, you are all things. The challenge, you see, of third density is moving from chaos into mystery; from the scrabbling to know, to own, to have, to be, into the relaxation of allowing yourself to be who you are; to move beyond the surface of life. You, my friends are deep-sea divers. You are not satisfied to skitter across the ocean of life like a dragonfly. You dive deep and you seek the highest and best truth you can find. And eventually you pierce the veil of otherness and begin to feel the threads of the commonality about which the one known as F was speaking, that lie behind the shapes of judgment. This unity is for all of you. And yet it does not keep you from being an individual. Every choice you have made in every incarnation goes into the personality you chose for this incarnation. My friends, it is as if you took a suitcase, not a large suitcase but an overnight bag—it’s a small stay, one incarnation, after all. You do not need much—a few gifts, a few relationships. You pack your bag. You pack your limitations, you pack your challenges and you set out to plunge into a dark world. For the sun may shine upon the Earth but in terms of spiritual seeking, all is in darkness. Nothing can be seen, nothing can be known or proved, and it is up to you to disengage yourself from your culture, your parenting, your hard-learned lessons of fitting in, to become, as this instrument was saying, a witness to yourself. It is not that you are a witness. You are you. It is that when you witness your own life, it gives you a sense of proportion. This instrument often, in challenging circumstances, creates a cartoon in her mind and then busies herself by putting the right caption under it to make herself laugh. The more ways that you have of lifting yourself away from the impulsivity of quick emotion, and touching into that Balm of Gilead which is the underlying self that is one with the Creator, the more riches your incarnation shall have for you. Unity is the deepest and most profound truth that we know. You are all the Creator. Do not turn it around and try to say that the Creator is all of you, for the Creator is infinite. If the Creator was not infinite the Creation would not be one. Now, you asked about the first three distortions of The Law of One. In the deepest sense the first distortion is free will, because it was by choosing by free will to know Itself that the Creator created the Creation of which you all are a part. He wished to know more about Himself. His curiosity is endless and His sense of play and artistry equally infinite. And so, as you experience and make that catalyst that happens to you into wisdom and received grace, the Creator receives that harvest and knows ever more about Itself. Even if an entity were to choose all the things that you personally consider to be wrong, yet still, that entity is not making an error, for he too is offering to the Creator the harvest of his desires and their satisfaction. It was a long time and many, many Creations before the Creator decided to try the experiment of offering total free will to the sparks of Itself that each of you would call human. Yet this is your situation. Your free will is paramount. The other person’s free will is also paramount, which means that your rights stop behind your teeth and at the end of your nose. The free will that you have is to make choices for yourself, not for others. Observing and recognizing your own free will and that of others as well is a great key to using your incarnation well. What frees you from those feelings of responsibility that “I should do this, I should do that?” The question is what do you wish to do, what do you desire to do, what do you wish to set your intention to do? The more you know your own mind, the more you are able to live in a way that respects and honors your own free will and your own ability to choose for yourself at every turn, [the better you will know your own desires and can set your own intentions]. Therefore, in that instance in which the one known as F quoted, the free will is a paramount distortion of the Logos in that each of you, as sparks of the Creator, have that free will, but the first experience of free will is that of the Creator’s. And, therefore, [free will] is far before manifestation. It is the setting of intention—that right use of free will that enables the Creator or the co-co-creator, which is each of you, to live a life that is untrammeled by victimhood or confusion. We are not saying that there will not be confusion—there is often confusion. But when you have satisfied yourself as to the object of your desire, if you can focus upon what you actually desire and set your intention concerning that desire, [then if you can] live according to that intention, your path is always smooth before you. Your confusion then is a matter of saying, “All right, here is my situation. As I see it, it is thus and thus, and I feel that my highest and best response to that situation is to choose this.” Once the choice is made you simply pursue it, not doubting yourself, not second-guessing yourself, but participating fully and being entirely present with that situation, with that choice, and with all that ensues therefrom. The second distortion of the Law of One is the Logos. Logos is a Greek word and when you open the Bible to the Gospel of John, it begins with the Logos: “In the beginning was the Word.” The Greek for that Word is Logos. “In the beginning was the Logos. The Logos was with God and the Logos was God.” The Logos is with God because the infinite Creator is beyond any manifestation, even the manifestation of the one great original Thought or Logos of unconditional and absolute love. Therefore, the Creator set Its intention to know Itself. And so were born the infinite billions of galaxies and the infinite billions of stars in each galaxy and the millions of opportunities for sentient life that exist in that universe that you can see with your instruments. Yet all things are distortions of love. The challenge is always to find the love, to see through the chaos that surrounds confused entities’ relationships and so forth. And this is true whether it is the relationships of the family, between two people, or the relationships between nation-states. The world lives on the surface of things, skittering along on the surface in lie after lie after lie, for there are always advantages to be seen, power to be found, influence to be felt, resources to gather, and the tangled emotions of entities who only imperfectly grasp who they are and why they are here. Do not stay there, my friends. Dive down into the ocean, that infinite ocean of beingness, until you come to the calm waters where pearls are creating themselves from the sand that irritates the shell, where beauty and truth exist like the jewels that they are, and where the ideals that you have in your heart of hearts walk and breath and live in a reality beyond all realities that you can imagine. It is wonderful to find those places deep beneath the surface, with their tsunamis and hurricanes and storms, where all remains peaceful and the movement of the great heart of creation is slow and steady. Now, naturally one must exist on the surface of life. One must learn the buzz and get along with one’s fellow human beings. And that is all to the good. That is the source of your catalyst. Be grateful for that confusion and that chaos. But take the blessings and the challenges that you have and dive deep into the waters of infinity and eternity. They live within your hearts. You only have to open the door to your heart to find those deep waters. And as we have said so often to you, my friends, the key to that door is silence. The third distortion is that of light. And it is only at this point, far down the chain of The Law of One, that manifestation occurs. Manifestation is slow in coming. Much must be accomplished first. Yet you live in a world of manifestations. And thusly, you see, you are always climbing what this instrument would call Jacob’s ladder, only you are climbing it down into the depths of your own heart. And there the Creator lies, beyond all manifestation, beyond all images, beyond all ideas of what is real—ready to heal, ready to nurture, ready to love. Many would say that sounds as though the Creator were the Divine Mother, not the Divine Father. And this is our bridge to speak about the role of the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine. (Channelling continues in separate article : 'Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine') [1] This phrase occurs several times in one of the instrument’s favorite hymns. It begins, “I know not where the road will lead I follow day by day, or where it ends: I only know I walk the King's highway.” Copyright © 2011 L/L Research
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