Eva Kroth
In The Water
In The Water
I slide into the spirit of the water. I am in the universal space. In the space between the stars, hydrogen atoms move like interstellar informants. Photons flicker and vibrate in their atomic nuclei. They carry all knowledge of all movements in the expanses of space. The particles inside them carry all knowledge of life forms they have ever encountered.
They speak of other life forms in other galaxies, where they were, and still are, the building blocks for life. Infinite information flickers through them and creates a shimmer that looks like heat over asphalt. I become a glistening motion and encounter an infinite number of life forms all unknown to me. I perceive them as tones, as colors. As consciousness in forms unknown to me. I cannot categorize them, but I understand the message of the universe’s motion. I take in the flickering like a transmitter. I am filled with a humming tone, like the buzzing of a swarm of bees where every insect is buzzing, and all together it amounts to one tone, an infinite humming from the expanse of the universe. Like messages in every single buzz, everything swells up to an enormous buzzing tone that fills me with the knowledge of thousands of solar systems. Now I slide into the spirit of the Earth and breathe. And with one enormous breath I inhale all the experiences of all the beings that have ever lived on Earth. I have bonded hydrogen and oxygen within me. I am a being of the Earth. I am a solidified spirit, and I am part of the universe. I move amid the never-ending dance of the cosmos. Within me, I combine infinite knowledge and the awareness of my cosmic origin. It pulses in me, a never-ending vibration. I am not aware yet what this sound means but I can feel it. I breathe the air of the Earth and carry the solidity and the heaviness of life on Earth inside me. When I bond hydrogen and oxygen within me, I fuse the cosmos and the Earth. I grow, and the cosmos grows with me. I know. I recognize the sound of my universal origins. And I recognize the growth of life on Earth. With every exhalation, every being that has ever lived and breathed on Earth has yielded its spirit and its experience into the air. The interstellar origin of its spirit has fused with its experience and rained down onto Earth as life-giving water. It has opened new opportunities to all life. In water, the spirit of the Earth is united with the spirit of the universe. We live through water. We live through movement. We move from the manifest to the spiritual. Oxygen contains the spirit of all life forms on Earth. They develop like we do. Oxygen is the informant in us through which we learn everything about life on Earth in a spiritual way. The photons of each oxygen atom contain all knowledge about life on Earth, about the terrestrial existence of all life forms at all times. I move into the bonding of oxygen and hydrogen. Both explode when they unite. They emit sparks, the sparks of life that radiate with every bonding. The hydrogen atoms inside us speak about our life on other stars and bond with the oxygen atoms to create an enormously powerful vibration. It vibrates in a golden light. The spirit of our origin from the depths of the universe unites with the spirit of life on Earth in water. This union becomes the basis of our life here: Water as movement toward growth. Water as the substance covering most of our home planet’s surface. Water, which makes up most of our body. We have chosen Earth as our home planet. It is a planet of great variety. It offers a home to an infinite number of living beings. Its variety needs a lot of movement. The spirit of motion vibrates in every water molecule. The union of the spirit of our universal origin with the spirit of life on Earth makes water vibrate in a golden light. In each water molecule, the messages of our origin from the stars shimmer, united with the knowledge about life on Earth in all its forms and varieties. Through water, we are forever connected to this knowledge. In the golden light of the union we find every message that will heal us. Water flows into the Earth, through the metals of the Earth, through the minerals; it nourishes the roots of the plants, wells up to the surface, rises in the direction of the sun and rains down from the clouds. Water is movement. Water carries all information to where it is needed. Water is knowing. We give messages to the water. Water absorbs the messages and carries them to where we wish to grow and transform. I see how thoughts flow out of me in colorful waves and are absorbed by the water in the glass in front of me. I see how feelings flow as unconscious thoughts in colorful waves out of me and are absorbed by the water in the glass in front of me. The water absorbs the wave or the color and the influx is united with the water‘s knowing, living power. I see how the nuclei of the water molecules absorb the colors I am emitting and change the molecules’ own light structure. My messages are absorbed by the water. Every message is absorbed by the water inside me and by all water of the Earth and relayed. As the air unites us all, the water unites us with the Earth and the universe. Every motion moves the whole of the universe. THE RIVER SPEAKS
I absorb the feelings that hurt you and send them on into the Earth. I conduct everything into the emotional body of the Earth. I have the power to absorb. My power is infinite. I absorb the knowledge of the universe, each wave from the expanse of the universe that vibrates through me. Everything you see during the day I absorb as feeling, as unconscious knowledge.
Everything that you do not see at night, the infinite waves from the expanse of the universe, I absorb as knowledge from other worlds. This makes me knowledgeable and strong, even when I am not aware of everything I absorb. I absorb all that is unconscious and let it flow into the Earth as a feeling. The Earth grows from my unconscious knowledge, and you grow with me as every plant and all living beings grow. I am like a flowing consciousness. Everything flows through me and becomes the motion of growth. Nothing ever stops in me, nor in the infinite expanse of the universe. Nothing ever stops in you. You can flow with me and enjoy the flow. It could be your surrender to life, to the movement of your life, where nothing remains still but resonates with every motion of the universe. This surrender is the feeling that frees you from tension. Trust in life is the answer you are looking for. My spirit is in every drop of water on Earth and inside you. In each drop, no matter how small, flows the motion of life on Earth and vibrates with every motion of infinity. Now this drop is limited for you. If you expand your consciousness, you flow into the movement of the universe. It is as unlimited as the motion of a spiral, where spirit becomes matter then turns and becomes spirit again. I am the movement. Where there is movement, there is life in a form that is as perfect as a drop of water and as mobile as water. |
Copyright © by Eva Kroth. Translation from the German: Annette Charpentier, Copyright © September 2018
This text has been reproduced on 'Ascension Now' by kind permission of Eva Kroth.
See also (All Articles): Articles by Contributing Authors: Eva Kroth
This text has been reproduced on 'Ascension Now' by kind permission of Eva Kroth.
See also (All Articles): Articles by Contributing Authors: Eva Kroth