A Time of Expanded Light
Message from Archangel Uriel
Through Shanta Gabriel
February 2018
Message from Archangel Uriel
Through Shanta Gabriel
February 2018
Dear Ones,
We are in a time of expanded Light frequencies. The power of keen perception is available to all who ask. What you require now is to relax into the Light and allow it to complete the rewiring process. Deepening the breath is a key ingredient in opening and expanding in the new light frequencies. When your energy field contracts, your body interprets the constriction as fear. With a breath, it becomes excitement and your energy field becomes more expansive. Recognize also that many people are experiencing the same level of ascension symptoms. Do your best to not take it so personally. Remember that this is a mass awakening process and your awareness of the extreme quality of your spiritual evolution helps to clear any discord for all humanity. There is a divine correlation between your ability to expand your perspective to allow new frequencies to work through your being and that same awakening consciousness in all of humanity. What you are experiencing and letting go of is assisting the awakening of all beings on the planet. You have been in a constant state of upgrade and a rewiring process this past year. Throughout time there have been moments when the Supreme Consciousness is impulsing new light frequencies for the awakening of humanity. You saw it in the periods of history such as the renaissance and the industrial age. This time, however, is without precedence. You have stepped foot into the River of All Creation. Whatever you need is available with Grace and Ease. It is a matter of focusing of Divine Light and anchoring your visions on Earth. When you can learn to ground these new frequencies, and allow the accelerated energy to flow freely through your body, your life will feel more elevated and free. Use this time wisely. Consider the practice of giving love to all the parts of yourself that are suffering, questioning or in pain. As you give more love to yourself on a daily basis, an ease begins to permeate your life. New levels of consciousness explode through your being as well as within all humanity. Change is the constant expression of this time. The acceleration you are experiencing is the awakening of new life on the planet. When you know that your spiritual evolution is creating the changes within and around you, it helps to relax the questioning mind. Change is only uncomfortable when you are holding onto old patterns. Change is exhilarating when you can relax and expand with the new frequencies. It may be unknown territory but the new life opening in your energy field will delight you in its magical qualities of synchronicity and freedom. Activation of Light is an inside job. Your perception of the world is clearly a vehicle of Light. Have you been looking through a glass darkly? Whatever you see is colored by your perception and attributes. From profound realization to discouragement in the face of discordant information, all that you see is through the lens of your thoughts and attitudes. Your alignment with Source changes your reality and how you perceive. The amount of Light you bring into your mind changes your reality. Your connection to your heart assists you in seeing more clearly, and with expanded awareness. Through all life there are moments in time when all that can be seen is limited by how you look at the situations around you. Know you can illuminate the darkness with your presence of Truth and Love. Allow yourself to receive from higher levels of expanded Light and awareness. Use the spiritual tools you have been given to support yourself through this process. And learn to trust yourself in a whole new way. You are being held in Wings of Pure Light and led through this time by the power of Love that never ends. Rejoice in the knowing that you are a part of a grand momentum of Light that will transform the world as you have known it. The creation of new life awakening is happening within and around you. You will be able to use these powerful new frequencies of Light more and more to create the life you desire. Your clear intentions are holding the planetary consciousness in new expansive states of awareness. Open to receive Divine Light. Allow Light to flow through you and anchor into the Earth. Let Light fill and surround you. Bring Light into your heart and radiate your Light into the world. Truly know that all is well. And so it is. Shanta Gabriel For Archangel Uriel www.shantagabriel.com |