Andrew Smith
(An excerpt from)
Ascension and the Fifth Dimensional Network
(An excerpt from)
Ascension and the Fifth Dimensional Network
A Vision of Life on the New Earth This message is for those of you who have voyaged successfully to this point, on the eve of a gargantuan change, with your heart’s aspirations intact. We’re going to show you a place you’ve not been to before, or at least not for a very long time.
Let us envisage a beautiful grassy valley – a shallow valley rather than one with steep sides – dotted with wild flowers, with a variety of quite mature trees as well as some younger ones. There is a small river, more the size of a brook perhaps, running along the base of the valley, twisting and turning as is the way of running water – knowing where it has to go in the end, staying with its course. There are several comfortable wooden benches near the brook, of the sort that have curved wooden backs so that you are fully supported. You find yourself looking around at this beautiful valley – the air is full of the deepest fragrances. In the background you hear a great diversity of joy-filled birds singing from their hearts. Sunlight radiates continuously with a gentle temperature. While you’re taking in the whole scene here, you are invited to sit down on one of these most comfortable benches, still surrounded by this total beauty. So please do that now. You become aware of a new rhythm flowing through your body – it comes up through your feet, up through your ankles, through your legs to your hips, into the abdominal area, flowing up the spine, filling the chest , moving up through the neck to fill the head, down the arms also. Then you notice the change in frequency – a pulsing energy. You notice outside that the colours in the sky appear to be in synchronicity with these energies you feel pulsing upwards through your body. In some way, the colours and shades are moving in accordance with this pulsing energy within you. Even the birdsong changes and joins in this unified expression. You feel wave after wave of this joy-filled energy. With so many overlapping frequencies, you see a kaleidoscope of colours changing each fraction of a second. As you sit there, you are totally part of this experience of vibrant life energy. It’s like you are immersed in the deepest music yet it’s a music without notes – tiny pulses, thousands of them, producing harmonies beyond anything you have ever heard previously. Within your mind, colours come and go in tune with these musical impulses. You are truly at one with all the energies of this enchanted valley. Now you are invited to choose a thought related to one of your deepest aspirations. Bring this thought and aspiration into your mind and hold it there lovingly. Then see it very gently extending down to your heart centre, so that it exists strongly in both areas. As you embrace this aspirational thought, it develops some structure, taking on some kind of texture. You notice that the energy flow within your body seems to have reversed. Instead of the energy flow coming up through your feet, your power is coming instead from aspirational thought, that related to your new creation. It seems to flow downward through the legs, out through the feet, out into the valley. It begins to take form in this magical place because you are at one with the whole valley; its inhabitants and all its energetic patterns and frequencies. And so all life in the valley responds to your new creation. Although the birds singing are still themselves, they respond by putting out their higher vibrational patterns in perfect alignment with your new creation. The murmurs and the bubbling sounds from the brook also change to harmonise with your creative energies now spreading throughout the whole valley. You can even feel the trees as Great Spirits, smiling as they give their energies also towards the manifestation of your creation. For them it is second nature to respond in this way. Within the rays of the Sun, you notice there the change of emphasis also, an overtone difference, it seems. You see and feel your creation coming into a visible etheric form, one that you can feel clearly, gradually becoming more visible. You notice that the energy is still flowing from your head and heart continuously and steadily, going out into the valley, finding its way to all the parts it needs to go – to bring this creation into fruition. Read the complete Ascension and the Fifth Dimensional Network –
(Values and Energy Structures of the New Earth, Making your Personal Ascension a Priority, Ascension Opportunity for Humanity, Human Evolution as your Planet Ascends, Purpose of the Fifth Dimensional Network, Transition to the 5D New Earth using the Network)
This excerpt has been reproduced on 'Ascension Now' by kind permission
of Andrew Smith |