Spirit-Inspired Poems
Through Messenger Spirit
Through Messenger Spirit
What If ....
Why, I say, why query life? Let each day slide its weary way Till evening comes. Mass media dulls the misery Engendered by the daily grind, And vivid dreams of what could be Bring respite in the night-time hours …. Till morning breaks the spell of hope. But what if ‘Life’ is not like this And we are not just victims here? What if we are more than this, Disguised within these shells of flesh? What if we are filled with Light, Dreamed to life by All That Is? What if All That Is, IS ‘Life’, Fragmented into fractal form Within our earthly human flesh? Lift up your eyes from daily grind, From wars and hate and fear. From greed, despair and poverty. There is so much more here. Deep within each Human heart A sacred Light burns bright. The Light of Source, of All That Is; Humanity’s birthright. Bequeathed to us in Love, and in hope that we would wake From millennia of slumber To Who We Are As sparks of Source; Divine souls without number. And choose a greater future For all Mankind. The choice is ours, free will is all, And most have chosen gladly The path of Love, of hope and trust; The path of Unity. Those who chose the darker path, Accepting not the Light within, Attempt to block the spread of Love Within Humanity. Their deeds are dark, their Light ignored, And innocents will suffer, But as Light increases in the world Their time is short. The tipping point is almost reached When Mankind will, in unison, Move forward from these barbarous days To spiritual communion. When Spirit and flesh - united as One - Will live in peace and joy. And Heaven will be here on Earth – at last. From Spirit through Messenger Spirit September 2015 |
For The Highest Good Of All
Few consciously remember The path we chose in life. But time will show our destiny As every thought and deed Unfolds the story deep within. A story written long ago, In realms beyond our earthly reach, Of aims and aspirations For the Highest Good of All. With Spirit’s help and guidance And the love of those around us This time of revelation Will unveil our lives’ true goal. We came to help the raising Of Mother Earth’s vibration And the lifting of Humanity To higher realms of Light. As waves of Higher Love and Light Sweep through the Solar System, Vibrations rise And Mother Earth Expands her consciousness. Humanity awakens In the presence of Divinity, Awakens to Divinity within. Always present, dormant …, waiting …. For Humanity’s remembrance Of our origin in Light. A new dawn awaits us; Is now within our grasp. Reach out and touch it ….. From Spirit through Messenger Spirit May 2016 |