'Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine'
Channelled information from
'the Principle known as Q'uo'
Library - L/L Research Transcripts
Channelled information from
'the Principle known as Q'uo'
Library - L/L Research Transcripts
This telepathic channeling has been taken from transcriptions of the weekly study and meditation meetings of the Rock Creek Research & Development Laboratories and L/L Research. It is offered in the hope that it may be useful to you. As the Confederation entities always make a point of saying, please use your discrimination and judgment in assessing this material. If something rings true to you, fine. If something does not resonate, please leave it behind, for neither we nor those of the Confederation would wish to be a stumbling block for any. Saturday Meditation - September 25, 2010
G: Our question today is: (Firstly, we would like you to give us a synopsis of the development of the Creation from prior to the point of the first distortion, all the way through to the third distortion - see separate article : 'Primary Development of the Creation') Secondly, we would like to ask about the spiritual principles of the Divine Masculine and Feminine and where those two polarities first became manifest—how and when they split, one becoming masculine and the other becoming feminine. Thank you. (Carla channeling) (channelling continuation from 'Primary Development of the Creation') Many would say that sounds as though the Creator were the Divine Mother, not the Divine Father. And this is our bridge to speak about the role of the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine. It can be very confusing to think about masculinity and femininity, because there are so many levels, all of them equally valid, at which that dynamic opposition occurs. The way most entities think about masculinity and femininity is according to the outward appearance of an entity. If an entity has breasts and a vagina, that entity is feminine. If an entity has a penis and a scrotum, that entity is masculine. My friends, this barely scratches the surface but at least almost everyone is aware of the difference between the two, and aware that society has given men and women quite different roles, and not just the society, but the biological nature of men and women, has enculturated and preserved those differences and even attempted to codify them. At that level it is well to note that the chief difference between the two sexes is that one biological sex is given the ocean of life, so that she necessarily becomes a priestess who can conceive and bear a child. The ocean of life runs through her and she is able to manifest that child. The male is not given this contact, this participation, in the ocean of life. He can come close. He can never experience the ebb and the flow of the tides of that ocean. Consequently, there is innate in women a certain inner power. Further, it is instinct as well as enculturation that offers to women an absolute and usually complete access to mother love, the love that is above and beyond all loves. That love touches into infinity, which is commensurate with the great gift that women carry within them. Men, on the other hand tend to be larger or more powerful, more directed to protect and serve, as the policeman’s motto often goes. Yet both men and women are challenged by the same ideal and that is to use their power rightly. It is also to be noted that a great source of confusion in your Earth world is due to the fact that the male sex is aware of the inner power of women and is somewhat challenged by it. Consequently, there will be every effort made by the usual non-thinking person who is male to keep women in their place, to tell themselves that women are inferior, to belittle them when they have intuition about which men do not know, for it is something that they can never understand. The instinct of a bully is not to harmonize but to control, and it is a sorry mess that your societies have tended to make of the possibility of dancing together, male and female, in utter harmony, seeing themselves as a tag team or on a tandem bicycle, working together, setting their intentions in common, and creating of life a glory and an honestation to the Creator. These things are within your grasp personally. Can you change your society? Do not be concerned with that, for as you change yourself, so you change the world. Now, let us dive, as we have encouraged you to do, and look at the male and female aspects from a deeper point of view. When entities have opened their hearts and they are ready to communicate with honesty and with the best truth that they know, and when they are content to lay all aside and allow the radiance that is pouring through them from the infinite Creator to be themselves, then there is the opportunity to awaken to a magical world, a world in which the polarities make sense for the first time. When does polarity begin? In the sense in which you ask it, my friends, polarity begins in third density, the only density in which that kind of polarity does exist. Because it is the only world or environment in which nothing can be known, spiritually speaking. A veil of forgetting is dropped when you enter incarnation and it is not to be lifted until the incarnation is at an end and you rejoin the dance of Creation first-hand. The reason for this unknowing is that nothing that you do out of knowledge or hindsight, shall we say, is powerful to you. As the ones of Ra said, you can have a take-home test, an open book test, and look up all the answers and get it all right, but it means nothing to you except a good grade. It is only when you can’t look up the answers and you are thrown back upon your resources that you are challenged to find them and use them to move yourself away from what this instrument would call “the matrix” or consensus reality and into that magical land where things do make sense, where there is a reason for every polarity, light and dark, male and female, old and young. Everything in your world has polarity. Electricity works by polarity, gravity works by polarity, and so forth. It is a world of polarity. Now when one does the magical ritual known as “The Banishing Ritual of the Lesser Pentagram”, which this instrument and the one known as Jim do every morning, the first visualization is of what this instrument would call the Star of David, a six-pointed star. It can be visualized thusly: there is an upside-down delta, or an upside down pyramid, which is the feminine principle, and there is the right side up delta or pyramid which is the masculine principle. And as those two are inevitably attracted to each other, they form a brightly shining star, the guiding motif of your density. Love holds the male and the female principles together. Each is the obverse of the other. The male reaches. The female awaits the reaching. Penetrated more and more, this image yields the awareness that it is as inevitable that the sexes or the polarities of humankind harmonize as it is that they are different. Only by loving each other and moving into that locked design that is the Star of David does this third density come to life. Thusly, one principle is not better than the other. They are entirely equal and ready to be harmonized, but according to the free will of each. And within the system of magic that this instrument understands, each entity is both biological male and biological female in an infinite subtly of different ways. Some women, for instance, move more according to male energy than female, regardless of their biological sexuality. Some men reflect the Divine Feminine with far more clarity than they reflect the Divine Masculine. And the two come together because they must, because it is within their very DNA to come together and create life, and in creating life they create the opportunity for service. There is a glyph that is essential to western ritual magic called the Tree of Life. There are three pillars to the Tree of Life. There is a feminine side and there is a masculine side. There also is a central pillar which is created of those elements that magicians of old felt were neither feminine nor masculine. We feel that it is educational and interesting to see what characteristics are considered feminine and which are considered masculine. Yet we do not suggest that you are bound by those judgments. It is simply a picture of relationships that help you to think about what it is to be feminine and what it is to be masculine. Each polarity loves and desires love, yet to the masculine principle is given more aggression, more linear thinking, logic and such characteristics. To the feminine principle is given that which is not aggressive but which is immediate, intuitive and beautiful. The gifts of each make little sense until they have harmonized, each to each, to form, on the small level instead of the level of the world, the Star of David. Generally, those who are masculine by sexuality have come into this incarnation to deal to some extent with power. What is the right use of their power? If they can control, should they control? What is the right use of that power? To love, to nurture, to be patient, to forgive? The point of polarity, in the sexual sense, whether it is on the surface of life or deep into the archetypal mind, is both to accentuate and to purify those characteristics that seem to go with the sexuality that is biological, and then to make the offering to the other sex of all that you have and all that you are. Then you together take up the magical dance of polarity and you can collaborate to do wonderful things. Often, it seems as though a couple is not supportive of each other. The woman goes one way and the man goes another. And yet if they are holding each other in love, if they are keeping alive the excitement that bonded them into the Star of David in the first place, then their whole life is richer and fuller. Your incarnation is largely about loving. And learning to love as the Creator loves is a challenge. Each time you are stopped by the opposite sex in transigence in some way you are tempted to think, “Ah, I’m disgusted. I would just rather be me and single and alone.” Yet in that state you are diminished, compared to the strength and the depth of your catalyst. Learning to serve each other is the challenge. Thusly, we encourage you to glorify and find ever better ways to express that divine principle which is love, distorted according to your sexuality, while at the same time realizing that this polarity is a dance or a game that you are playing in order to learn. You might call third density a Montessori School. Instead of books, you are given games and they are learning games. Your game is to create love from hatred, unity from disharmony, joy from sadness, hope from fear, consolation from distress, and the polarity you seem to have feeds into that wonderful goal only insofar as it gives you the pathways that you may walk to find the truth within you. There are many paths to the truth. You shall not make a mistake as you walk, although as the one known as Ra noted that there are always surprises. My friends, this is, as we said, only the merest tip of the iceberg of this interesting subject. If you wish to query at another time, we are delighted to work with you. But for now we feel that this is all that this instrument can do and all that this group can do as far as maintaining that focus that has given us such a good channel into this instrument this evening. With the greatest of appreciation for your beauty, we leave you, as we found you, in the Love and in the Light of the One Infinite Creator. We thank you, my friends. It has been a pleasure. We are known to you as the principle of Q’uo. Adonai, my friends. Adonai. We leave you in Love and Light. Copyright © 2011 L/L Research
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