A New View of Consciousness and Reality :
Multiple Sources - Same Knowledge :
We Exist in a Multi-Dimensional Universe
Multiple Sources - Same Knowledge :
We Exist in a Multi-Dimensional Universe
Other times, the entities on the other side of the veil wonder what this newly arrived being is doing there.96 His subjects often found themselves in alien environments, but some experienced environments that resembled Earth. Intriguingly, the "volunteers not only saw these things, but felt an unshakeable certainty that they actually were there. Opening their eyes at any time superimposed this reality with their now-manifest but previously invisible one.” 97
Taken at face value this evidence is suggestive of the reality of other realms of conscious experience. Considering the fact that they communicated with beings who in some cases were waiting for them to come back in another DMT session and the fact that they continued experiencing this reality even with their eyes open suggests that their brains were indeed picking up information from another realm and transmitting it to consciousness, just as our brains normally pick up information from the material realm and transmit it to consciousness. Strassman comments that he repeatedly thought: "This sounds like nothing I've ever heard about in my therapy patients' dream life. It is much more bizarre, well-remembered, and internally consistent.” 98 The UFO mystery also provides us with rich evidence of other dimensions. Most intriguingly, UFOs seem to be craft that can manifest in this dimension from another. It's a reversal of how DMT or LSD takes us into other dimensions. Now, it's beings and craft from other dimensions manifesting in our world. UFO abductee Jim Sparks, in his book The Keepers, describes a time when a UFO manifested over a beach he was at. "I turned, and for some reason I knew exactly where to look. Right there, hanging stationary in the sky in broad daylight was a diamond-shaped ship. It looked as though the sky had partially opened up to let it in because directly behind the ship was a streak of bright white light with a hue of blue. It was beautiful, just hanging there. [. . .] Then, in a flash, it disappeared." 99 The craft had a bright white light behind it and then disappeared in a flash, like it just winked out. This is not just Sparks who reports these things. Another UFO reported by Jacques Vallee in his book Confrontations is said to have "remained in position for three minutes and vanished on the spot, “as if someone had turned off the light.""100 Again in his book Dimensions there is a case where a doctor observed a UFO that sent a shaft of light which lit up his front yard and shone right into his face. Immediately afterwards, "a bang was heard and the disk went away, leaving behind a whitish glow which was slowly blown away by the wind."101 Likewise, the apparitions at Fatima of the Virgin Mary follow the same pattern. Regarding Fatima, Vallee reports that on one occasion "a clap of thunder was heard, followed by a bright flash. A small whitish cloud was forming around the tree."102 This flash of light and the sudden appearance or disappearance of a craft or ball of light suggests that these things are popping into this dimension from somewhere else. It reminds one of the sudden appearance and disappearance of electrons or other minute "virtual" particles in the microscopic realm. We also have other correlative evidence of this flash of light and a sudden manifestation of a being from another realm. One such case was reported by a police officer on the Coast to Coast radio program hosted by George Noory. This officer found the dead body of a deceased sexual predator after he failed to show up for work for many days. At the time he found the body, he actually saw the ghost of the man standing over his dead body. Then one night, the officer woke up from something slapping him on the foot. He describes that in a flash, another spirit came into the room and got between him and the other spirit and he fell back asleep. The officer reports that a psychic later told him that his grandfather was the spirit who intervened between him and the other spirit of the deceased man.103 Describing the coming of this other spirit as "in a flash" suggests a flash of light. And where would his Grandfather come from, except from the dimension of the afterlife? It's time we remove our naiveté that the material reality we see with our physical eyes is the only reality and recognize that there are other realms of conscious experience. Furthermore, crossover is possible. One can access other dimensions while in a physical body and conscious entities in other dimensions can manifest in ours. There is ample evidence for this. It is only the mechanics of such manifestation that are unknown. How do UFOs manifest in our world from another? This is the mystery. We cannot leave this inquiry into dimensions without mentioning UFO abductions. Although some abductions suggest an actual physical taking of the individual, there are many instances where it seems more likely that what was abducted was the individual's conscious mind, not their physical self. A prime example of this is an event in the life of Sequoyah Trueblood, as reported by Dr. John Mack in his book Passport to the Cosmos. One day while relaxing by the pool Trueblood was compelled, without knowing why, to go to the airport, where he boarded a plane to Oklahoma City. There, he contacted a friend who drove him to the home of another friend in Norman, Oklahoma. Feeling a little strange, Sequoyah asked to lie down and rest. After lying down, "he saw a kind of vortex of swirling lights "like a rainbow," into which he was sucked.”104 These swirling visuals of intricate color are also described by many of Strassman's volunteers who were injected with DMT. After going beyond these visual displays his participants found themselves in other strange worlds.105 After being sucked through the color vortex, "Sequoyah then found himself standing in a beautiful garden surrounded by hedges. He was now wide awake, "no different than me sitting right here with you now." In front of him was a silvery saucer-shaped craft and a shimmering small silver-looking being standing on steps that were coming down from the bottom of the craft. The being looked grayish and had a large bald head with large eyes, and Sequoyah sensed it was "androgynous," neither male nor female. The being communicated telepathically that it was from "another place" and had been sent to take him there because "they" wanted to talk to him."106 He then boarded the craft and travelled to "a beautiful white city in what he felt was another planet in another realm or universe.”107 While in this city he communicates with one of the persons there, who are described as having fair skin, wearing white robes, and having hair that glowed like sunlight. This figure tells him about his mission in life to teach people "about the great peace and love that fills all creation.”108 They relate to him that the events of his life have been preparation for this task. Finally, Sequoyah returns the same way he came, by boarding the craft, travelling back to the garden scene, proceeding through the vortex, and awakening on his friend's bed. Sequoyah dismisses the possibility of this being a hallucination because he had had drug induced hallucinations before the experience, but they were more fragmented and recognizable as a symptom of toxicity or withdrawal. His account of what happened, however, was much more clear and coherent. Could it have been a simple dream? This of course is possible, but then we have the problem of his sudden impulse to leave his house and travel to another state. This uncharacteristic behavior suggests that something of a higher order is going on, like a higher intelligence is influencing him. At face value a more likely explanation is that his consciousness was sucked through the vortex and taken to another dimension through the influence of some higher intelligence. This would suggest that we do indeed live in a multi-dimensional universe that is populated with other intelligent conscious entities. Also, it would suggest that our consciousness is capable of connecting to and experiencing these other dimensions. Another UFO abductee, Jim Sparks, also describes the dimensional nature of his experiences. His abductions, as described in his book The Keepers, would be preceded by "a low-pitched whirling sound, which slowly got louder.”109 This would be followed by "a tremendous rushing feeling" and acceleration as if he were on a rollercoaster.110 Then everything would stop, the whirling and acceleration, and he would find himself in an alien environment. Then when he was finished there, the whirling and acceleration would come again and he would find himself back in bed.111 So, just as people experience energetic sensations preceding an out-of-body experience, we have the same phenomenon occurring in regards to UFO abductions. Whatever is happening in the body at such moments must be tied to a releasing of the consciousness of the person. Or at the very least it is a reorientation of the conscious mind to "tune into" and experience a different dimension. To explore this idea further, it is useful to look at one abduction where Sparks did his best to try and keep conscious awareness during the abduction. Usually, he blacked out sometime after experiencing the whirling sound and intense energy going on in his body. Then he would wake up in an alien environment. But on one occasion, he fights to keep his awareness through the whole experience and reports the following: "The living room furniture started turning transparent. My television, chairs, sofa, then the walls themselves started to fade away. I discovered that I could turn my head to the right, left, up and down. The whirling sound became so loud I almost blacked out. I could feel the soft fibres of my carpet against my bare feet. I could also feel my rear end sinking into the foam rubber sofa cushion. Slowly my feet began to feel cold as though they were dangling in the air. At the same time I could feel cold hard metal under my butt. I looked down. My feet were dangling in the air as if propped on a hospital table. Yet at the same time I could see my feet firmly planted on my living room carpet. How could this be? Then I glanced down at my lower torso. I could see and feel myself sitting on a metal table, and I could see and feel myself still propped on my sofa. Somehow, I could also feel the cushion of the sofa at the same time that I could feel cold hard steel under my rear end."112 One reality, that of his living room, is slowly fading away, while another reality, that of sitting on a hard steel table, is slowly coming into focus. He finds himself for a time able to see both realities at the same time. However, later on the reality of his living room fades to nothing and he is completely immersed in this new setting. It's not as if his consciousness is necessarily going anywhere, but that it's tuning into a new reality in a different dimension. If one were to walk into Spark's home during this experience, they would most likely find him sitting on his couch in some sort of coma or sleep like state. His consciousness at the time being totally immersed in this other reality, he would not be aware of you walking in the door. However, if you shook him, his conscious awareness may snap back to the material world, leaving the other world behind. This is of course conjecture, but the question has been addressed in the book The Watchers II by Raymond Fowler. Under hypnotic regression, abductee Bob Luca is asked what would happen if someone came into his home and jostled him while his consciousness was in this other plane. He was asked if his consciousness would be returned to "Channel Normal," or the material realm. He responded affirmatively and added that "it would be done in an instant - a flash of an eye.”113 Considering this rich bank of evidence, from NDE accounts of going to heavenly or hellish realms, psychedelic trips to other worlds, UFOs suddenly appearing and disappearing in the material realm, and abductees' claims that they are consciously transported to another dimension during their experience, we need to consider the definite possibility of the existence of other dimensions. Otherwise, what explanation for these experiences are we left with? Hallucination is an unlikely candidate when you consider that people sometimes come back from these other realms with information that they could not have previously known. Also, the accounts are coherent and not fragmented. Dimensionality is the most likely explanation if we eliminate the hallucination theory. If we consider reality like a giant radio, then the material world is a specific narrow set of frequencies, like one radio station of this giant radio. All about us, other bands of frequencies are broadcasting other realities just as real as this one. Our brain, which our consciousness interfaces with, is trained to pick up only the frequencies of the material world. However, whether chemically induced or guided by higher intelligences, our brains may be re-tuned to pick up a different range of frequencies, or bypassed altogether, allowing our conscious minds to freely escape from the body for a time and travel to other dimensions. And if we can travel to other dimensions, then it's no leap of imagination to think that beings in those other dimensions can travel to ours, as UFOs seem to be doing. Next: Conclusion and Notes |