Electric Universe/Plasma Cosmology : The Simple Electric Universe
Gerrit Verschuur, radio astronomer and popularizer of astronomy. Past director of the Fiske Planetarium, U. of Colorado, Boulder, CO.
Radio astronomy is a crucial tool for mapping cosmic circuitry in an Electric Universe.
“Who, indeed, are we as a species to dare ask such mighty questions as concern the origin of the universe and in unique arrogance believe we may have the correct answer within cosmic microseconds of the asking.” Gerrit L. Verschuur, Interstellar Matters.
Composite image of the Earth at night. Image by Craig Mayhew and Robert Simmon, NASA GSFC.
_Survey of the nearby universe maps the distribution of about 75,000
galaxies (small blue dots). The placement of each galaxy in the radial
direction is proportional to its distance from the Earth (which is
located at the intersection of the two wedges), and its angular position
(or right ascension in hours of arc) corresponds to its location along a
thin strip in the sky. The galaxies clearly trace a network of
filamentary structures.
Image courtesy of the 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey team.
Playing with a magnet and a plasma discharge tube, the "Aurora Borealis Tube Display" by Resonance Research Corporation.
_Plasma ball and planetary nebula NGC 6751. Credit for NGC 6751, NASA and STScI/AURA.
Much earlier, Georg Christoph Lichtenberg (1742-1799) was even more prescient, “a man cannot strongly enough ask of Heaven: if it wants to let him discover something, may it be something that makes a bang. It will resound into eternity.” For the sake of science I hope not. The big bang was not “discovered” but contrived by mathematicians following the proposal of a Belgian Roman Catholic priest and astronomer, George Lemaitre, for the origin of the universe from a “primeval atom” or “Cosmic Egg exploding at the moment of the creation.” The theory defies physics principles and is unrealistic, needing most of the matter in the universe to be invisible (not even dark) and a mysterious ‘dark’ energy. Even galaxies must have mathematical figments (black holes) at their hearts to explain just a few of their characteristics. Hoyle believed one single, usually simple, observation could unseat a strongly established prejudice like the big bang. But when you believe in theories like the big bang, logic has no dominion and any observation can be accommodated.
The Norwegian, Kristian Birkeland, in the early 1900s set up an electromagnetic observatory inside the Arctic circle. He associated the magnetic effects of aurorae with electric currents flowing between the Sun and the Earth. His electrical “Terrella” or “little Earth” experiments were able to reproduce the features of aurorae, sunspots, comets, etc. The BIG LESSON from the Terella experiments is that they required EXTERNAL ELECTRICAL POWER GENERATED SOME DISTANCE AWAY. In recent years his name has been applied to the electric currents discovered in space—“Birkeland currents.”
The Nobel Prize winning Hannes Alfvén was trained as an electrical engineer but went on to produce much of the theoretical underpinning of electrical behavior in the Electric Universe. An article about his work with the title “Alfvén’s Electric Universe” appeared in the Boston Globe on Monday, March 20, 1989. Alfvén insisted that it was of prime importance to understand cosmic circuitry. But astronomers ignored him.
So discoveries about lightning and auroras continue to surprise physicists even in this space age. Perhaps there is a good reason for this. Our Earthly experience is one of solids, liquids and gases. The region we inhabit between the ionosphere, some 80km above us, and the surface of the Earth, is one of the rarest environments in the universe. We inhabit part of the .001% or less of the universe where plasma is not to be found naturally except in the lightning bolt and occasional aurora. Plasma has been termed ‘the fourth state of matter’ but in view of its ubiquity it would be better termed ‘the fundamental state of matter.’
It is a state where neutral atoms are mixed with charged particles, positive and negative. These particles may be as small as electrons and protons or may range up to the size of molecules and dust particles. In a gaseous plasma, like we find throughout the universe, the charged particles respond more strongly to electromagnetic forces than they do to mechanical or gravitational forces. One of the results we see in lightning is the constriction of electric currents to form long filaments. And the filamentary nature of plasma in space is well documented. No dark matter, sprinkled where required to save a theory, is necessary.
The Electric Universe assumes that Nature is not wilfully hiding her secrets. The complexity we observe in the universe comes from very simple electrical principles, some of which can be tested with very simple apparatus. Science is open to everyone. The visible universe is an electrical phenomenon, from the structure of subatomic particles to the superclusters of galaxies in deep space.
The Electric Universe model is simple enough that it can be taught to young children, but it first requires that cosmology is actually included in the science curriculum and then treated with a reasonable level of importance (the subject of a forthcoming article). For the more mature student, the science curriculum should include studying the behaviour of electricity in gases. Everyone is familiar with lightning. Most have seen fluorescent and neon lights. And the writhing “life-like” filaments in the novelty ‘plasma ball’ are a favorite with kids. But familiarity with lightning and neon lights does not equate with understanding. Lightning and the plasma behavior inside those glass tubes and balls are a mystery to almost everyone. Yet the environment inside those objects most closely equates to that of the rest of the universe.
The outgoing president of the International Astronomical Union (IAU) 2009, Catherine Cesarsky, said recently, “I think young scientists should guard themselves against brainwashing. They should look beyond the road maps, even if we put the best we know in them. Also, they should resist specializing too much at the cost of the big picture. The best way to escape [the] bandwagon effect is to look at things from a distance, to connect different ideas.”
It is time for another idea in astronomy. The Electric Universe is a new ‘big picture’ of the universe that “looks at things from a distance and connects different ideas.” If science has become ‘show biz,’ the broad panorama of the Electric Universe is fitted for an Imax theatre show like nothing else before it. The Electric Universe releases us from the confining eggshell of big bang metaphysics and propels us into the real universe. Our future depends on it. The possible scientific, technological and cultural advances will be, as Arthur C. Clarke so ably expressed it, “indistinguishable from magic.”
My thanks to Bob Johnson and Gerald Pecksen for their help in London and their valuable views about an Electric Revolution.