Another little miracle at the supermarket
By Contributing Author Michaela Wider
By Contributing Author Michaela Wider
On some days I feel so unfit for the "real" world that I am loathe to even go to the supermarket (which is the only contact with the real world I have anyway LOL!)
They are the "I love's people I hate" kind of days. On one of these days I was standing in the supermarket, feeling irksome. There was a moment when I saw myself from outside: inwardly clenched, nervous, unfocused, uncomfortable I frowned at myself and said: "what are you doing?"... pause... "and why?" Then I decided to do a little experiment. I started to breathe and relax and let the "back to pure source" mantra travel on my breath. It instantly switched my perception; my field expanded outward and I became aware of all the living beings around me and of their fields. It felt sort of good. Especially compared with the feeling I had had just a minute ago. I decided to always walk through the supermarket that way (nice try!). In that moment I was standing in front of a shelf, trying to figure out what I needed, when I happened to glance sideways. There, fishing for some buns from a plexiglas box with a pair of pliers, stood a man in heavy duty work clothes and dirty boots. He happened to glance sideways too. We smiled and said hello. Then a stream of light seemed to come up from his heart through his eyes. And I felt the same stream of light coming up from my heart through my eyes. And we "knew". I don't know what it was that we knew, it was something that seemed just beyond conscious grasping. I felt enveloped in a sphere of golden light that instantly made me "deliriously happy" and warm inside. Then I watched him interact with an elderly couple who were standing on his other side. The beaming on their faces showed me that they too had been enveloped in a sphere of golden light. This made my day. I kept thinking of that incident again and again, and every time it made me feel warm inside. Still does. I wondered whether this man walks through life like that all the time, sending out streams of golden light from his heart to everyone he meets. Probably not; not unless he is an angel. But even one single glance of this quality is a blessing that lasts............for ever?...... Imagine a world in which everyone looks at each other like this!!! |
About the Author:
For the last five years I have been living a little bit like a hermit in an old railroad house, with no warm water but a warm wood stove and a garden. No car, but good animal friends and a handful of good human friends and family nearby. My life has turned more and more inward during this time. I measure distance by how long it will take me to walk somewhere. That has really changed my perception. My past seems far away. I can vaguely remember that I had a job in my profession as an occupational therapist. I love to contemplate and meditate with closed and open eyes.
Embracing the mystery Hold that one desire And on the wings of sound silence Fly to the heart of the Lord of Love [email protected] |