The word Spiritual originates from the Latin 'spiritus' meaning 'breath of life'.
Healing can be defined as regaining balance of mind, body and/or emotions.
Spiritual Healing is a natural energy therapy. It complements conventional medicine by treating the whole person - mind, body and spirit.
Spiritual Healers act as conduits for healing energy, universal life force energy, often described as 'Love and Light', which relaxes the body, releases tensions and stimulates self-healing Universal life-force energy is intelligent and knows where to go and what to do to enable the body to heal itself. The role of the healer is to channel this energy to the patient; the patient’s body does the healing.
The benefits of healing can be felt on many levels, not just the physical, and the effects can be profound.
Where does this 'energy' come from? Healing energy is all around us. In essence it is 'universal' - part of nature itself. It is available for everyone to use for the greatest good. Healers learn to use their ability to tap into this natural energy and pass it on.
Depending upon their individual beliefs some healers and recipients see the energy as divine; others see it as pure universal energy. It is often visualised as simply 'Love and Light'.
How does it work? Healing is a natural therapy, where healing energy is channelled by the healer through to the patient. When our energy is unbalanced or depleted (resulting in illness or stress) the healer acts as a gentle set of ‘jump leads’ channelling energy into the patient, and the energy is then drawn to where it is most needed. For this reason, the healer does not need to know your problem to enable healing to take place, but you are free to talk about it if you wish.
Spiritual Healing is complementary to orthodox medicine; it must not be considered as an alternative. When you are unwell, you may need to seek assistance from your doctor. If you receive Spiritual Healing this will complement your treatment; the two will work together to assist in your recovery.
When we mention Healing of any sort, many people think immediately of making a person well from a physical problem. This is true in part, but it is not the whole picture.
When we mention “Spiritual”, many people immediately think of religion. With Spiritual Healing, this is not so. The Spiritual nature of mankind is all of those parts that are non-physical, such as mind, emotions and the “life force”. Spiritual Healing can be administered to a person of any religious denomination or none at all. Religion and Faith take no part in a Spiritual Healing session and will not be discussed with you. Remember that the purpose of your visit is to receive Spiritual Healing; if you have a question the Spiritual Healer will gladly answer it.
When Spiritual Healing is administered it can assist a person on any or all of those levels of self, thus treating the whole person.
No faith is required. Spiritual Healing is administered to babies, young children and animals. It is perhaps an obvious statement to make, that they are not going to know about faith, yet they can benefit from the Healing. Nothing is expected from the patient, except perhaps openness to what may happen, and a degree of trust in the Healer. An acceptance of the need for change and the will to do so will also help.
It may surprise you to know that the patient has a great influence on the level of recovery, because it is the patient’s positive attitude in wanting to feel well again that works with both medical treatment and Spiritual Healing.
When you receive Spiritual Healing it will first be explained to you how the Healer will work with you. Having explained the procedure for working, the Spiritual Healer will ask you if you wish to continue. With your agreement, the session will commence.
The Healer, with your permission, will either place his/her hands gently on you, this is “hands-on healing”, or may work with their hands close to you but not touching you, this is “hands-off healing”. Both work equally well, but each Healer has their own way of working. Healers are aware of where they may and may not place their hands, in respect to “sensitive areas”; they work to a Code of Conduct issued by their organisation to which they must adhere - it is compulsory.
The duration of the healing session varies from person to person and is usually between ten and twenty minutes, though it may be much longer if the healer considers it beneficial. During the healing session you will be asked to relax and quieten your mind; you may close your eyes to assist this process. To aid with relaxation, the healer may provide gentle, relaxing music. As healing proceeds, you may feel a little warmer, a little cooler, or no change at all - just relax and enjoy the session. Equally, don’t try to detect what is happening, just RELAX.
In accordance with “NHS Choices”, your Doctor has the right to refer you for Spiritual Healing if he feels it would be beneficial. You also have the right to request Spiritual Healing.
The Healer will always encourage you to remain in touch with your Doctor. As previously mentioned, Spiritual Healing is complementary to medical treatment, so do tell your Doctor of any benefits that you may feel.
The Doctor will always remain in control of your medical care.
Distant Healing
What is Distant Healing? Distant healing is healing performed when the patient is not present. It is possible to transmit healing energies over any distance and this form of healing can be very effective. The patients may or may not be aware that this healing has been undertaken for them but may attain much benefit from it, coming as it does from the love and concern that their friends and relatives have for them. Before sending distant healing, a healer should try to obtain permission from the patient. If this is not possible, the healer can still send healing, but must hold the intention that the energy is to be used ‘for the patient’s highest good’. (This is a good intention to hold for any kind of healing.)
Spiritual Healing - FAQs
Does healing involve massage or manipulation? No. Healing is administered by simple acts such as laying on of hands, or the direction of thoughts from a distance. Massage and manipulation are not covered under the definition of healing. Nor does it require the removal of any clothing, except perhaps an overcoat.
Should I stop attending my doctor when receiving healing? No. This would be unwise. It may be necessary for you to receive certain medications for your particular condition. The aim of every Spiritualist Healer is to be able to work in co-operation with the medical profession and not to usurp the place of the doctor. By receiving both medical aid and Spiritual Healing, you will receive the best treatment from both worlds.
Is there any way in which I can help the healing process? Yes. By continuing any prescribed medication and maintaining a positive attitude in anticipation of the desired result, the healing process will often be accelerated. Your thoughts are a very potent force and a positive attitude can go a long way towards aiding the healing energies. However, you should also look at ways in which alterations to your lifestyle could assist the process and actively consider how you can make those changes.
Do I need to attend healing more than once? Healing is a continuous process and should you be unable to attend the Healing Service it is advisable that you ask for your name to be placed on the ‘Absent Healing List’: this ensures that contact is maintained.
Why does it sometimes seem to take so long to work? We have to appreciate that there are no ‘miracles’ either in healing or anything else - merely the manifestation of natural law, as yet unknown to us. Every single facet of life, including the act of healing, is subject to the immutable law of nature. Although there are many spontaneous recoveries, healing is usually a progressive process.
Why does healing sometimes appear to fail? This physical body cannot live forever. The healing energies can bring about relief either physically or mentally, or both. There may not have been a physical cure, but there may have begun a change in mental well-being and the patient may be able to deal better with the pain and discomfort they have to live with. They may be able to enjoy what they are able to do, not dwell on what they are unable to do. Is this not a form of success? If the changes brought about by Spiritual Healing help to ease the patient’s path through this life, either physically or mentally, then it could be said that healing has not failed.
Healing doesn’t always mean curing. Death doesn’t always mean failure. Healing is a return to wholeness, And only the body’s intelligence Knows what wholeness is for that body.