Antigravity :
Space and Energy Technologies for the 21st Century
by The Disclosure Project's Theodore C. Loder, PhD
Space and Energy Technologies for the 21st Century
by The Disclosure Project's Theodore C. Loder, PhD
This paper (published in circa 2002) reviews the development of antigravity research in the U.S.A. and notes how research activity seemed to disappear by the mid-1950s. It then addresses recently reported scientific findings and witness testimonies - that show us that this research and technology is alive and well and very advanced. The revelations of findings in this area will alter dramatically our view of physics and technology and must be considered in planning for both energy and transportation needs in the 21st century.
Historical Background
Townsend Brown's Technology of Electrogravitics[1]
(references cited are also shown at bottom of article)
Townsend Brown's Technology of Electrogravitics[1]
(references cited are also shown at bottom of article)
In the mid 1920s, Townsend Brown[2] discovered that electric charge and gravitational mass are coupled. He found that when he charged a capacitor to a high voltage, it had a tendency to move toward its positive pole. This became known as the Biefeld-Brown effect. His findings were opposed by conventionally minded physicists of his time.
Project Winterhaven.
Brown submitted a proposal to the Pentagon for the development of a Mach 3 disc-shaped electrogravitic fighter craft. Drawings of its basic design are shown in one of his patents. They are essentially large-scale versions of his tethered test discs. |
Review of Issues From the 1950s
However, a trade press magazine, Aviation Report, has made numerous references to antigravity projects and listed many of the companies pursuing research in this area. Quotes from the Aviation Report listed in the Aviation Studies (International) Ltd. report[8] are suggestive of what was going on behind the scenes.
In 1954, they predicted: ". . . progress has been slow. But indications are now that the Pentagon is ready to sponsor a range of devices to help further knowledge" and "Tentative targets now being set anticipate that the first disk should be complete before 1960, and it would take the whole of the 'sixties to develop it properly, even though some combat things might be available ten years from now." (Aviation Report 12 October 1954)[9] During this time period many of the major defense and technology companies were cited as either having research projects or activities in this new field. For example: "Companies studying the implications of gravitics are said, in a new statement, to include Glenn Martin, Convair, Sperry-Rand, Sikorsky, Bell, Lear Inc., and Clark Electronics. Other companies who have previously evinced interest include Lockheed, Douglas, and Hiller." (Aviation Report 9 December 1955)[10]. Others of these reports mention AT&T, General Electric, Curtiss-Wright, Boeing, and North American as having groups studying electrogravitics. During the same time period, the Gravity Rand report notes: "Already, companies are specializing in evolution of particular components of an electogravitics disk."[11] However, in the area of predictions, the Aviation Report stated the following based on an extrapolation of technology development: "Thus this century will be divided into two parts — almost to the day. The first half belonged to the Wright Brothers who foresaw nearly all the basic issues in which gravity was the bitter foe. In part of the second half, gravity will be the great provider. Electrical energy, rather irrelevant for propulsion in the first half, becomes a kind of catalyst to motion in the second half of the century." (Aviation Report 7 September 1954).[12] Looking back, it is easy to say that they missed the mark. But did they really miss it by a half a century? Reading through these reports it is quite obvious that there was much interest in antigravity among a number of very high-profile companies, as well as in the Department of Defense. What happened to this interest and why was it all downplayed during the following four plus decades? After all, T. Brown had shown that there was a demonstrable connection between high voltage fields and gravity. Why has it taken until the 1990s for more than just a few scientists to look at these results and publish on them in the open literature? A review of recent statements by former military personnel and civilians connected to covert projects begins to shed light on research activity in these areas over the last half century. And it appears that there had been significant breakthroughs during this time period, well shielded from both the scientific and public eye. |
Recent Scientific Developments
In this section we consider developments in the antigravity field since the late 1980s and why the confluence of scientific findings and the testimony of witnesses associated with the military and covert groups indicate that a gravity solution with technological implications has been found.
The coupling of the electrogravitic phenomena observations and the zero-point energy findings are leading to a new understanding of the nature of both matter and gravity. This is just now being discussed in scientific journals (though some evidence suggests that it has been understood for decades within the Black Project covert community). The question that is being addressed is: What keeps the universe running? Or, more specifically, Where do electrons get their energy to keep spinning around atoms? As electrons change state they absorb or release energy, and where does it come from? The simplistic answer is that it is coming from the vacuum state.
Puthoff describes the process as follows: I discovered that you can consider the electron as continually radiating away its energy as predicted by classical theory, but SIMULTANEOUSLY ABSORBING A COMPENSATING AMOUNT OF ENERGY from the ever-present sea of zero-point energy in which the atom is immersed. An equilibrium between these two processes leads to the correct values for the parameters that define the lowest energy, or ground-state orbit [see "Why atoms don't collapse," New Scientist, July 1987]. Thus, there is a DYNAMIC EQUILIBRIUM in which the zero-point energy stabilizes the electron in a set ground-state orbit. It seems that the very stability of matter itself appears to depend on an underlying sea of electromagnetic zero-point energy.[23] Furthermore, it appears that it is the spinning of electrons that provides inertia and mass to atoms. These theories, linking electron spin, zero-point energy, mass and inertia have been presented in a number of recent papers, such as those by Haisch and colleagues, and provide us with a possible explanation of the Biefield-Brown effect.[24] It appears that an intense voltage field creates an electromagnetic barrier that blocks the atomic structure of an atom from interacting with the zero-point field. This slows down the electrons, reducing their gyroscopic effect, and thus reducing atomic mass and inertia, making them easier to move around. |
Evidence of Extensive Antigravity Technology
The B-2 Advanced Technology Bomber
The B-2 Advanced Technology Bomber
These findings support the contention that there have been major developments in the area of antigravity propulsion which are presently being applied in advanced aircraft.
LaViolette later states the obvious: "The commercial airline industry could dramatically benefit with this technology, which would not only substantially increase the miles-per-gallon fuel efficiency of jet airliners, but would also permit high-speed flight that would dramatically cut flight time."[27] |
The Disclosure Project Witnesses
On May 9, 2001, The Disclosure Project[28] held a press conference at the National Press Club in Washington, DC. They presented nearly two dozen witnesses, including retired Army, Navy, and Air Force personnel, a top FAA official, members of various intelligence organizations including the CIA and NRO (National Reconnaissance Organization), and industry personnel, all of whom had witnessed UFO events or had inside knowledge of government or industrial activities in this area. They also produced a briefing document for members of the press and Congress,[29] and a book which includes the testimony of nearly 70 such witnesses from a pool of hundreds.[30]
Although they all spoke of the reality of the UFO phenomena, many also spoke of covert projects dealing with antigravity, zero-point energy technologies, and development of alien reproduction vehicles (ARV's) by US Black Project and covert interests. The following excerpted quotes from these witnesses support the contentions in this article.
Although they all spoke of the reality of the UFO phenomena, many also spoke of covert projects dealing with antigravity, zero-point energy technologies, and development of alien reproduction vehicles (ARV's) by US Black Project and covert interests. The following excerpted quotes from these witnesses support the contentions in this article.
Captain Bill Uhouse
Captain Uhouse served ten years in the Marine Corps as a fighter pilot, and four years with the Air Force at Wright-Patterson AFB as a civilian doing flight-testing of exotic experimental aircraft.[1] Later, for the next 30 years, he worked for defense contractors as an engineer of antigravity propulsion systems — on flight simulators for exotic aircraft, and on actual flying discs.[33] "I don't think any flying disc simulators went into operation until the early 1960s — around 1962 or 1963. The reason why I am saying this is because the simulator wasn't actually functional until around 1958. The simulator that they used was for the extraterrestrial craft they had, which is a 30-meter one that crashed in Kingman, Arizona, back in 1953 or 1952. . . . We operated it with six large capacitors that were charged with a million volts each, so there were six million volts in those capacitors. . . . There weren't any windows. The only way we had any visibility at all was done with cameras or video-type devices. . . . Over the last 40 years or so, not counting the simulators — I'm talking about actual craft — there are probably two or three dozen, and various sizes that we built." |
A.H., formally of Boeing Aerospace, is a person who has gained significant information from inside the UFO extraterrestrial groups within our government, military, and civilian companies.[34] He has friends at the NSA, CIA, NASA, JPL, ONI, NRO, Area 51, the Air Force, Northrup, Boeing, and others. "Most of the craft operate on antigravity and electrogravitic propulsion. We are just about at the conclusion state right now regarding antigravity. I would give it maybe about 15 years and we will have cars that will levitate using this type of technology. We're doing it up at Area 51 right now. That's some of the stuff that my buddy worked on up at Area 51 with Northrup, who lives now in Pahrump, Nevada. We're flying antigravity vehicles up there and in Utah right now." |
". . . Well, this craft was what they called the Alien Reproduction Vehicle; it was also nicknamed the Flux Liner. This antigravity propulsion system — this flying saucer — was one of three that were in this hangar at Norton Air Force Base. [Its] synthetic vision system [used] the same kind of technology as the gun slaving system they have in the Apache helicopter: if [the pilot] wants to look behind him, he can pick a view in that direction, and the cameras slew in pairs. [The pilot] has a little screen in front of his helmet, and it gives him an alternating view. He [also] has a little set of glasses that he wears — in fact, you can actually buy a 3-D viewing system for your video camera now that does this same thing — so when he looks around, he has a perfect 3-D view of the outside, but no windows. So, why do they have no windows? Well, it's probably because the voltages that we're talking about [being] used in this system were probably something between, say, half a million and a million volts of electricity." Brad Sorensen stated that at the ARV display, "a three star general said that these vehicles were capable of doing light speed or better." |
"There was one facility at Norton Air Force Base that was close hold — not even the Wing Commander there could know what was going on. During that time period it was always rumored by the pilots that that was a cover for in fact the location of one UFO craft." Note that all he knew was of the rumor. However, it is confirmed by the testimony of Mark McCandlish, which also confirms some of the comments made by Captain Uhouse. |
These witness testimonies do not prove the existence of a successful US covert program in antigravity technologies. Only the demonstration of such craft, coupled with the accompanying government and technical specification documents, would prove this. However, these testimonies, coupled with information from other substantial sources such as Nick Cook's book mentioned below, strongly supports this contention.
'The Hunt for Zero Point'
Because antigravity and its allied zero-point energy technologies potentially offer the world a future of unlimited, non-polluting energy, it has been suppressed because of the "huge economic threat."
His findings support those reported by many of the Disclosure Project witnesses cited above. |
Antigravity Technology Demonstrations
It is a sad commentary on this whole area of research to see that public science is requiring us to demonstrate principles that were demonstrated nearly fifty years ago.
There have also been a number of other demonstrations of antigravity phenomena by researchers throughout the world. This includes the work of Brazilian physics professor Fran De Aquino, and such devices as the Searl Electrogravity Disc, the Podkletnov Gravity Shield and Project Greenglow, the Zinsser Kineto-baric Field Propulsion, and the Woodward Field Thrust Experiments on Piezoelectrics. All of these are described in more detail by Greer and Loder.[41] |
Implications of This Research
In Conclusion
To summarize this discussion, we might consider the observation made by Halton Arp:
"We are certainly not at the end of science. . . . Most probably we are just at the beginning!" [42]
"We are certainly not at the end of science. . . . Most probably we are just at the beginning!" [42]
Dr. Theodore C. Loder is a professor of estuarine/coastal chemistry at the University of New Hampshire. Outside the realm of bringing free energy and the new physics to our technology, his main interests are in the chemical oceanography of the coastal region. At present, he has several students working with him in this area, all of whose master's theses are concerned with multidisciplinary projects representing efforts of scientists from at least eight different institutions. His email address is [email protected]. Dr. Loder wishes to acknowledge his debt to others "for many discussions while preparing and writing this paper, including: S. Greer, A. Craddock, T. Bearden, P. LaViolette, M. McCandlish, D. Hamilton, T. Valone, E. Mallove, T. Loder, C. Loder, S. Patel, and many of the courageous Disclosure Project witnesses." |
References Cited:
- Quoted from: LaViolette, P. A. 2000. Moving Beyond the First Law and Advanced Field Propulsion Technologies. T. Loder (ed.) report prepared for the US Senate Environment and Public Works Commission Outside-the-Box Technologies, Their Critical Role Concerning Environmental Trends, and the Unnecessary Energy Crisis
- Brown, T. T. "How I control gravity." Science and Information magazine, Aug. 1929. Reprinted in Psychic Observer 37 (1): 66-67.
- Oberth, Hermann: "Flying Saucers Come from a Distant World," American Weekly, October 24, 1954.
- Aviation Studies (International) Ltd. 1956. "Electro-gravitics Systems: An examination of electrostatic motion, dynamic counterbary and barycentric control, p. 14. In Valone, T. (ed.), 1994, Electrogravitics Systems: Reports on a new propulsion methodology. Integrity Research Institute, Washington, DC 20005.
- Ibid. p. 27.
- Ibid. p. 19.
- Gravity Rand Ltd. 1956, "The Gravitics Situation," p. 54. In Electrogravitics Systems (op. cit.)
- Aviation Studies (International) Ltd. 1956, op.cit.
- Ibid. p. 34.
- Ibid. p. 41.
- Gravity Rand Ltd. 1956. "The Gravitics Situation" (op. cit.) p. 47.
- Aviation Studies (op. cit.) p. 32.
- Evans, M. W. 2002, "The link between the Sachs and O(3) theories of electrodynamics." In Evans, M.W. (ed.), Modern Nonlinear Physics,; Advances in Chemical Physics 2nd ed. 19:469-494.
- Anastasovski, P.K., T.E. Bearden, C. Ciubotariu, W.T. Coffey, L.B. Crowell, G.J. Evans, M.W. Evans, R. Flower, A. Labounsky, B. Lehnert, M. Mészáros, P.R. Molnár, S. Roy, and J.-P. Vigier. (In Press). "Anti gravity effects in the Sachs theory of electrodynamics Foundations of Physics Letters."
- Alcubierre, M., 1994. "The Warp Drive: Hyper-fast travel within general relativity," Classical and Quantum Gravity, 11, L73.
- Puthoff, H. E. 1996. "SETI, The Velocity-of-Light Limitation, and the Alcubierre Warp Drive: An Integrating Overview," Physics Essays 9:156.
- Puthoff, H. 1989. "Gravity as a Zero-Point Fluctuation Force." Phys. Rev. A., 39(5):2333-2342; Puthoff, H. 1989. "Source of Electromagnetic Zero-Point Energy." Phys. Rev. A, 40(9):4597-4862.
- See
- See the Tom Bearden website for an extensive listing and copies of his papers. See also Spirit of Ma'at articles by Bearden: "The Fierce Energy of the Vacuum" Part I and Part II.
- Anastasovski, P.K., T.E. Bearden, et al., op. cit., C. Ciubotariu, W.T. Coffey, L.B. Crowell, G.J. Evans, M.W. Evans, R. Flower, A. Labounsky, B. Lehnert, M. Mészáros, P.R. Molnár, J.K. Moscicki, S. Roy, and J.P. Vigier. 2001, "Explanation of the motionless electromagnetic generator with 0(3) Electrodynamics," Foundations of Physics Letters, 14(1):87-93.
- Bearden, T. 2002, Energy from the Vacuum: Concepts and Principles, World Scientific (In Press).
- Valone, T. 2000, "The Right Time to Develop Future Energy Technologies," in T. Loder (ed.) "Outside-the-Box" Technologies (op. cit.)
- Puthoff, H. 1990. "Everything for Nothing," New Scientist, 28 July 1990, pp. 52-55.
- Haisch, B., Rueda, A. and Puthoff, H. 1994. "Beyond e=MC2 ; A First Glimpse of a Postmodern Physics, in which Mass, Inertia and Gravity Arise from Underlying Electromagnetic Processes," The Sciences, 34:26; Haisch, B., Rueda, A., and Puthoff, H. 1997. "Physics of the Zero-Point Field: Implications for Inertia, Gravitation and Mass," Speculations in Science and Technology, 20:99; Haisch, B. and Rueda, A. 1998, "An Electromagnetic Basis for Inertia and Gravitation: What Are the Implications for 21st Century Physics and Technology?" in El-Genk, M. S. (ed.), Space Technology and Applications International Forum-1998, DOE CNF-980103, CP420, p. 1443; Haisch, B. and Rueda, A., 1999, "The Zero-Point Field and the NASA Challenge to Create the Space Drive," Proc. NASA Breakthrough Propulsion Physics Workshop, NASA/CP-1999-208694, p. 55.
- LaViolette, P. 1993. "The U.S. Antigravity Squadron," p. 82-101. In Valone, T. (op. cit.), p.82-101.
- LaViolette, P. A. 1992. "Electrogravitics: Back to the future," Electric Spacecraft, Issue 4, pp. 23-28. LaViolette, P. A. 1993, "A theory of electrogravitics," Electric Spacecraft, Issue 8, pp. 33-36
- LaViolette, P. A. 2000, "Moving Beyond the First Law and Advanced Field Propulsion Technologies," in T. Loder (op. cit.)
- Information available at:
- Greer, S.M. and T.C. Loder III. 2001, "Disclosure Project Briefing Document," 492 pp. Available on CD from: The Disclosure Project, P.O. Box 2365, Charlottesville, VA 22902. Also available from:
- Greer, S. M. 2001. Disclosure: Military and government witnesses reveal the greatest secrets in modern history, Crossing Point, Inc. Crozet, VA, 573 pp.
- Ibid. pp. 357-366.
- Ibid. pp. 262-270.
- Ibid. pp. 384-387.
- Ibid. pp. 391-403.
- Ibid. pp. 388-389.
- Ibid. pp. 497-510.
- Cook, N., 2001, The Hunt for Zero Point, available from Amazon.Com
- Deavenport, L. 1995. "T.T. Brown Experiment replicated," Electric Spacecraft Journal, Issue 16. Oct. 1995. (Reprinted in: Valone, T. op. cit.
- Transdimensional Technologies, 906-E Bob Wallace Ave., Huntsville, AL 35801.
- See reference 33.
- Arp, H. 1998. Seeing Red: Redshifts, Cosmology and Academic Science. Montreal, Aperion. (p. 249).