Messages from Archangel Michael - July 2013
Transmitted Through Ronna Herman
Messages from Archangel Michael - July 2013
Transmitted Through Ronna Herman
Beloved Masters, there is an orderly sequence to the Cosmic Cycles of Creation which define and emphasize a great variety of GODLY EXPRESSION; therefore, it is important that you learn to flow and adapt to the changes of the time. It is time to discard the restrictive, limiting beliefs of your present state of Self-awareness as you gain wisdom, seek higher truths, and grow closer to your original state of Divinity.
You, the Star Seed, as leaders in the march toward Self-empowerment and as proficient co-creators of the new world of tomorrow, are in the midst of an inner mental and emotional clearing and cleansing process of monumental proportions. Are you ready to accept the Divine gift we offer, the awesome tools of Creation contained within the FIRST RAY OF DIVINE WILL/POWER? New cycles of existence are initiated through a willingness to change, or, if you are resistant, through conflict. Much depends on your capacity to attract, respond and absorb, and then transmit, the more refined Light frequencies which contain the cosmic higher truths of your new reality. Your Soul and Higher Selves remember the reasons you chose to experience and express painful situations; not as a punishment, but for resolution. Everyone and everything on Earth are now being affected by the radiance of the Seventh Ray, the Violet Transmuting Flame. The beautiful Souls who embody the attributes, qualities and virtues of the forthcoming Root Race are/will be highly evolved and spiritually attuned, and they will be greatly influenced by the Seventh Ray of transformation, freedom, redemption, purification, ritual and organization. As well as, secondarily, by the First Ray of Divine Will/Power, which exemplifies the desire to create anew on the material planes of consciousness. Many of the old, outmoded teachings are being discarded as humanity evolves in wisdom, and as the frequency patterns/consciousness of the masses are refined and attuned to the more harmonious dimensions. As you have observed, the great religions of the world are deep in the throes of change. Only the best of the prevailing religious beliefs will be retained, and the religions that survive will be those establishments willing to expand their spiritual philosophies to incorporate the higher Creator truths – truths which are being revealed and accepted by the ever-increasing number of advanced Souls now embodied on planet Earth. Victim consciousness has been the norm for a great percentage of human Beings within the illusional world of the third/fourth-dimensional density. The solutions to your problems will not be found by seeking answers outside yourself. Lifting the burdens of distorted, conceptual third-dimensional illusion is a co-operative effort between your subconscious/ego desire body, your conscious mind-set, and your Soul Self. A person with a victim-consciousness overlay cannot be rescued; he/she must take personal responsibility to actively seek to reclaim the personal power he/she has given away to others. In the past, the hunger and desires of the physical vessel have overridden the Soul’s subtle demands for spiritual sustenance. Worry, sadness and despair consist of the vibrational frequencies of limitation and inertia. A very effective barrier has been created by the base physical nature around the wisdom of the Soul. |
It is vitally important that you strengthen your Self-determination and your desire for spiritual fulfillment if you are to rise above the prison of negative thought forms you have created over the many past ages. It is time, once and for all, to free yourselves from the martyr-hood and victim-consciousness that so many of you have associated with duty, loving others and righteous behavior.
Those of you who have awakened to the inspiration, guidance and wisdom of your Soul Self and your OverLighting Higher Self are now aware that you can accomplish anything you can envision. You are validating for yourself that if you follow the universal laws of manifestation, you will quickly and easily manifest those things that you most desire, which must always be for the greatest good of all. Multitudes of restless Souls are feeling from deep within an awareness that it is time to reclaim their heavenly heritage, even if they don’t understand the full meaning of the concept. A critical component of Self-mastery is that each and every person must go through the process of releasing, transmuting or upgrading all of the old restricting thought forms and structures that he/she has accepted as his/her reality. We have touched on this subject before; however, vast numbers of blessed Souls are fearful of the future and the chaos that seems to be increasing at a tremendous pace. As a result, the masses are beginning to feel the great cosmic impulses that are permeating the Earth and all humanity, and they are gradually turning inward for answers and assurance. Therefore, it is appropriate that we give you an explanation once more regarding the diverse beliefs in pre-destination and free will. Many believe one or the other concept to be true, but we have explained that both are true. But you wonder, “How can this be?” Dear ones, originally you burst forth in perfection from the heart core of the Supreme Creator, and from the beginning you were pre-destined and programmed to eventually return to the higher, more glorious realms of existence. How long it takes you to complete your journey into the realms of separation and density, and the return into unity consciousness, is totally up to you. Through the use of the gift of free will, only you can decide whether you will take the high, narrow accelerated path of return; the ebb and flow of the middle path; or the rocky, low road that dips, winds and turns, but eventually leads to the same destination. You, the Star Seed, now understand that it is of great value to spend some time in meditation and contemplation, reviewing the structures you have created in your third/fourth-dimensional reality (which includes mental, emotional, physical and even some spiritual restrictions). As you do so, you will expediently determine that it is time to release many of the ties that bind you, so that you may move quickly into the expanded, empowering world of tomorrow. Many brave souls have been victorious in overcoming their lower nature, and are now firmly reconnected with their personal Pillar of Light as they steadily tread the Path of Ascension. It is a grand opportunity to reclaim your Trinity of Consciousness (your refined mental, emotional and spiritual natures). It is our greatest desire that you will choose the high road, for you are being presented with a golden opportunity that has never before been offered to humanity – an opportunity which will not be offered again for a very long time. |
One of the most important exercises you can perform in order to become a sovereign Being once more
is the BREAKING AGREEMENTS meditation that we gave our messenger many years ago.
We are reminding you of this important process once again, so that you may forever free yourselves
of the “karmic probable futures” you have created with others down through the many past ages.
is the BREAKING AGREEMENTS meditation that we gave our messenger many years ago.
We are reminding you of this important process once again, so that you may forever free yourselves
of the “karmic probable futures” you have created with others down through the many past ages.
Breaking agreements when you are in a Self-conscious or conscious-of-Self, Alpha State helps you to eliminate self-defeating restrictive suggestions more quickly and thoroughly. We are asking you not to lay blame, but as a Self-master becoming to rise above the conflict and the hurt, and objectively endeavor to understand the difficult lessons that you have experienced with others.
Your karmic partners and lessons were always chosen by you and the other person before you incarnated into this lifetime. It is extremely important that you understand this fact. Over many past ages, you have sent out energy time lines that have created probable futures, promising such things as: “I will love you forever.” “I will hate you forever.” “I will take care of you forever,” and so on. In order to become a sovereign Being once more, you must take back your own energy and give back other people their energy, so that you may continue on your path as masters of your own destiny. In this way, you will no longer have your lessons mirrored back to you by others. |
Through conscious awareness, you will understand what each person you interact with and each occurrence has to teach you so that you may gain the wisdom from the action and not have to experience it in the old, often painful, cause and effect manner.
If you haven’t already done so, we suggest you go through this exercise with each and every person with whom you have ever had conflict or stressful learning situations. It is time to fully open your Sacred Heart center, both the front and back portals, so that the Creator Light can flow into you and through you. This will allow your THREE-FOLD FLAME within your Solar Power Center to blaze forth as it was designed to do. This will also allow the refined Creator Light, Adamantine Particles, to flow into your Sacred Heart center and throughout your physical vessel, and the remainder to radiate forth out into the world of form. This is your ultimate goal. |
It is time to heal and rise above that which you chose as your tests and challenges for this lifetime, dear hearts. Reach upward and inward for your majestic Divine Self. We can and will assist you; however, it must be a partnership endeavor.
There are miracles in store for you, beloveds, and the greatest of these is that your perfection awaits you.
May the radiance of the Creator shine down upon you. You are loved beyond measure.
Transmitted through Ronna Herman * Copy freely and share. However, I claim the universal copyright for this article in the name of Archangel Michael. WE OFFER ARCHANGEL MICHAEL’S MESSAGES ON OUR WEBSITE AS A GIFT; HOWEVER, WE DO APPRECIATE YOUR DONATIONS TO HELP DEFRAY OPERATING EXPENSES AND POSTAGE FEES FOR THE FREE LOVE PACKETS WE SEND AROUND THE WORLD.