I am sitting at my desk writing. I open my astral eyes. I am in the astral world. Golden, rosy light is glimmering all around. My heart and my consciousness open up to everything around me and glow.
And everything glows at me. The Earth I am standing on glows, making a current of love flow into me. Each fiber of my body and soul is filled with love and gratitude. The same feeling flows out of the Earth into everything around me. I feel unconditional love for all things, in all things. This is the love we feel on the astral plane. This love belongs on the astral plane. It is not the love we know on Earth. It is the love of our spiritual existence that we yearn for in physical life. On Earth we are governed by the laws of matter. In our material life we have an individual “I” and we want to have experiences within its limits. These experiences are bound up with many previous lives in many eras. They are also interwoven with the lives and previous lives of many people and all things that exist around us. We have abilities and weaknesses. The time in which we live demands good things and difficult things from us. Our physical bodies want to eat and drink. Now I am entering my astral garden. A feeling of love emanates from everything I perceive there. This love surrounds me, is within me, and is part of my existence. Nothing is separated from anything else. Everything I perceive is part of me and I am part of all that exists. It is overwhelming. The feeling of being part of one another emanates from every tree, plant, animal, and human being that I perceive, as well as from every stone. Each and every thing is mutually dependent and exists because the other also exists. We serve each other. “We” means the community of Earth with all that exists on every level. We have served each other through the experiences of countless incarnations, and in the course of time we have created the Earth with all its levels. Everyone and everything has served the collectivity. Each of us and all things take on a task. We are not separated from one another but, as individuals, simultaneously serve and are part of the community of our home planet, Earth. I remember encounters with animal beings. Again and again in my life I have sought encounters with animals on the astral plane to help me understand why we cause so much suffering to animals on Earth. Such love flowed from the animals to me in these encounters that I was overcome by tears of shame each time. On the astral plane animals know what awaits them on the physical Earth. They are prepared to sacrifice themselves for us out of unconditional love. They serve us and accept the experience of cruelty that we, as human beings, inflict on them and on others. They know about our separation from the unity in which we are part of them. The animals know that we will be confronted with the pain we inflict on them. When we become aware that the animals are a part of us, we feel the pain ourselves that we have inflicted on them. After our physical death we recognize in our own selves all the experiences of pain and joy that we have caused others to feel. Now my consciousness adjusts to dark astral regions. Oblivion of our spiritual existence exists in many different shades from gray to darkness and pitch black. On the journey to matter the feeling of oneness has fallen into oblivion. It is oblivion of the spiritual origin of all things. The darker these regions are, the more they remind me of the menacing idea of different manifestations of hell. These are the places where fear, hate, negativity, and pain prevail – along with the yearning for the love that exists in all things. For oblivion of our spiritual existence is part of our experience in linear time. It is bound up with the infinite interweaving of the past, present, and future. In the dark regions of the astral world there exist evil, perpetrators, and victims. That is possible because awareness of the interweaving of time and space has been lost there. I have met desperate animal and human souls there who were only able to emerge from the pain they had experienced on Earth when they were able to open up their consciousness again with the aid of light. I remember a group of laboratory rats that were roaming around aimlessly in the astral darkness. I was able to show them that light awaited them. And I recall animals that had left their physical bodies but still lay with their emotional bodies in their cages, as if numbed by distress. Emotional or bodily pain can be so terrible that living creatures remain trapped in their suffering even after their physical death. They have become internally darkened to such an extent that they cannot find a way out of their pain without help. Just as many people (and animals) help others on the physical Earth, so too do many creatures in the dark astral regions after death help to remind victims and perpetrators of their spiritual existence. Then they can be healed and find their way back to the light of their spiritual home. It is part of the interweaving of time and space to be perpetrators and victims and to use this experience to serve ourselves and others in various roles. By separating our consciousness from the astral unity, we are able to assume the role of perpetrator. On the physical plane we feel ourselves separated from unconditional love, the feeling of oneness. That makes us capable of being perpetrators, having experiences, or inflicting them on others. The experiences from many previous lives on the physical Earth have left traces on us. They are stored in our bodies and souls. We carry within us the positive and negative experiences from all previous lives since the birth of the physical Earth. We are spiritual beings. As such, we are pervaded with an all-embracing unconditional love as part of the Earth and all that exists. As people on Earth, we are governed by the yearning for the feeling that we are no longer separate, lonely creatures. We are earthly individuals separated from unity, with infinitely many good and bad experiences. We live in a linear time separated from other times and spaces. On the physical Earth we have laws and ideas about good and evil. It is common among many people and societies in earthly life to fight evil and strive to do good. The boundaries between the two vary depending on the particular culture, faith, or society, and are continually changing. Even the idea of what constitutes good and evil is continually changing. To act as if we are capable of all-embracing unconditional love on Earth misjudges the strength and power of our earthly life with its destiny. It misjudges the strength with which we are so strongly bound up in our tasks in life and have to and want to fulfill these tasks. We remain bound up in the destiny of other human beings, of animals, plants, and everything around us. But we can open up more and more to our spiritual existence and can be so aware of ourselves that we all serve one another. Serving has many aspects. It is certainly not as simple as it is often described. Tolerance is one possibility. Another is taking into account the perpetrators’ negative childhood experiences when judging them. But a punishment can also be an expression of love. If we open up to spiritual planes, we give more space to the profound love in ourselves. We open up to our spiritual existence. This expands the heart. All the same, we have to grapple with many problems on the physical Earth and sometimes this requires fighting for or against something. Living in matter means being separated in one and the same body. Sometimes this arouses fear. The fear also connects us to dark astral regions. In other words, negativity also inhabits us in many forms. Denying negativity does not mean that we automatically become good people. We live in the movement between good and evil, between light and darkness, between all that is conscious and unconscious. The feeling of unconditional love comes from the memory of our spiritual existence to which we are increasingly able to open ourselves up. In the material world the polarity of good and evil, and the movement between the two, dominate. That is our life. As long as we live in polarity on the physical Earth, unconditional love remains an inherent part of us. It can grow, and so can the yearning for it. Even if we can feel moments of unconditional happiness and oneness in our life, the state of unconditional love remains an unfulfilled yearning. |
Copyright © June 2014 by Eva Kroth. Translated from the German by Karen Margolis, copyright © 2015
This text has been reproduced on 'Ascension Now' by kind permission of Eva Kroth.
Read also: JOURNEY INTO A NEW DIMENSION : http://worlds-beyond-matter.com/ (A 'Recommended Website')
Preface | Report from the New Dimension | Why the Old Era Came to an End | It Began with a Tone | The Time of Transition | In the Tunnel of Time | Our New Life | In the Garden | The Animals | The Light of the Sun | Light Worlds of the Night | The Galactic Clock | When? | Before the Tone Came
This text has been reproduced on 'Ascension Now' by kind permission of Eva Kroth.
Read also: JOURNEY INTO A NEW DIMENSION : http://worlds-beyond-matter.com/ (A 'Recommended Website')
Preface | Report from the New Dimension | Why the Old Era Came to an End | It Began with a Tone | The Time of Transition | In the Tunnel of Time | Our New Life | In the Garden | The Animals | The Light of the Sun | Light Worlds of the Night | The Galactic Clock | When? | Before the Tone Came
See also (All Articles): Articles by Contributing Authors - Eva Kroth : http://worlds-beyond-matter.com/