While a few hundred years ago there were a handful of luminaries shining their light on the waters of human conscious awareness, today there are thousands upon thousands. I remember 7 years ago I had to practically go on a wild goose chase to “find the others” and now I see so many awakened intentional evolutionaries that it’s truly inspiring and hope-inducing.
The continuing emergence of a global consciousness — zeroed in on balance, harmony and coherence with all living systems (which includes each other, nature and beyond) — within an increasingly-growing number of people is almost surreal. The shift has/is happening so fast, perhaps in order to match the unparalleled destruction that has been happening to the one habitable home we have, and to the physical/mental/emotional/ spiritual well-being of humanity. These points of positive emergence should bring us great hope about the future and inspire us to help anchor in the new paradigm, because we are all in this thing called Life together, without exception! Sure, we can focus on all the terrifying and devastating things that are still happening on the planet and in society but if we’re perpetually locked in on those things we will develop a tunnel-like awareness where we only see the state of the world as getting worse and worse, turning us into cynical and depressed clouds of negativity. Ignoring either the constructive or destructive things occurring is unhelpful in creating a bright future for humanity. Our individual actions collectively decide our fate. Are we going to leave the fate of humanity in the hands of a few narcissistic and maladjusted manipulators, or will we say enough is enough and put things back in alignment with the environment, reason and unity? Let’s help promote the realization that Earth is everyone’s home, a place which we can make into a paradise instead of letting it become a hellscape because of actions that completely disregard the fine mesh and web of all life – plant, animal and otherwise. Current control systems keep us tired, disinterested and shallow-minded for the most part. Some say that there is a war on expanded and liberated consciousness, while others state that culture is a fabricated illusion we are drawn into in order to keep us away from ever becoming truly egalitarian and free to enjoy the full liberation and richness life has to offer. What is apparent as the daytime sun is that various individuals and groups hold beliefs that they wish to instill on individuals and on society as a whole, which will only work to keep us in the stone age of consciousness if those beliefs are not in alignment with Truth. How can we figure out what truth is? Truth never creates or perpetuates problems. It only solves, dissolves and removes problems. The truth has always existed but we haven’t always been aware of it, as history shows time and time again. The truth is still the truth even if it’s rejected or not understood. The real truth is what it is despite our opinions and beliefs about it. A great deal of people who have gone with the sands of time believed very strongly that the sun revolved around the earth, yet this was not the truth. Just because the majority of people believed in it didn’t make the sun start revolving around the earth. We can take this and apply it to all the various things in society that are out of alignment with Truth … sometimes applying to things we don’t even consciously realize are falsehoods because the grooves of those illusions have been dug so deep for so long. Now that we are past the infamous shift date of 21st December 2012 we have to look no further than right now in order to usher in and anchor a new paradigm, that has as its foundation the fundamental understanding of interconnectedness being the nature of everything in existence. Through this understanding we can build up a new way of living and experiencing this world of ours, that isn’t new at all, yet since we’ve become so disconnected from the wider horizon of Reality it might as well be a new beginning. Let’s reclaim what it means to be human. Let’s rediscover and intimately experience the multidimensionality of being. The only barrier to entry is our belief that we can’t create an upgraded reality for ourselves. Let’s immerse ourselves in the sea of possibility and become intentional evolutionaries. Today is the first day of the rest of your life… let it be the beginning of a life with more compassion, reason, understanding and love. |
About the Author:
Paul Lenda is a conscious evolution guide, author of “The Creation of a Consciousness Shift“, intentional evolutionary and co-founder of SHIFT>, a social community focused on anchoring in the new energetic paradigm and assisting the positive transformation of humanity. With the motivation to see and experience the wider horizon of Reality, Paul has an extensive background in the spiritual and transformative elements of life; one that is both knowledge and experienced-based.
Visit his website www.shift.is, follow him on Twitter or visit the Shift> Facebook community.
Visit his website www.shift.is, follow him on Twitter or visit the Shift> Facebook community.