Edgar Cayce : The Future
('The Sleeping Prophet' : 1877-1945)
('The Sleeping Prophet' : 1877-1945)
Almost every day, several times a day, for more than forty years, Edgar Cayce would induce himself into an altered out-of-body state of consciousness and reveal profound information on various subjects such as health, dreams, meditation, religions, and reincarnation, to name a few. But it was the information that Cayce revealed about the future for which he is probably most known. He provided information about the history of humanity from the very beginning to a time in the future when humans will evolve into beings with supernatural powers. He described a new era of enlightenment and peace when divinity within humans would be manifested on the Earth.
But before this "Kingdom of God" would rule the world, Cayce foresaw world events that can only be described as apocalyptic; a period of purification involving natural disasters that will dramatically alter the surface of the Earth, wars, economic collapse, and socio-political unrest. These visions of the future agree with what is known about prophecies from NDEs.
Cayce believed that these horrible future events could be averted if humanity changed its behaviour. And this is the purpose for giving prophecies - to warn people to change so that the prophecies won't happen. Since Cayce certainly was not 100% accurate in his predictions, I believe this only shows how some of Cayce's apocalyptic predictions have been averted. So, a successful gloom and doom prophecy is one that doesn't occur. Cayce's Visions of the Future That Already Have Come True: Cayce received many visions of the future and many of them have already come to pass. From these visions he made a number of remarkably accurate predictions. The following is a list of them (refer to original article for details - see below): Foresaw the Stock Market Crash and Great Depression Foresaw revolutions in foreign lands Foresaw the rise and fall of Adolf Hitler Foresaw a world war that would begin in 1936 Foresaw America's 1941 entry into the war Foresaw a decisive World War II battle Foresaw the deaths of Presidents FDR and JFK Foresaw India's independence from Britain Foretold archeological facts which later proved true Foretold the discovery of the Essenes and Dead Sea Scrolls Foresaw the rebirth of the nation of Israel Foretold the discovery of the land of Atlantis Foresaw the collapse of Soviet Union and communism Foresaw the alliance of Russia and US Foresaw Russian religious freedom and religious movement Discovered scientific facts which were later verified to be true Foresaw the rise of major technological industries Discovered the existence of the long economic cycle Foresaw a shift of the Earth's poles around the millennium Foresaw the rise of the aviation and radio industries Foresaw the rise of new communications technologies Foresaw the great influence of aviation on the world Foresaw the development of infra-red vision for night vision Foresaw the union of the radio and telegraph industry Discovered an investment strategy which proved to be successful Discovered a consumer products strategy that proved to be successful Foresaw the day of his own death |
Cayce's Visions of the Future Yet to Occur:
(refer to original article for details - see below):
(refer to original article for details - see below):
Identified the year the battle of Armageddon will occur in the spirit realm (may be happening already)
Foresaw the year of the second coming of Christ (may have already happened)
More Cayce Prophecies for the Future:
(refer to original article for details - see below):
(refer to original article for details - see below):
Foresees a new field of science will be developed based on a psychic/spiritual phenomenon
Foresees a new discovery in astronomy will occur Foresees the possibility of a World War III Foresees major archeological discoveries concerning human origins will be found China will become a Christian nation Foresees volcanic activity will precede major earthquakes |
Foresees America's west coast being destroyed
Foresees the ocean level rising significantly Foresees dramatic changes in the coastlines around the world Foresees major Earth changes will occur in America Foresees a new era of peace and enlightenment following the tremendous Earth changes Foresees his next incarnation and a view into the future |
From the list of prophecies that Cayce gave which proved successful, his prophecies of the future should be seriously considered. However, Cayce himself stated that the future is not fixed and that human free will makes virtually everything possible.
You can read this article in its entirety at the following website, with detailed information on each of the prophecies - past and future: www.near-death.com/experiences/cayce11.html