The Kryon books feature channeled information from Kryon, a loving angelic entity channeled by Lee Carroll, the original Kryon channel. This work is now almost twenty five years old, having been started by Lee in 1989. Lee is recognized worldwide as the original channel for Kryon, and has been honored over the years by seven United Nations invitations to channel Kryon at the UN building in New York city.
The Kryon work to date represents thirteen Kryon channelled books. These books represent over 200 physical separate Kryon publications, since these works are now published in 24 languages world-wide. In addition, Lee Carroll and his spiritual partner Jan Tober introduced the earth to the term “Indigo Children” in 1999 with the book by Hay House, 'The Indigo Children'. There are also three Indigo Children books by Lee and Jan. This subject has its own webpage, which you can access HERE. This brings the total of Lee Carroll books to 16. [Many more now, in 2018. MS]
The Kryon seminars are presented all over the USA and Canada, western Europe, Israel, Russia, Bulgaria, Poland, the Baltic states and much of South America.
The Kryon work to date represents thirteen Kryon channelled books. These books represent over 200 physical separate Kryon publications, since these works are now published in 24 languages world-wide. In addition, Lee Carroll and his spiritual partner Jan Tober introduced the earth to the term “Indigo Children” in 1999 with the book by Hay House, 'The Indigo Children'. There are also three Indigo Children books by Lee and Jan. This subject has its own webpage, which you can access HERE. This brings the total of Lee Carroll books to 16. [Many more now, in 2018. MS]
The Kryon seminars are presented all over the USA and Canada, western Europe, Israel, Russia, Bulgaria, Poland, the Baltic states and much of South America.
Kryon Book 7 :
Letters from Home (Loving messages from the family) Published in 1999, this seventh Kryon book of the bestselling Kryon series is the last channelled one before the turn of the century. It deals with exactly that subject: channelled good news from a very loving entity that gets us ready for the "New Jerusalem." It is the largest Kryon book yet, and includes channellings from all over the world, especially those given in 1998. Also included is the transcription of the "Family Series" of channellings, and the transcription of the 1998 United Nations visit. Go to for a list of contents and further information on this book. |
Kryon Book 8 :
2000 - Passing The Marker (Understanding the new Millennium energy) This is the Kryon millennium book. Sequential channellings from all over the world lead you right into, and past the millennium shift energy. What's happening to DNA? What does Kryon mean by "The Third Language?" What about Kryon's science predictions and potentials? What can we expect next? What is the time line? What, exactly did we just accomplish? This 424 page book is packed with live channellings and some special features: 'An update on the Indigo Children', by Jan Tober; A chapter on what's happening regarding the indigenous "Council of Elders" recommended by Kryon at the United Nations (yes, it's happening!), and also (finally) a full alphabetized index of all 8 Kryon books in one place! Go to for a list of contents and further information on this book. |
Kryon Book 9 :
The New Beginning (2002 and Beyond) The event of 9-11 changed our lives forever. This book is organized around the event, with channelling up to and right after the September tragedy. Did Kryon give us hints? What was the message the day it happened? There is much insight here, and also some potential things to think about? Was it a surprise to God? ... or something we had given permission for long ago? This 384 page book is packed with live channellings, including Kryon's Israel message delivered in Tel Aviv. Becoming interdimensional is the main subject, with a great many very personal loving solutions to every-day questions. Go to for a list of contents and further information on this book. |
Kryon Book 10 :
A New Dispensation (Plain talk for confusing times) What's happening? Many have asked: "I thought these times would be filled with more peace!" This 408-page book is packed with live channellings from the years 2003 and 2004. We are beginning the "war between old and new energy" that Kryon has spoken of for 15 years. Now we are in it, and are doing the "heavy lifting" for the planet. What's it about? What does it mean? Kryon says, "Do not despair!" These are the times which belong to you, and that you have created. They are the precursor for peace on earth. Go to for a list of contents and further information on this book. |
Kryon Book 11 :
Lifting the Veil (The New Energy Apocalypse) The word apocalypse comes from the Greek and literally means, "Lifting the Veil." Is there anyone who thinks things are as they used to be? We are indeed at a crossroads of civilization, and the loving and comforting words from this Angelic entity called Kryon, continues to give us clarity. This is the Eleventh Kryon book in this 18-year series, and represents a culmination of live channellings all over the earth. Where is Earth going? Is 2012 a year to fear, or to celebrate? What is our real task on earth? Kryon's message has never changed, but the things he spoke of in 1989 have all come about. The hope of earth lays with the consciousness of the few, and their ability to transcend beyond a perception of doom and gloom. Celebrate 2007 with the good news contained in this 384 page book! Go to for a list of contents and further information on this book. |
Kryon Book 12 :
The Twelve Layers of DNA (An Esoteric Study of the Mastery Within) This is the twelfth book in the Kryon series. Three years in the making, it is the first book of its kind, and may eventually define the more than 20 year Kryon lineage. DNA is our chemical blueprint, but the Human Genome Project found that over ninety percent of it is not coded. In fact, only approximately four percent creates the 23,000 genes in the Human body. The rest? It's a puzzle to the extreme, and to this day there is no answer why most of DNA seems to have no symmetry or codes of any kind. In fact, it seems to be random. Kryon has now given us full channelled explanation of this, and brings it right into the quantum world. Is it possible that DNA is mostly quantum instructions - information that speaks to the Human body? And if so, what's in those instructions that comprise over 2.7 billion chemicals per DNA double helix? Here is a full revelation of the twelve layers or energies of DNA, complete with full color channelled illustrations of each layer by American-Israeli artist Elan Dubro-Cohen. Could it be that our entire Akashic record is carried in our DNA? What else might be represented? It starts to make sense, and the most recent discoveries of quantum physics only enhances the potentials of this quantum molecule. With a foreword by DNA researcher Dr. Todd Ovokaitys, this book is an esoteric breakthrough. Lee Carroll narrates throughout, and Kryon presents the actual energies of DNA. Go to for a list of contents and further information on this book. |
Kryon Book 13 :
The Recalibration of Humanity (2013 and Beyond) Is it possible that we have actually turned a significant corner in the evolution of Humanity? When you look at the news and current events, does it seem extra crazy right now? Join author/channeller Lee Carroll and Kryon as they unravel the history behind what is happening, and present the many facets of the details. Is it possible that the entire reason for Kryon's being here is because of what we just did? Is all this too strange for you? The Ancients foretold of this time, and it's in the Mayan Calendar as well. So what does it mean? Is everything we know and have studied going to change? What are the new "rules" of reality? Are there now new prophecies? The answers are all here in this book. For Kryon says that this is the beginning of the New Earth.
Plus... comments and thoughts by Lee about the entire situation and his 23-year adventure as the original Kryon channel for the planet. Go to for a list of contents and further information on this book. |
Kryon Book 14 :
The New Human: The Evolution of Humanity (2013 - 2016) Have you ever wondered about Human Evolution? Are we actually evolving at all? This entire book is dedicated to the channellings of KRYON, who lovingly describes some of the truly unexpected aspects of what THE NEW HUMAN means, and the coming evolution of our species. The phrase THE NEW HUMAN is the description of humanity as it starts to increase awareness. It begins to fulfill the prophesy of the Ancients, who indicated we would experience "The highest consciousness humans have ever seen," if we passed 2012. The book contains mostly unpublished KRYON channellings from 2013 though 2016, and includes all thirteen channelings from the profound Israel tour of 2015. We made it past 2012, and the shift is here! Are you ready to evolve? Go to for a list of contents and further information on this book. |
A KRYON book - The Gaia Effect - The Remarkable system of collaboration between Gaia and Humanity
Author - Monika Muranyi (Based on Kryon channellings; written with the co-operation of Lee Carroll)
A KRYON book - The Human Akash - A discovery of the blueprint within
Author - Monika Muranyi (Based on Kryon channellings; written with the co-operation of Lee Carroll)
THE INDIGO CHILDREN - The New Kids Have Arrived
Authors - Lee Carroll/Jan Tober
AN INDIGO CELEBRATION - More Messages, Stories and insights from The Indigo Children
Authors - Lee Carroll/Jan Tober
THE INDIGO CHILDREN TEN YEARS LATER - What's happening with the Indigo Teenagers!
Authors - Lee Carroll/Jan Tober
A KRYON book - The Gaia Effect - The Remarkable system of collaboration between Gaia and Humanity
Author - Monika Muranyi (Based on Kryon channellings; written with the co-operation of Lee Carroll)
A KRYON book - The Human Akash - A discovery of the blueprint within
Author - Monika Muranyi (Based on Kryon channellings; written with the co-operation of Lee Carroll)
THE INDIGO CHILDREN - The New Kids Have Arrived
Authors - Lee Carroll/Jan Tober
AN INDIGO CELEBRATION - More Messages, Stories and insights from The Indigo Children
Authors - Lee Carroll/Jan Tober
THE INDIGO CHILDREN TEN YEARS LATER - What's happening with the Indigo Teenagers!
Authors - Lee Carroll/Jan Tober