The Gathering of the Eagles
PART TWO : Chapter Twelve
This chapter is going to be a very short one, but I feel a very important one to include.
Earlier I talked about the elevation that will occur; how the frequency rate will increase to lift "the souls" above it all. The reference to Lot's wife turning back and becoming a pillar of salt I believe is allegorical to her lowering her vibrations to the level of the destruction that occurred, and perishing as a result. Many people are aware that things are not right in the world, and are finally convinced that there will be a major breakdown in society. But instead of turning toward the positive, which will lift them away, they have everything you could imagine; a year's supply of this, a ton of that. They've constructed underground shelters with water supplies, breathing apparatus, and they've gone to great lengths to protect themselves against the marauding hordes they are convinced will swoop down upon them to terrorise and pillage. It's a protection built on fear, not foresight. Fear of the end, not a vision of the beginning. You know, here it's most applicable to quote, "as ye sow, so shall ye reap". If these people are ready to kill others for their survival, then they will stay at the level of the destruction. They will realize their worst fears. They don't have the faith to rise above it. Their faith is restricted to the material, to their material perceptions. The ultimate insult is the taking of another's life. But if one expects to, then those expectations will likely be met. To expel those ideas is a step onto the elevator to the new age. In other words, what you sow, and these are your beliefs, your fears, your expectations, will surely come back in the harvest. If the seeds are of positivity and faith, that's what you shall reap. If not ........... |
There is a good example of how protection will be provided in the old testament of the Bible. Elisha, the successor to the prophet Elijah, was pursued into the hills by an army, he and his servant or assistant. And when things were looking bleakest, the servant told Elisha that all was lost, it was hopeless. At that point, Elisha calls upon God and says, "Open his eyes, that he might see", referring to the servant. He then saw all around them, in the sky and on the hills, a magnificent army facing the threatening 'real' army. This extra vision restored the faith of the servant, the faith needed for protection.
Then Elisha commanded that the army be smitten with blindness, which they were. And, blind, they were led by Elisha into captivity in Samaria, where their sight was restored. The king then wanted to kill the captives but Elisha intervened, saying that that was the worst thing to do. Instead, they should treat them as guests, prepare a feast for them, then release them. This was done and the result was that Israel was never again bothered by that nation. (Kings ll, Chapter 6). The important points of this story are how faith and positivity removed the threat permanently, and that by treating their captives as guests, then releasing them, they won a far greater victory.... a lasting peace. Like begets like. Violence simply draws violence. Stay on that plane and you'll draw it to you. And that's why I've never advocated the gathering of weapons for protection in this thing. If you prepare for trouble in this way, on this plane, how can you possibly rise above it? Your only weapon need be faith. It's all you need, and it will serve you well. Go to: PART TWO : Chapter Thirteen : THE GUIDING LIGHT |