A New View of Consciousness and Reality :
What Happens When We Die?
What Happens When We Die?
In his book, he writes: "All you have to do to project the picture you want is put in the slide that subtracts the proper colors in the proper places. The white light is thus the source of infinite possibility, and you create the desired image by intelligent subtraction, causing the real to emerge from the possible. By limiting the infinitely possible, you create the finitely real.
Let’s take this optical metaphor one step further. The white light of a projector can convey more than just a static image. Project a series of images in rapid succession and you create motion. Although, on one level, that motion consists of a series of still shots, when those still shots are projected rapidly enough, the sum becomes greater than its parts. The resulting “motion picture” is more than just the sum of the images created out of the white light. People and actions and even emotions are made manifest by acting upon the formless white light in just the proper way, in just the right sequence. A replica of our real world can thus be created out of the unlimited potential of the white light through a process of intelligent subtraction carried out in space and time. A virtual reality is thus created out of formless possibility. In fact, motion pictures are a concrete example of how a filter, the film, by selectively subtracting from a formless potential, can generate a virtual reality."49 So, as discussed before, the Source Light exists in a non-local space containing all possibilities. This Light creates the material realm with all of its laws as an actualization of its potential. In my mind it's very similar to the collapse of the wave function in physics. All “solid” matter can be expressed as a wave function of spread out energy. What we see as the material world is the collapse of this wave function into one possibility, the possibility that we experience. Quoting from the book Quantum Enigma by Bruce Rosenblum and Fred Kuttner: "There is no atom in addition to the wavefunction of the atom. If someone happened to see the atom at a particular spot, that look would collapse the spread out wavefunction of the atom to be concentrated at that particular spot for everyone . . . Accordingly, before a look collapses a widely spread-out wavefunction to the particular place where the atom is found, the atom did not exist there prior to the look. the look brought about the atom's existence at that particular place - for everyone." 50 Implying, that from a realm of infinite possibilities, consciousness brings the material world into existence. This world is a conscious projection of the Source Light created by subtraction of infinite possibilities into the world of space and time that we experience. It is constantly being projected and guided by this underlying intelligence. We, as part of this intelligence, are co-creators of reality. The experience of the Source Light is not just an experience NDEers have. This experience of re-union with the source has also been described in UFO literature, in transpersonal experiences, mysticism, and as spontaneous occurrences in everyday life. I will quote here from a variety of different sources to show the connections all of these experiences share. First from Psychiatrist and consciousness explorer Stanislav Grof, who shares a description of his encounter with the Source after smoking 5-MeO-DMT. This is apparently one of those substances that when the brain is flooded with it, somehow it can sever the connection between consciousness and the brain and send consciousness straight back to its Source. Shortly after taking 2 or 3 hits from the pipe he describes: "My only reality was a mass of radiant swirling energy of immense proportions that seemed to contain all existence in a condensed and entirely abstract form. I became Consciousness facing the Absolute. It had the brightness of myriad suns, yet it was not on the same continuum with any light I knew from everyday life. It seemed to be pure consciousness, intelligence, and creative energy transcending all polarities. It was infinite and finite, divine and demonic, terrifying and ecstatic, creative and destructive--all that and much more. I had no concept, no categories for what I was witnessing. I could not maintain a sense of separate existence in the face of such a force. My ordinary identity was shattered and dissolved; I became one with the Source." 51 The ineffability of the experience is quite evident from Grof's account. Nonetheless, we see definite parallels to the Source experienced by NDEers. For one, he describes it as being extremely bright, although of an unworldly sort of brightness. Also, it contains all of existence in an abstract (unmanifest) form. And he too becomes fused with this Source. The next account of an encounter with the Source is described in Robert Hamilton's fascinating book, Caduceus. It is an experience that happened to him when he was simply sitting down contemplating some things he had read that day. The onset of the experience is sudden. In his own words: "Then, all of a sudden, I was seized, as though by some invisible and intangible force. It was an extraordinary feeling, utterly unique and totally different from any sensation that I had felt ever before. To add to the barrage of the senses came with the experience a constant whirring sound, which would not abate and remains with me today. This onset of sudden energy seemed to flood the whole of my person, and the dominant impression, and what was so amazing and beautiful, although thoroughly confusing at the time, was the unmistakable sensation of light. The whole experience seemed to create an incredible luminescence which is almost impossible to describe as it was nothing like how one would usually envisage light, whether from the light of the sun or from an electricity bulb . . It seemed that what now 'constituted me' was total consciousness; the focus of my being was entirely of the 'soul', for want of a better description. It was as if the entire experience represented moments of revelation where 'everything' was made known and comprehended, although in a rather indefinable way. Yet, despite the bewilderment and confusion, I felt the presence of an absolute and profound sense of peace which was beyond anything I had ever known previously. And then, quite suddenly, it ended, just as suddenly as it had begun, with a discernible 'return' of my normal self and my normal thoughts." 52 Again, we have the experience of an unworldly luminescent light where we are encompassed in 'total consciousness' which allows access to all knowledge and is accompanied by an experience of deep love and peace. The last account of an encounter with Source Consciousness comes from the important work of Ufologist Raymond Fowler, The Watchers II. Fowler, a grandmaster of ufology, has written a number of books describing the abductions of Betty Andreasson Luca and Bob Luca. The accounts of their abductions were gathered through the use of hypnotic regression. In his book, The Watchers II, Fowler gives evidence that many (not all) UFO abductions actually take place in an out-of-body state; a point also supported by researcher Richard L. Thompson.53,54 Therefore, the person is not physically abducted, but their consciousness is abducted. This means that the experience may take place in another dimension, not the material realm. The experience I am about to quote happened while Betty was in an out-of-body state. She is aboard the UFO with a tall Elder, who is a human-like personage who works with, and controls, the typical grey aliens.55 He's somewhat akin to a supervisor; he's the man in charge. While aboard the UFO, he tells Betty that he's taking her to see 'the One'. Afterwards, the craft comes to a stop and the door opens to reveal a place that is very bright. I pick up the experience as she goes into the light accompanied by the Elder and a grey alien: "Oh, we're running toward the light now. Oh-h-h! [breathless] I can see . . . the Elder is changing to a white light being and . . . the grey is changing into a light blue one [blows out air] as we're running closer to the light. Oh, I'm starting to change into a golden-colored light! Oh, this is beautiful! Oh-h-h. [long sigh, exhales, sighs again] Oh, this is wonderful, wonderful, wonderful. Oh, there is such love. [Betty is in pure unadulterated ecstasy.] Oh, there is such peace. [long sigh] I'm just engulfed in light and blending into that light. Oh! [. . .] It is just fantastically beautiful. It's just so much love, so much peace and so wonderful. It's so wonderful. Oh, it's just wonderful. Oh. It is. It is. It is. [. . .] Oh, this is everything, everything, everything." 56 As this experience is being recalled under hypnosis, you see her reactions as she is recounting the experience, in brackets. Again, we see a very similar experience, just described in different terms. She is engulfed by the light and blends into it (becomes as one with it), it is full of love and peace, and it is everything (containing all knowledge). The more sources you have pointing to the same conclusion makes that conclusion much stronger than if the knowledge only comes from a single source. We've just examined the knowledge NDEers come back with of a Source of Intelligent Consciousness and a few of the other sources that are practically identical to the accounts of this Source given by NDEers. However, the NDE gives us not only the knowledge of consciousness, but a whole different way of viewing life from a spiritual perspective. I intend to go through five points of knowledge about life and reality that can be ascertained by studying NDE accounts. For each of these points I will provide at least two other sources that give us the same knowledge. Next: The Body is a Shell |