Channelled information from
'The Principle known as Q'uo'
Library - L/L Research Transcripts
Channelled information from
'The Principle known as Q'uo'
Library - L/L Research Transcripts
This telepathic channeling has been taken from transcriptions of the weekly study and meditation meetings of the Rock Creek Research & Development Laboratories and L/L Research. It is offered in the hope that it may be useful to you. As the Confederation entities always make a point of saying, please use your discrimination and judgment in assessing this material. If something rings true to you, fine. If something does not resonate, please leave it behind, for neither we nor those of the Confederation would wish to be a stumbling block for any. Saturday Meditation - February 12, 2011 Jim: The question this evening has to do with the concept of Angels. We would like to ask just what angels are and how we can interact with them. Are they different from or similar to guides? (Carla channeling) We are known to you as the Principle of Q’uo. We greet you in the love and in the light of the One Infinite Creator, in whose service we come to you this evening. We are privileged indeed to have been called to your circle of seeking and are very happy to be a part of this working. It is our pleasure to speak with you concerning angels. However, before we begin, as always, we would simply ask you to take responsibility for your responses to those things which we say. Be conscious of whether or not you find our thoughts interesting. If you do, then they are yours to work with as you will. If they do not cause resonance to start in your heart, then let them go, for they are not for you. If you will use your discernment in this way and pick and choose between thoughts according to how they strike you, how they seem useful to you or not, that will enable us to feel that we are not disturbing your free will and it will allow us to feel freer to speak our thoughts to you. We thank you for this consideration. In talking about angels, perhaps it is well to start talking about humans. We also talk about ourselves, for we also have been through third density. We also have been flung out by the Creator to skitter across the pond of the universe and move through many experiences and gather those pieces of information that interest us and seek what we desire. We and you together have had cause to feel the distance between ourselves and the One Infinite Creator; not a physical distance but an emotional distance. Outer distances make far less of a difference to one’s feelings than the inner distances and we often have felt very much apart from the Creator and from other selves. It is part of the challenge and part of the blessing of being a spark of the Creator. You deal, my friends, with illusion with a thick veil, with chaos and seeming uncertainty, for your entire incarnation. In a way, your life is a race that goes not to the swift but to the perceiver of truth. You’re racing not towards an object, but towards the correct perception of objects. Occasionally, one thing will come clear to you. You will have a realization about yourself. And you are one quantum step beyond where you were before, in understanding who you are. However, as the one known as G said, it is very easy to become lost in the tangle of thoughts that clutter the mind. The mind is a complex thing because you are using both your intellect and your consciousness. Your consciousness takes its information from Love itself. Consciousness, by definition, is the consciousness of All That There Is, that which holds all things together. Your mind, on the other hand, is like a library, with your information either filed fairly neatly or filed chaotically, so that you have to send one of the librarians scurrying after information—someone’s name, the proper word that means such-and-such. The gaps in memory are notorious among the old, but they exist for everyone. So that is what it is to be human, among other things. It is standing in two camps, one foot in each, on the one foot space/time, the everyday consensus reality, the matrix, call it what you will. Your other foot is in the inner world, in Consciousness, in Love. Furthermore, that is the point of your being who you are. You are a place where two lands come together. You are the bridge between finity and infinity, between limits and limitlessness. You bring, if you choose, limitless and infinite love into a world that is starving for love. You bring infinite and limitless light through your energy body and ground it into Earth’s energy if you choose. You ask a great deal of yourself in third density, in that you ask yourself to wake up from a very comfortable slumber and become aware of the limitless potential that you contain. You become aware of your power and you seek its right use. You become aware that you do not know yourself very well and that you have been giving yourself a difficult time of it, looking with eyes of judgment rather than eyes of love upon what you do, what you think and how you feel. You become aware that you have allowed a clutter of meaningless details to distract you from love itself, from the devotion of your deepest heart, from the hopes and dreams that you carry like treasure within yourself. And you become aware that you have the choice of how you shall be, thought by thought by thought. And so, you choose to take on the challenge of third density as a person who is awake, aware and conscious and attentive and you make of your life a beautiful pattern, a pattern of learning and service, a pattern of responsibilities taken and manifested, and as you get to know yourself, you begin finally to forgive yourself for being human. And in the fullness of time you fall in love with yourself. And from that point on, your incarnation is easier, for the harshest critic is always the self. Yet there is no end to the challenges of life behind the veil of forgetting. This is not the case with the angels. You have observed, as students, the regularity and predictability and hierarchical nature of the world as scientists have come to know it. The elements of which you are familiar and many of which you are unfamiliar, make up, not simply a random collection of elements but elements that have an arrangement because of their nature. They fit together in a certain way. And there is a hierarchy of energies. You, yourself, are a perfect example of that hierarchy of energies—the energy field of the entire physical body holding within it the energy fields of each organ, each system of hormones, and so forth. Down to the cellular level, your body understands its own hierarchy and it functions well. The hierarchy of the angels of which you have asked us is just as regular and predictable. You have angels at the level of Creator, and you have angels at the level of personal angels. You have everything in between. They carry responsibilities according to their hierarchy. What makes angels unique is that they have never left the vibration of the Creator. They have never departed from the One Original Thought of Unconditional Love. They have never incarnated and they never will. While they have characteristics that can seem to be like a personality, to say that angels have a personality is to anthropomorphize [1] incorrectly. Angels are love. Angels are love responsible for realms in a hierarchical manner. There are those which work with your sub-Logos, the sun, in creating the archetypal mind and the blueprint for the densities in this particular creation. There are angels who are attracted to vibrations and flock to those whose vibrations are beautiful to them. You may not feel beautiful, dear ones, especially when you are struggling, yet to those who vibrate in unconditional love, the qualities of one who is seeking to learn and to serve are irresistible. It takes a great deal of courage to persist in a spiritual pre-occupation, and each of you is very beautiful to us and to the angels. There are two basic energies which angels have to offer. One is the simple energy of love itself and the other is a feeling of safety, which could be called a healing energy. Both of those aspects are the resources which angels have to offer. Angels also have connections with the four elements and the four directions [2] so that as you become more and more aware of the correspondences between certain archangels and certain energies, certain powers and certain directions, you become more able to cleanse your habitation or the area around you with the help of the archangels. There is another class of angels that is indeed angelic and yet [these angels] have had incarnations. Those are the entities who have chosen to be angels but were not angels from the Creator. Yet between incarnations it became apparent to these souls that the work that they wished to do was angelic. And so these entities were incarnated and lived for a short time on this terrestrial ball you call Earth. And then, seemingly far before their time, they were taken. Instead of moving into the healing of the incarnation and the choosing of another incarnation, these particular entities move into the angelic realm. They are able to become angels because of their innocence within incarnation. These little ones are especially fond of those whose hearts are open and are very grateful to rest in that open heart that will accept them. As this instrument mentioned before the meditation began, it is critical, if you wish to work with angels, to thank them, and to ask them to participate in your life, to be with you and to share their love and their healing and their feeling of safety. If you do not ask them, they cannot break free will. Therefore, it is important to remember each day to thank the angels that are around you and to ask them to continue helping you. One way that this instrument and the one known as Jim ask for the angels’ help is when they bathe, for angels are very good at magnetizing such substances as water or oil. And if asked, angels can place healing energy into the bathwater or shower so that the water carries the vibration of love and of healing. This is also true of substances such as food. If you ask the angels to help with the preparation of a food, they are able to help you magnetize love into the food. Homely chores such as chopping wood or cleaning house are ennobled by the angels as they aid you in magnetizing love to the motions that you make with your body and the thoughts that you think with your mind. We find it stupendous to contemplate the generosity of the Infinite Creator in enriching the experience of each of those it has sent out to gain experience by making sure that there is no corner of the Creation that is not full of love, not only on a passive level, but on the active level of those who love, those who care. You have this capacity within you to make heaven of hell or hell of heaven. We encourage you to believe in the truth, which is that heaven lies within you. It is accessible. It is as if you were looking at a closed door. The key to that door is silence. Open it. Walk into your own heart and fly away. There you are safe. There you are loved. There you shall become capable of loving. We are with you; the angels are with you. At this time we find that it is time to leave this group and this instrument, leaving each in the love and in the light of the One Infinite Creator. We are known to you as those of Q’uo. Adonai. Adonai my friends. [1] To anthropomorphize is to attribute to non-humans the characteristics of being human. [2] The four elements or powers are earth, air, fire and water. The four directions are north, south, east and west. Copyright © 2011 L/L Research All rights reserved. All of the material on this website (L/L Research) is intended for your personal use only and is protected by copyright. Please do not duplicate it for any commercial means and please do not repost it on any website, unless you have obtained prior written permission from the authors. Feel free to post a link back to it on www.llresearch.org. Thank you. [Note: L/L Research have very kindly given me written permission to use their material in this website. Messenger Spirit] www.llresearch.org http://store.bring4th.org/index.php Note: The Ra Material can be purchased from its authors at their online store http://lawofone.info |