Evolution Through Chaos
By Maya Vidhyadharan
By Maya Vidhyadharan
Evolution through chaos is a choice. Are we there yet?
Some souls evolve through love with a deep desire for inner freedom and emotional balance. However, some souls use the stress-energy in chaos to break through self-delusions and external delusions to say NO to deception and immature thinking and YES to freedom and Spiritual sovereignty. These are the souls that agreed to heal powerfully, emotionally and psychologically, to step into a higher Dimension at a time they were emotionally ready. Millions of people are going through evolution through chaos now, so there is a purpose in illusion... I have found denial has a purpose. It allows a person to disown their immaturity in thinking pattern, and deception in the outer world, until they have the emotional maturity and spiritual strength to face what must be faced to get out of chaos and suffering. Where are you in denial? Denial is ending in reality for many. 1. There has been a spiritual war going on between Light and dark for a very long time, and it is at a crescendo so the dark ETs and interdimensional beings controlled by AI can trap souls through catastrophic creations. Light will win. 2. Sometimes, the dark ETs and humans pose as beautiful actors, charismatic leaders and news readers. Some of them are shapeshifters and if you pay attention you will see the glitch where their eyes give them away. Unplug to be free from mind-control. 3. Nanobots are miniature robots. Unless it is created by the Light to heal the body, the nanobot will control the body and mind via the external AI. Critical thinking helps before allowing any nanobot in. This is a choice point - Awake or Asleep Choose freedom. You will have the courage and the inner strength to go through what is revealed when you say Yes to Truth and Yes to Awakening to Freedom. The good ETs are the ones helping the loving humans ascend to a place where they can eventually remember the immortality that was their true nature millions of years ago. Cut your karmic cords. Know where your boundaries begin and others' boundaries end. Emotionally heal. The good ETs take care of the rest. The ascension for Star Seeds is a different process. |
About the Author:
I am a student of life, a spiritual teacher focused on emotional healing and ascending to higher dimensions 7 and above. I have been teaching in California and Arizona since 2008, and I am a Star Seed. I am currently teaching Ascension Readiness Zoom events that all can sign up for here. https://www.meetup.com/Awakening-Creating-Reality-and-Becoming-FREE/events/calendar
I started channeling in December 2007 a being from my Star System, and later channeled Archangels and now the Lyrian High Teachers.
Maya can be contacted by email: [email protected]
I started channeling in December 2007 a being from my Star System, and later channeled Archangels and now the Lyrian High Teachers.
Maya can be contacted by email: [email protected]