Paul Wallis spent 33 years in Christian Ministry where he became a Church Doctor and Archdeacon in the Anglican Church. He has authored four books understanding the extent to which Christian, Hebrew and other world religions are influenced by ancient contact with extraterrestrial life. In his latest book, The Eden Conspiracy (2023) he presents new analyses and evidence proving that extraterrestrials from different star systems, including Pleiades made contact and shared advanced technologies. Wallis shares his deep knowledge of the Christian bible where multiple passages reveal the extent to which extraterrestrials, including the Anunnaki, influenced the ancient world, and shared secrets of their advanced technologies. He explains how contemporary investigations into the UAP phenomenon are a stepping stone to eventual disclosure of extraterrestrial visitors that date back to biblical times. Paul Wallis website is:
Dr Michael Salla - Exopolitics Today
Paul Wallis spent 33 years in Christian Ministry where he became a Church Doctor and Archdeacon in the Anglican Church. He has authored four books understanding the extent to which Christian, Hebrew and other world religions are influenced by ancient contact with extraterrestrial life. In his latest book, The Eden Conspiracy (2023) he presents new analyses and evidence proving that extraterrestrials from different star systems, including Pleiades made contact and shared advanced technologies. Wallis shares his deep knowledge of the Christian bible where multiple passages reveal the extent to which extraterrestrials, including the Anunnaki, influenced the ancient world, and shared secrets of their advanced technologies. He explains how contemporary investigations into the UAP phenomenon are a stepping stone to eventual disclosure of extraterrestrial visitors that date back to biblical times. Paul Wallis website is:
Kryon answers your questions...
QUESTION: "Dear Kryon, You mentioned that ET’s visit us to learn from and try to duplicate that piece of Divinity they do not have. You said that just as I am certain that I am part of the Divine, many of these ET’s are just as certain that they are NOT a part of the Divine. If our experience involves the duality of being Divine and not knowing it, what is theirs? What is it like to know for a fact you are not part of the Divine? What is their life like? Do they know joy and love? Do they have intuition?" ANSWER: Don’t Humanize them! It’s time to change your perspective. If you were blind and came upon a race of those with sight, you would not know what you were missing. You would only know that the others had a power to sense what was in the dark. You would not be able to relate to the concept of sight. So your assumption that they know they are without Divinity is incorrect. All they see is your power, and they will do anything to have it. They have no idea where it comes from, or that it has anything to do with Divinity. They don’t have any concept of Divinity and if you could explain it to them, they still wouldn’t understand it. Many races in the Universe are simply biological for the balance of all. And many of these have no Souls (as you call them), no Divine plan, and no place in the choice of "dark and light" balance. Humans have all of these things. Some of you will say this is not fair, or may not understand how intelligence and intellect can exist without God. It can. It does, and when it sees you, it is awestruck with what you can do (things that you don’t even see in yourselves!) Some of these beings have technology which is higher than yours, since they are much older. Do they have joy? Yes. So does your dog, right? But it is not the "joy of God." Do they have intuition? No. But they have intelligence and logic, much like insects do. They are NOT like you. And they are dangerous if you simply let them into your life. But they won’t have a chance to hurt you if you stand up to them with your mental force. Dear ones, it’s time to alter your limited perception of the Universe. Does everything have to be like you? Allow for a tremendous variety of life. Look at what Earth has. Is all life on Earth the same? Do you place upon the rodent the same attributes as the Human? What about the lion or the fish? NO. Each has a different purpose on the Planet, and you even eat some for your life’s sustenance! See the Universe in the same way. It teems with life, and there is variety beyond your imagination. Not all Humanoids have intellect, intuition, or love. They are placed very far away from you so that you don’t have to interact with them; so that you can instead concentrate on the "business before you." And so it is, — Kryon of Magnetic Service Greetings
All life is created naturally from the processes and the elements that you all see every day. The same periodic table of elements, plus or minus the ones you might not have discovered yet, is present everywhere in your galaxy. The same things that created your life on your Earth created life everywhere. You have that in common with all the stars and planets. The elements are the same, and the energy reactions in science are the same. When you put them together with the same kinds of sizes of suns, gravity, atmospheric changes and water, what you get is... many Earths and life. How could it be otherwise, you might say? How could you look at the stars and say that you’re totally and completely alone, simply because no one has yet said hello? That, by the way, is a common theory: "Since nobody has ever said hello, therefore, they don’t exist." This is a theory arrived at by some very intelligent people. There’s a reason they haven’t said "hello". They’re out there, dear ones. Slowly, as the Universe cooled and the Galaxies formed the way you see them today, the stars (and the planets around their stars) began to develop. And within that naturally evolving physical scenario, the scheme of life began – everywhere. To think otherwise would be counterintuitive to the natural way of things that you even see on Earth. ~ Kryon, Excerpt channeled by Lee Carroll on October 11, 2020, for the Lemurian Starseed Gathering. UCLA-led team discovers object in the constellation Boötes with carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and hydrogen University of Warwick : Rendering of a white dwarf star (bright white spot), with rocky debris from former asteroids or a minor planet that has been broken apart by gravity (red rings). Many scientists believe the Earth was dry when it first formed, and that the building blocks for life on our planet — carbon, nitrogen and water — appeared only later as a result of collisions with other objects in our solar system that had those elements.
Today, a UCLA-led team of scientists reports that it has discovered the existence of a white dwarf star whose atmosphere is rich in carbon and nitrogen, as well as in oxygen and hydrogen, the components of water. The white dwarf is approximately 200 light-years from Earth and is located in the constellation Boötes. Benjamin Zuckerman, a co-author of the research and a UCLA professor of astronomy, said the study presents evidence that the planetary system associated with the white dwarf contains materials that are the basic building blocks for life. And although the study focused on this particular star — known as WD 1425+540 — the fact that its planetary system shares characteristics with our solar system strongly suggests that other planetary systems would also. “The findings indicate that some of life’s important preconditions are common in the universe” Zuckerman said. The rest of the story can be read here. From Kryon Live Channelling, "The Fundamental Fractal" June 2016 in Hot Springs, AR, USA I want you to start using spiritual logic, something that will be more obvious in time. The Pleiadians are your spiritual-seed creative parents. Simple. Most of the earth will not believe that. Your accepted creation story sounds just like it, and even the timing is the same, but it can't involve an E.T., to be believed by most. The very thought of extra-terrestrials always involves those who come and conquer you or hurt you. This is your bias and is a reflection of your own Human consciousness and what your brief history has been. You do it, so you expect all life forms to do it.
~ KRYON, through Lee Carroll, the Original Kryon Channel RT : 25 Sep 2016 © Stringer / Reuters A 500-metre (1,640-ft.) aperture spherical telescope (FAST) is seen at the final stage of construction, among the mountains in Pingtang county, Guizhou province, China The biggest radio telescope located in China's Guizhou Province is now operational. Featuring a reflector the size of 30 football pitches, it took five years and $180 million to construct. Called the Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Telescope's (FAST), the telescope is located in a karst valley in Pingtang County, a mountainous area in southwest China. Some 8,000 local residents were relocated to ensure a 5km radio silence zone around the facility. About $269 million were allocated to pay compensations to the villagers. The name FAST referrers to the main structure of the gigantic instrument, which has 4,450 triangular 11-meter panels and measures 500 meters in diameter. For comparison, the Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico, which held the title of world's largest radio telescope before FAST, has a 305-meter dish. FAST was first brought online in July for trial observation and received a set of data from a pulsar about 1,351 light-years away, as Xinhua news agency was told by Qian Lei, an associate researcher with the National Astronomical Observation (NAO) under the Chinese Academy of Sciences, which built the project. China plans to use one of its best supercomputers, the SkyEye-1, to process the massive amounts of data supplied by FAST. At its peak the data flow is expected to require computing power of over 200 teraflops per second. The instrument would be used to study gravitational waves, stellar radio emissions and potentially signals from extraterrestrial civilizations, Qian Lei, an associate researcher with the National Astronomical Observatories of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, told state broadcaster CCTV. "In theory, if there is civilization in outer space, the radio signal it sends will be similar to the signal we can receive when a pulsar [spinning neutron star] is approaching us," Qian said.
FAST is the world's biggest radio telescope with a single dish. The old Soviet RATAN-600 in southern Russia is bigger still, but, unlike China's new telescope, its 576-meter reflector structure resembles a donut. Sarah Scoles : New Scientist : 31 Mar 2015
Telescopes have been picking up so-called fast radio bursts (FRBs) since 2001. They last just a few milliseconds and erupt with about as much energy as the sun releases in a month. Ten have been detected so far, most recently in 2014, when the Parkes Telescope in New South Wales, Australia, caught a burst in action for the first time. The others were found by sifting through data after the bursts had arrived at Earth. No one knows what causes them, but the brevity of the bursts means their source has to be small - hundreds of kilometres across at most - so they can't be from ordinary stars. And they seem to come from far outside the galaxy.
The weird part is that they all fit a pattern that doesn't match what we know about cosmic physics. To calculate how far the bursts have come, astronomers use a concept called the dispersion measure. Each burst covers a range of radio frequencies, as if the whole FM band were playing the same song. But electrons in space scatter and delay the radiation, so that higher frequency waves make it across space faster than lower frequency waves. The more space the signal crosses, the bigger the difference, or dispersion measure, between the arrival time of high and low frequencies - and the further the signal has travelled. This article can be read in its entirety at : Source Pleiadian Message to the Lightworkers - New Earth Rising Published on 19 Mar 2013
New message from the Pleiadians to the lightworkers; 'New Earth Rising'. Important message for the Family of Light and the members of the Bringers of the Dawn. Music: Sascha Ende, Visit us: Facebook: Pinterest: Blog: Twitter: Quantum Physics leads to the conclusion that this 'reality' is a thought in the mind of God/All That Is/Prime Creator. Every part of this reality is part of the infinite, eternal, loving Creator Spirit, and every part contains consciousness in varying degrees, including galaxies, stars and planets. All beings on Planet Earth (Gaia) are expressions of the Creator experiencing Itself as an evolving third dimensional planet within this 'thought reality' universe. Human Beings have aspects of divinity within the greater multidimensional part of our DNA - the part which cannot be measured by science ('junk DNA') - but as we have the gift of free will it is up to each one of us to choose whether or not to activate this DNA and remember our connection to God. The key to activating our divine DNA is Love, for ourselves and for our fellow Human Beings - as demonstrated by the evolved soul Jesus, a living example of the pattern we need to follow to achieve Christ Consciousness. Our purpose in being here as individuated manifestations of the Creator is to remember Who We Are and to become divine Co-Creators with God, the greater Whole, in an eternally evolving Creation. High vibrational energy - Christ Consciousness/the 'Second Coming' - is now flooding this planet from the centre of the Milky Way Galaxy via our Sun and is helping to spiritually awaken those who are ready to receive this energy. This is an unprecedented opportunity for accelerated spiritual growth, for those who are ready. This is the time foretold in the Bible and in many ancient prophecies. There is only one Being - the Creator/All That Is - and we are individuated expressions of that Being. And we are not alone in this intelligent, aware, loving Universe within the mind of the Creator. Messenger Spirit Digital Physics' Argument for God's Existence Thanks to and to all those who created and those who pinned the above images. Messenger Spirit Published on 15 Dec 2012
From "Thrive: What on Earth Will it Take?" To see full movie: Featured: Nassim Haramein, Steven Greer, Duane Elgin, Adam Trombley, Nikola Tesla, James Gilliland, Jack Kasher. This 'Spirit Science' video contains much information which is controversial. Watch the video with an open mind and take from it only what resonates with you. Messenger Spirit Uploaded on 31 Jan 2012
Today we bring you something special! Before you lies the entire collection of the Human History story which was previously spread across 5 episodes of Spirit Science! This special featured video is brought to you by a man named Andrew Golden, who has compiled all of these videos in 1080p for your viewing pleasure! Get out some popcorn and dim the lights, this is gonna be good! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Our history is not what we think! Over the past few thousand years, we have warped our own history. Our versions of the past has been mistranslated, changed, altered and skewed to fit our understanding of reality, and completely left out many things that we cannot explain. Today, we are going to look at an alternate version of our history, a version that was recorded across many ancient tablets and artifacts throughout time, which have only recently been uncovered. This story may be a little cosmic, it may not even all be true, but you will have to decide that for yourself. Based on the work of Drunvalo Melchizidek in the Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life. Made with Love by many, many beautiful people in the credits of the movie. Enjoy everyone! We love you! ![]() May 25, 2013 – SPACE – The new movie Europa Report offers a compelling look into a future manned space mission to explore Jupiter’s icy moon, Europa, as a prelude to human colonization. The views of Europa in the film are amazingly detailed, and the methods used by the crew to probe the moon and its icy crust appear to be pulled straight out of concepts by NASA and other space agencies for exploring the icy Jovian satellite. Europa has long been a tantalizing target for scientists because its thick icy crust appears to hide a vast ocean of liquid water. Interactions between that ocean and Europa’s tidally heated interior could potentially serve as an energy source for primitive life, if it exists at all on the Jupiter moon. The European Space Agency plans to launch a real-life mission to Europa in 2022 to explore it and several other Jupiter moons as part of the Jupiter Icy moons Explorer mission, nicknamed JUICE. NASA will provide a radar instrument for the JUICE spacecraft to peer beneath Europa’s surface, but the mission will be completely robotic — no astronauts aboard. So it looks as if Wayfare’s “Europa Report” will be the closest humanity comes to a manned mission to Jupiter for the foreseeable future. Let’s hope the next try goes a bit better. –NBC News ![]() Lethal radiation from Jupiter: Europa is thought to have a liquid-water ocean underneath its icy exterior. The access to this liquid-water ocean is a major difficulty, but the abundance of water on Europa is a benefit to any considerations for colonization. Not only can water provide for colonists’ drinking needs, it also can be broken down to provide breathable oxygen. Oxygen is also believed to have accumulated from the radiolysis of the ice on the surface that has been convected into the subsurface ocean and may prove sufficient for oxygen-using marine life. The colonization of Europa presents numerous difficulties. One is the high level of radiation from Jupiter’s radiation belt, which is about 10 times as strong as Earth’s Van Allen radiation belts. As Europa receives 540 rem of radiation per day (500 rem is a fatal dose). A human would not survive at or near the surface of Europa for long without significant radiation shielding. Colonists on Europa would have to descend beneath the surface when Europa is not protected by Jupiter’s magnetotail, and stay in subsurface habitats. This would allow colonists to use Europa’s ice sheet to shield themselves from radiation. Another problem is that the surface temperature of Europa normally rests at −170 °C (103 K) (-275°F). However, the fact that liquid water is believed to exist below Europa’s icy surface, along with the fact that colonists would spend much of their time under the ice sheet in order to shield themselves from radiation, may somewhat mitigate the problems associated with low surface temperatures. The low gravity of Europa may also present challenges to colonization efforts. The effects of low gravity on human health are still an active field of study, but can include symptoms such as loss of bone density, loss of muscle density, and a weakened immune system. Astronauts in Earth orbit have remained in microgravity for up to a year and more at a time. Effective countermeasures for the negative effects of low gravity are well-established, particularly an aggressive regimen of daily physical exercise. The variation in the negative effects of low gravity as a function of different levels of low gravity are not known, since all research in this area is restricted to humans in zero gravity. The same goes for the potential effects of low gravity on fetal and pediatric development. It has been hypothesized that children born and raised in low gravity would not be well adapted for life under the higher gravity of Earth. It is also speculated that alien organisms may exist on Europa, possibly in the water underlying the moon’s ice shell. If this is true, human colonists may come into conflict with harmful microbes, or aggressive native life forms. More-recent studies have indicated that the action of solar radiation on the surface of Europa might produce oxygen, which could be pulled down into the subsurface ocean by upwelling of the interior. If this process occurs, Europa’s subsurface ocean could have an oxygen content equal to or greater than that of the Earth’s, possibly providing a home to more complex life. –Wikipedia Today is 12 December 2012 - 12.12.12 - and I know many people believe this date to be very significant; certainly much information has been published on the internet about it, especially on the numerology sites. However, I have not been prompted to publish any of this information on this website. I believe Spirit does not wish to encourage humanity’s persistent and determined focusing on specific dates, especially as many people have a tendency to expect the worst on every occasion, and ‘what we focus on, we create’. This is what the 6th dimensional social memory complex Ra said about the date of the ‘harvest’, in his very highly-regarded channelled material in the 1980s: See: The Ra Material - The Law of One (Channelled between 1981 and 1984) Also: Copyright © 2011 L/L Research (See also: 6.15 Questioner: What is the length, in our years, of one of these cycles? Ra: I am Ra. One major cycle is approximately 25,000 of your years. There are three cycles of this nature during which those who have progressed may be harvested at the end of three major cycles. That is, approximately between 75,000 and 76,000 of your years. All are harvested regardless of their progress, for during that time the planet itself has moved through the useful part of that dimension and begins to cease being useful for the lower levels of vibration within that density. 17.29 Questioner: Am I to understand that the harvest is to occur in the year 2011, or will it be spread out? Ra: I am Ra. This is an approximation. We have stated we have difficulty with your time/space. This is an appropriate probable/possible time/space nexus for harvest. I am guided to quote part of my reply to a recent query sent to me by a visitor to this site: "We are close to the end of several cycles of varying length, one as comparatively short as 5,125 years (approx), but some on a galactic scale. The celestial timescales and distances involved are vast, and we in our limited human form cannot claim to know the precise (to a specific day) starting and ending times of these cycles - in fact there are no such 'precise' start and end times at these scales. The shorter cycles measured by the calendars of the Mayans and others may finish on or around 21 December 2012, if our translations are correct, but even in that there is some disagreement. The changes which are occurring extend far beyond our Earth; they involve our Sun and Solar (Soular) System, our Galaxy, and will have implications for the entire Universe as we are in truth One Uni-versal Being. We are within an ongoing process, approaching an event which is unprecedented; Humanity, Mother Earth and all life on her, are together graduating to a higher density/dimension. In fact Mother Earth is already fourth dimensional, but much of humanity has not yet reached the same level. This is causing problems for Earth, reflected in the earth changes we are experiencing. No-one but the Father/One Infinite Creator knows what will happen and when, and as the future is not set in stone there are potentialities which are still to be determined by the vibrations, thoughts and actions of humanity ourselves. One thing is certain - we are on the brink of an event the likes of which has never happened before [on Earth], and humanity (those who are spiritually ready) WILL graduate from the third density to the fourth, and possibly to the fifth, and our bodies will become more crystalline and lighter than our current carbon structure. Our bodies are already changing. Our graduation is now assured. Those who are not ready to - or who choose not to - 'ascend' at this time will be given the opportunity to spend more time in the third dimension and given a further opportunity to graduate at some future time. My recommendation in the meantime is to prepare yourself spiritually, to live in your heart, to help others, to live each day to the full - in love, not fear - and to be Awake and Aware." Love, Light, peace and healing Messenger Spirit See also: The Evidence - Electromagnetic Changes in our Solar System [A Review] below
_Messenger Spirit This section is for interesting items which are brought to my attention but which do not merit a separate article.
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