This recording is from the 1986 Continental Indigenous Council. Lee Brown sums up the Hopi prophecies and compares them to other tribes and predictions & the accuracy of major world events predicted by the HOPI Elders is astonishing. Is the third shaking of the world imminent? Are we living through it right now?
2,110,846 views Feb 14, 2022 #InspiredChannel #HopiProphecy #Apocalypse This recording is from the 1986 Continental Indigenous Council. Lee Brown sums up the Hopi prophecies and compares them to other tribes and predictions & the accuracy of major world events predicted by the HOPI Elders is astonishing. Is the third shaking of the world imminent? Are we living through it right now?
The proposed global rollout of Vaccine Passports has nothing to do with your health. Vaccine Passports are a Trojan horse being used to create a completely new type of controlled and surveilled society in which the freedom we enjoy today will be a distant memory. It's time to stop this plan in its tracks. LeeHarrisEnergy
Pam Gregory, acclaimed astrologist and author, shares with Lee how deep space astrology is showing a new map of the current shift in consciousness and galactic evolution - and the impact that can have for us as human beings living through this time, in this excerpt from their interview for the Impact the World podcast. For the full episode, please visit: Nathan Andrews Uploaded by Nathan Andrews This is the most comprehensive production to date explaining what is wrong with the human condition, and better yet, what we can do as humans to correct the problem. Yes, this mess can be fixed! Take the time to watch the entire film. You will be amazed. You will be even more amazed at who made the film. The great danger is that under the pressures of anxiety and fear, the alternation of
crisis and relaxation and new crisis, the people of the world will come to accept gradually the idea of war, the idea of submission to total power, and the abdication of reason, spirit and individual conscience. The great peril of the... cold war is the progressive deadening of conscience. ~ Thomas Merton Ascension Path with Sandra Walter
23.7K subscribers Sandra Walter: Classes and Events at Global Unity Meditations Every SUNday - Join us! Details at Read also: June 8, 2020: From Kryon Book Thirteen – The Recalibration of Humanity
The Hemispheres The wisdom of the Ancients in the Southern Hemisphere is beginning to replace the wisdom of the Ancients in the North. And you’re starting to see a softer Human Being. Spiritually, the old souls are alerted to this shift first and are beginning to receive the biological changes. You expected it and it’s here. This process is being felt by the entire planet. Those disruptions you see in countries right now, which have not had disruptions for hundreds of years, are a result of this change – for this is what takes place when humanity begins to have more compassion, when they wish to unify more than be separate, and new thoughts and wisdom start to occur. ~ KRYON, through Lee Carroll, the Original Kryon Channel A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.... a star exploded. Light from the supernova reached Earth in May 2019 following a journey of 110 million years across the cosmos. Astronomers saw it--a tiny bloom of light on the edge of lenticular galaxy NGC5353--and immediately began to monitor its light curve. Then this happened: Bill Williams of the Chiefland Astronomy Village in Florida created the composite image. "It shows my photo of the supernova on May 15th (left), one week before the launch of SpaceX's Starlink satellites, alongside a similar photo taken at the Lowell Observatory after the launch (right)", explains Williams. The difference is, Starlink ruined the Lowell Observatory image.
SN2019ein is a Type 1a supernova. It happened when matter from one star fell onto another--a nearby white dwarf, pushing the mass of the dwarf over the threshold for a supernova explosion. This special kind of supernova is a "standard candle", which cosmologists have used to show that the expansion of the universe is accelerating. Monitoring the light curves of Type 1a supernova literally helps us understand the fate of the cosmos. "To me, as a dedicated observer of the night sky for over 50 years and an avid underwater photographer, satellite megaconstellations such as Starlink are the equivalent of polluting our oceans with plastics", notes Williams. "I hope we take every measure possible to mitigate the effects of satellite light pollution of our night skies." The International Astronomical Union seems to agree. Read their statement here. If we are to become beings who can go into distorted realities and transform them back to pure Light, we must experience Mastery of that function here. When all is veiled, and clarity and guidance are stripped away, we discover our True Self. Mastery dispels doubt from our core to reveal our faith in ourselves, the unconditional power of Love, and the omniscient Presence of Source. This is a unique experiment in consciousness, and all will be tried and tested on behalf of other systems and realities.
…. The Primary timelines do not feel time-based, it opens us to the pure experience of absolute Presence. It is an unexplored phenomenon to do this on a global scale during a dimensional shift. The choice-point clearing is a reflection of the Solar-system-wide reorganization into Divine Order. Embrace this perspective of Unity consciousness; we are not separate from any of these unfoldments. We are having a vivid experience of the journey from Creator, to Creation, and back to Creator. Sandra Walter, Wayshower, Ascension Guide and Gatekeeper in Service to the New Light Allie Nicodemo ; ; 09 Sep 2017 To feed a growing population, our global food system relies on sufficient farmland. But over the past 40 years, one-third of arable land has been lost to erosion or sullied by pollution.
Man-made chemicals and fertilizers used to improve crop yields can persist in soil for years, making it less fertile over time. Antibiotics in animal manure seep out and also cause degradation. Oil spills and environmental disasters can impact large parcels of land. And all this is compounded by the sluggish pace at which new topsoil is formed-about 2.5 centimeters every 500 years. Currently, cleaning up soil is possible, but cumbersome. One method requires the dirt to be dug up, removed, and transferred to a treatment plant for decontamination. A better option would be to clean soil where it lies, but traditional techniques use water and chemical solvents that may dilute the toxins without truly getting rid of them. Ming Su, an associate professor of chemical engineering at Northeastern, has developed a less costly and less labor-intensive way to decontaminate dirt. In a paper published this month in the Journal of Applied Physics, Ming describes his discovery-blasting soil with an infrared laser can quickly break down and eradicate a type of pervasive pollutant. This research came about because Su wanted to focus his lab on tackling an environmental problem. He had the idea to develop a new method for chemical decontamination, and noticed the price of an industrial laser system had dropped significantly in recent years, making it feasible for large-scale use. He purchased a benchtop laser with his startup fund from Northeastern and tested it out on soil that had been sullied by the chemical Dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene, or DDE. A derivative of the notorious cancer-causing pesticide Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane, or DDT, DDE was ideal for this study because it glows when exposed to ultraviolet light, making it easy to spot, Su said. He found that when he used the infrared laser to blast DDE-contaminated soil, and then scanned the soil with ultraviolet light, there was no glowing residue. The toxin disappeared. The whole article can be read here: This weekend we utilize the collective energies of Earth Day to assist in our manifestation of a clean, high-vibrational planet populated by stewards of the highest intent.
Anytime collective activity is flowing through the collective consciousness, such as global celebrations like Earth Day, we have an opportunity to amplify our creation of the New Earth. When many are focused on global cleanup efforts and global change, the vibration of the noosphere rises. This energetically supports our global co-creation during the Unity Meditations. Every day is Earth day for Lightworkers; this weekend is about maximizing the vibration. Let us surge LoveLight into the collective consciousness while their hearts and minds are focused on global assistance. Join us on SUNday as we utilize the incoming light, the collective intent for global harmony, and the light codes emanating from Gaia as she is honored this weekend. [GLOBAL MEDITATION DETAILS HERE] In Love, Light and Service, Sandra Walter From Kryon Book 6: Partnering with God (Practical Information for the New Millennium)
Page 338 "Work on a system where your planet’s countries may all exist within their own cultural systems, but where there is a commonality of value and trade. Work on a system that will allow you to agree on what your assets are worth to each other…You never have to have a central world government to be a planet of uniform consensus." ~ KRYON, through Lee Carroll, the Original Kryon Channel "It is in your power to perceive deception, to shut off gimmickry,
to reward honesty, to demand legislation where needed. Without your approval, no TV show is worthwhile and no politician can exist." ~ Senator John F. Kennedy, 1959 |
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