Nikola Tesla: "God Lives Here"
Thank you very much to this wonderful man, Michael Tellinger, who has been a revolutionary for years. Subscribe to his channel: Visit his website:
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1,310,462 views 14 Dec 2022 Nikola Tesla: "God Lives Here" Thank you very much to this wonderful man, Michael Tellinger, who has been a revolutionary for years. Subscribe to his channel: Visit his website:
The proposed global rollout of Vaccine Passports has nothing to do with your health. Vaccine Passports are a Trojan horse being used to create a completely new type of controlled and surveilled society in which the freedom we enjoy today will be a distant memory. It's time to stop this plan in its tracks. 'The Celestine Prophecy' - by James Redfield (extracts)
From the First Insight: Look not from the mind, but from the soul, for the life that is coming is already before us, waiting to open up the world. Just look more closely. Find the eyes to see. 1. We are discovering again that we live in a deeply mysterious world, full of sudden coincidences and synchronistic encounters that seem destined. 2. As more of us awaken to this mystery, we will create a completely new worldview - redefining the universe as energetic and sacred. 3. We will discover that everything around us, all matter, consists of and stems from a divine energy that we are beginning to see and understand. 4. From this perspective, we can see that humans have always felt insecure and disconnected from this sacred source, and have tried to take energy by dominating each other. This struggle is responsible for all human conflict. 5. The only solution is to cultivate a personal reconnection with the divine, a mystical transformation that fills us with unlimited energy and love, extends our perception of beauty, and lifts us into a higher self-awareness. 6. In this awareness, we can release our own pattern of controlling and discover a specific truth, a mission, we are here to share that helps evolve humanity toward this new level of reality. 7. In pursuit of this mission, we can discover an inner intuition that shows us where to go and what to do, and if we make only positive interpretations, brings a flow of coincidences that opens the doors for our mission to unfold. 8. When enough of us entered this evolutionary flow, always giving energy to the higher self of everyone we meet, we will build a new culture where our bodies evolve to ever-higher levels of energy and perception. 9. In this way, we participate in the long journey of evolution from the Big Bang to life's ultimate goal: to energize our bodies, generation by generation, until we walk into a heaven we can finally see. From Kryon Live Channel, "The Energy of the Future", December 2014 in Newport, CA I will say to you something that I have said before, and I want you to hear it again and again. The reason for repetition is so you will understand what you see. The darkness will try to win now that the light has been turned on. They have one tool, which is potent - really potent. This tool can get to the highest of the high and ruin them. It can get to the Lightworker, the healer and the channeller. It's a four-letter word called fear.
If you're afraid, then they have won. I want you to think about that. They know this. Let your light shine through this in such an amazing way that there is no longer a horrible, controlling four-letter word. It doesn't even exist. March through these times and remember them, for you expected them and worked toward them. Work toward the new four-letter word - LOVE. KRYON, through Lee Carroll RT : Wed, 17 Sep 2014 : © Photo from : Tablets of mixed-oxide fuel (MOX) ![]() (Extract) Russia's 'Breakthrough' energy project enables a closed nuclear fuel cycle and a future without radioactive waste. The first batch of MOX nuclear fuel has been manufactured for the world's only NPP industrially power generating breeder reactors. The first ten kilograms of the mixed-oxide fuel (MOX) - a mixture of plutonium and uranium dioxides (UO2 and PuO2), have been industrially produced by Russia's nuclear monopoly, Rosatom, at the Mining & Chemical Combine (GKhK) in the Krasnoyarsk region. A world first, tablets of the fuel of the future have been put on serial production and are destined for Russia's next generation BN-800 breeder reactor (880 megawatts), currently undergoing tests at the Beloyarskaya nuclear power plant. The production line, now undergoing start-up and adjustment, was assembled in a mine 200 meters underground and will become fully operational by the end of 2014. Fast fission reactors solve the problem of depleted uranium nuclear fuel on the planet. They can 'burn' not only 'classic' uranium-235, (scarce and already coming to an end), but also uranium-238, which is abundant, and expands the world's nuclear fuel capacity by an estimated 50 times. Fuel for breeder reactors could even be made from nuclear waste, which from an ecological point of view is a priceless advantage. Russian physicists have already elaborated the next step for the revolutionary technology: a BN-1200 breeder reactor that is set to be assembled at the same Beloyarskaya nuclear power plant by 2020. Overall, eight BN-1200 breeder reactors are expected to be constructed by 2030, which means that Russia is the only nation that is entering a new era of nuclear energy power generation - the closed nuclear fuel cycle, in other words truly clean and practically unlimited nuclear power generation. You can read the article in its entirety at : The story and legend from the Native Americans People about the Tribe of people from many walks of life, that will rise to save the Earth. Give light,
and the darkness will disappear of itself. - Desiderius Erasmus This Abraham-Hicks recording (5/12/05 Philadelphia, PA ) offers a great explanation of the teachings of Abraham. It's a very valuable audio to share with those who are new to Law of Attraction and/or Abraham-Hicks. All recorded and printed Abraham-Hicks materials are copyrighted by Jerry and Esther Hicks. For more information on Abraham, Esther & Jerry Hicks please go to their website: Extract ....
"Never forget, you are eternal and immortal. Your physical body is a temporary temple in which God dwells. The Sacred Heart is the temple of the soul. Therein is the Essence of life where true love resides, and where your awareness of Infinity begins. Death is a metamorphosis, a changing of the cloak of flesh for a cloak of Light. You have but one life and that life is eternal. You have assumed many roles while on your journey throughout eternity; however, within your Sacred Heart you will remain as you were in the beginning, a Divine child of the Supreme Creator. To become en-LIGHTEN-ed is to realize your Divinity within, whereby an impulse from deep within your Sacred Heart will assist you to follow, unerringly, the guidance of your God Self. In the higher realms your vessel of Light is pure, perfect and indestructible. Envision a wholeness that has never been altered and a radiant form with no imperfections." Read the full channelled message from Archangel Michael at: CHANNELLING : Archangel Michael - "CREATING YOUR SPHERE OF HEAVENLY LIGHT" Powerful beyond measure
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate; Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves: "Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?" Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn't serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking, so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine; as children, we do. We are born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It is not just in some of us, it is in everyone, and as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others. Marianne Williamson, American spiritual teacher. Marianne's words were read by Nelson Mandela at his inauguration as President of South Africa. The Power of Thought : A Quantum Perspective Quantum Physics shows that we truly do create reality through the power of our thoughts. We co-create our lives through universal laws and our minds. We are all connected.
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