2. Peace is having inner security to speak the truth courageously
3. Peace is living with integrity
4. Peace is living from the heart as a wise mature adult and not the child
Maya Vidhyadharan
Ascension Now |
1. Peace is giving up the need to be right
2. Peace is having inner security to speak the truth courageously 3. Peace is living with integrity 4. Peace is living from the heart as a wise mature adult and not the child Maya Vidhyadharan
We are so aware that many of the events we’re currently experiencing are some of the most challenging and horrific things that shock us to our core.
We are witnessing first hand the battle between dark and light. The battle taking place on Earth is a result of the Shift in consciousness. As greater amounts of light flood our planet, the darkness is being exposed, making it more readily seen. What do we do when we see a war happen? How do we help those who are going through such great sorrow? How can we help others when we feel our own ability for compassion has been disabled? That’s what we’d like to talk about in this brief message, so that you know compassionate action is needed now more than ever. In this video (Kryon - Disabling the Darkness), we share how we can disable the darkness and hear from Kryon about how we can create greater states of global peace. In short, the way we do this is by "tempering our empathy." The darkness wants us to be in fear and remain in that lower state of being. (This is how it survives.) And so, we’re asked to walk in compassionate action; where you can feel, sense, or visualize the painful events that are occurring and those who are experiencing them, and create a new vision of them in a state of joy and inner peace. See them laughing; see the God that lives within them. As you do so, you actively send out ripples of love, thereby neutralizing and transmuting the darkness. Now, if you are one who is reading this and are going through trauma and suffering, know that you are not alone and that all around the world people are sending you love and benevolence. There is so much compassion for all of you, who came to Earth knowing that you would be here in a time where humanity was evolving in consciousness. You are so dearly loved by Spirit. In times like these, it’s more important than ever that we all remain aware of the God inside. By keeping our focus on better days ahead and the peaceful future that awaits us, we are actively creating it. For all beings. Know that you are here on purpose. Together, we disable the darkness and activate the light. To the vision of peace and benevolence for all, ~Lee & Monika If you're a satellite, this story is important. A series of geomagnetic storms in 2023 has pumped terawatts of energy into Earth's upper atmosphere, helping to push its temperature and height to a 20-year high. Air surrounding our planet is now touching satellites in Earth orbit and dragging them down. "Blame the sun," says Martin Mlynczak of NASA Langley. "Increasing solar activity is heating the top of the atmosphere. The extra heat has no effect on weather or climate at Earth's surface, but it's a big deal for satellites in low Earth orbit." Above: A severe geomagnetic storm on March 24, 2023, photographed by Michael Underwood from Yellowstone National Park Mlynczak is an expert on the temperature up there. For 20 years he has been using the SABER instrument on NASA's TIMED satellite to monitor infrared emissions from "the thermosphere," the uppermost layer of the atmosphere."Right now we’re seeing some of the highest readings in the mission's 21.5 year history," he says. The thermosphere is exquisitely sensitive to solar activity, readily absorbing energy from solar flares and geomagnetic storms. These storms have been coming hard and fast with the recent rise of Solar Cycle 25. "There have been five significant geomagnetic storms in calendar year 2023 that resulted in marked increases in the amount of infrared radiation (heat) in Earth's thermosphere," says Mlynczak. "They peaked on Jan. 15th (0.59 TW), Feb. 16th (0.62 TW), Feb. 27th (0.78 TW), Mar. 24th (1.04 TW), and April 24th (1.02 TW)." The parenthetical values are TeraWatts (1,000,000,000,000 Watts) of infrared power observed by SABER during each storm. The sensor obtains these numbers by measuring infrared radiation emitted from nitric oxide and carbon dioxide molecules in the thermosphere. Above: NASA's daily Thermosphere Climate Index tracks thermal energy in Earth's upper atmosphere. So far, Solar Cycle 25 is far ahead of Solar Cycle 24. Credit: Linda Hunt "The two storms exceeding 1 TW are the seventh and eighth strongest storms observed by SABER over the past 21.5 years," he says. "It is interesting to note that each successive storm in 2023 is generally stronger than its predecessors."Actually, it doesn't take a strong storm to cause problems. In Feb. 2022, a minor geomagnetic storm dumped enough heat into the thermosphere that 38 newly launched Starlink satellites fell out of the sky. SpaceX has since started launching their Starlinks to higher initial altitudes to avoid the drag.
If current trends continue, the thermosphere will warm even more in 2023 and 2024. This is a matter of concern because Earth's population of active satellites has tripled since SpaceX started launching Starlinks in 2019. The growing constellation of 4100 Starlinks now provides internet service to more than a million customers. An extreme geomagnetic storm like the Halloween Storms of 2003 could shift the positions of these satellites by many 10s of kilometers, increasing the risk of collisions and causing some of the lowest ones to de-orbit. Stay tuned as the warming continues. https://spaceweather.com Nikola Tesla: "God Lives Here" "The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence." - Nikola Tesla The speaker is Michael Tellinger: https://michaeltellinger.com/ "Earth's climate works like a rubber band being stretched and suddenly released. For years, eons even, the stresses slowly build as the chemistry of the air changes. And then, in a matter of a few years, or even a few months, there is a shift so vast that we can scarcely begin to imagine it.
Earth, it seems, has a powerful regulatory mechanism built into its climate. Heat increases to a certain point, and then the whole system breaks down. Cold air comes roaring down from the north, flooding the previously overheated northern hemisphere. Suddenly, a new era of cold weather begins. We know, generally, how this happens But not even science has as yet faced the fact that this change must be accompanied by an absolutely massive release of energy, as earth's climate strives to re-organize itself. In other words, this great shift of climate is almost certainly accompanied by a great storm or series of storms, a weather upheaval outside of contemporary human experience. We believe that it has happened before, and that traces of what we are calling the superstorm exist in the fossil record." Extracts from 'The Coming Global Superstorm' (pages 12/13) by Art Bell and Whitley Strieber (2000) EHYEH ASHER EHYEH is the Hebrew name of God we have selected for this.
This particular name is grand, indeed, for the meaning of it is "I am that I am". This phrase many of you have heard before. It is sacred in many spiritual systems, and the story is that this is who God said he was when Moses asked, "Who is there?" What can it really mean? It seems to be a puzzle. Actually, it’s not. Only in languages other than Hebrew does it hold a funny syntax. The true meaning is, "I shall be what I shall be". This is a statement that still holds a wonder about interpretation. So think of it this way, "I AM" meaning this is my name; "I SHALL BE" meaning that I exist forever. Then you have the full sentence, actually, "I am God, and shall be forever!" This is, indeed, the energy of the Higher-Self, that of the creator, for it’s the God part of each and every Human Being. It is the portal for communication to God. ~ KRYON, through Lee Carroll, the Original Kryon Channel (via [email protected]) P.S. To fully explore this topic, you can download From Kryon Book Fourteen – The Twelve Layers of DNA through Kindle. Very slowly, there is going to be a split of consciousness on the planet, and we have talked to you about it before.
There will be those who are compassionate and those who are not, and it’s going to be obvious, so obvious! Caring and uncaring. There is a dark army right now on this planet. What is its "compassion factor?" Do you understand? It’s a free choice of mind, but that’s the split to come. Don’t worry about this, compassionate one. When you take the attributes of the master, light surrounds you—no more fortressing or protecting yourself from the darkness. It will retreat from you automatically. No more catching the diseases of the day; they won’t be able to touch you with compassion. It’s physics; it’s real; it’s physical, and it’s happening now. Your society will reflect this sooner than you think. When you turn on your news, and you think I’m crazy, just wait. Some wild cards are coming. Benevolence is a new energy! ~ KRYON, through Lee Carroll, the Original Kryon Channel (via [email protected]) P.S. To fully explore this topic, you can download From Kryon Book Fourteen – The New Human through Kindle. Politics ...
Suspend your political and humanitarian urges for just a moment and get above yourselves. Look instead into the future, and what all this might create. We told you about the potential of the energy on your planet more than a decade ago. That’s why many of you feel anxious. We spoke of the battle to come, and we even told you that there were those who agreed to leave during these times [Kryon Book One, The End Times]. Now, here you sit within it, and it’s not very comfortable, is it? Perhaps that’s why it’s called work? These changes are going to prune the planet. They’re going to separate the old from the new. The old energy thinkers will have to change, for if they don’t, they’ll find themselves in an old consciousness within a new energy. Make no assumptions about who the old energy thinkers are! The result of living in one energy while in the posturing of another is dis-ease. ~ KRYON, through Lee Carroll, the Original Kryon Channel (via [email protected]) P.S. To fully explore this topic, you can download From Kryon Book X – A New Dispensation through Kindle. You alone ...
Your spirituality is evolving. Why would you spend hours looking into each other’s eyes or chanting mantras when every bit of energy you create can now be done in the blink of an eye? Your very time frame has changed! Could it be you are stuck in a system you felt was static and forever—and very comfortable? Do you really believe that peace on Earth at this point in time will be created by those who sit in small groups and spend hours in an alpha state? Think: This is what the ancients did, and you are wishing to still be in that ancient system. Your profound spiritual DNA is evolving, allowing you to accomplish far more for the earth by becoming quantum in your life. You now possess the power of hundreds of chanting new agers who just want to sit and “be.” You alone can affect the light-dark balance of the planet as your Merkabah moves from place to place with a very high vibration. ~ KRYON, through Lee Carroll, the Original Kryon Channel (via [email protected]) P.S. To fully explore this topic, you can download From Kryon Book XII – The Twelve Layers of DNA through Kindle. 14 Dec 2022 Jason Shurka - founder of Unifyd.com & Unifyd.tv, speaks about the future of healing, a power humanitarian initiative and the power of the Energy Enhancement System technology. Find and support a UNIFYD Healing location near you here: https://unifydhealing.com/ Learn more about the EE-System and research about the technology here: https://eesystem.com Watch "THE REVOLUTION OF HEALING" w/ Jason Shurka and Dr. Sandra Rose Michael here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2bcYs... 1,310,462 views 14 Dec 2022 Nikola Tesla: "God Lives Here" Thank you very much to this wonderful man, Michael Tellinger, who has been a revolutionary for years. Subscribe to his channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLF2... Visit his website: https://michaeltellinger.com/ From Kryon Book Thirteen – The Recalibration of Humanity – Page 202
What is Next? Now we discuss what is new and what is coming, which is different in an esoteric way. You’ve spent all of this time, Human Being, to get to the point where you realize that a high consciousness is a real possibility for the planet. Not all of you see this. Many humans will only see the problems and the drama, but the Old Souls are aware since they have been expecting it. It’s a slow movement toward a planet without war. It’s a slow agreement about new wisdom of the environment and looking for what may be next to accomplish it. The addition of new inventions is the key. You will have new discoveries that will enhance humanity’s ability to have fresh water at any time and very efficient energy so that even in the cold winters, there will be no shortage of power and no issues with the potential of grid loss (there won’t be a need for an electric grid). These are the things we told you that are coming. ~ KRYON through Lee Carroll, the Original Kryon Channel (via [email protected]) P.S. To explore this topic more fully, you can download Kryon's Book Thirteen: Recalibration of Humanity: 2013 Beyond through Kindle. |
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