Supercomputers have succeeded in calculating more than 2700 billion digits and they're still crunching.
Ascension Now |
March 14th (3.14) is day, and all around the world pi-philes are celebrating one of the most compelling and mysterious constants of Nature. Pi appears in equations describing the orbits of planets, the colors of auroras, the structure of DNA. The value of is woven into the fabric of life, the universe and ... everything.Humans have struggled to calculate for thousands of years. Divide the circumference of a circle by its diameter; the ratio is . Sounds simple, but the devil is in the digits. While the value of is finite (a smidgen more than 3), the decimal number is infinitely long:
3.1415926535897932384626433832795 02884197169399375105820974944592307 81640628620899862803482534211706...more Supercomputers have succeeded in calculating more than 2700 billion digits and they're still crunching. www.spaceweather.com
Sonic Geometry: The Language of Frequency and Form by Alanna Luna Spirit Science 11_1 - Evolution Published on 27 Sep 2012 In this lesson, we look at how our understanding of Evolution - when factoring in Consciousness and Sacred Geometry, can paint a picture of the future we are moving into. We are co-creating a reality together that allow for the transmutation of all negative energy into a bright and vibrant reality that we WANT to create - and we can do it together, and through Love and the Sacred Space in our hearts. Part 2 coming soon. To learn more, check out www.thespiritscience.net, there are plenty of additional videos and resources that discuss this information on the resources page/series pages. The Flower of Life books - http://www.mediafire.com/?4zx4y9mhasjg5nz Spirit Science 10 - Math of God Uploaded on 1 Jan 2012
This week, we dive back into the Sacred Geometry pool to talk about spirals and sequences that all life strives towards, and at the end we look at the 2nd informational unraveling of the Fruit of Life. Twitter - @spiritsciences Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/thespiritscience Links and Sources Phi http://goldennumber.net/ http://www.floweroflife.org/spiral01.htm Face on Mars http://www.dudeman.net/siriusly/cyd/city.html http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/esp_autor_hoagland.htm Geometry of Music http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2008/04/080417142454.htm http://www.tokenrock.com/harmonic_nature/sacred_geometry.php http://www.spiritofmaat.com/archive/jan4/williams.htm Today is 12 December 2012 - 12.12.12 - and I know many people believe this date to be very significant; certainly much information has been published on the internet about it, especially on the numerology sites. However, I have not been prompted to publish any of this information on this website. I believe Spirit does not wish to encourage humanity’s persistent and determined focusing on specific dates, especially as many people have a tendency to expect the worst on every occasion, and ‘what we focus on, we create’. This is what the 6th dimensional social memory complex Ra said about the date of the ‘harvest’, in his very highly-regarded channelled material in the 1980s: See: The Ra Material - The Law of One (Channelled between 1981 and 1984) http://www.2012spiritual.info/ra-and-quo-the-law-of-one.html http://www.2012spiritual.info/ra--harvest.html Also: http://www.2012spiritual.info/quo--ascension.html Copyright © 2011 L/L Research www.llresearch.org (See also: http://www.2012spiritual.info/earth-will-be-reborn.html) 6.15 Questioner: What is the length, in our years, of one of these cycles? Ra: I am Ra. One major cycle is approximately 25,000 of your years. There are three cycles of this nature during which those who have progressed may be harvested at the end of three major cycles. That is, approximately between 75,000 and 76,000 of your years. All are harvested regardless of their progress, for during that time the planet itself has moved through the useful part of that dimension and begins to cease being useful for the lower levels of vibration within that density. 17.29 Questioner: Am I to understand that the harvest is to occur in the year 2011, or will it be spread out? Ra: I am Ra. This is an approximation. We have stated we have difficulty with your time/space. This is an appropriate probable/possible time/space nexus for harvest. I am guided to quote part of my reply to a recent query sent to me by a visitor to this site: "We are close to the end of several cycles of varying length, one as comparatively short as 5,125 years (approx), but some on a galactic scale. The celestial timescales and distances involved are vast, and we in our limited human form cannot claim to know the precise (to a specific day) starting and ending times of these cycles - in fact there are no such 'precise' start and end times at these scales. The shorter cycles measured by the calendars of the Mayans and others may finish on or around 21 December 2012, if our translations are correct, but even in that there is some disagreement. The changes which are occurring extend far beyond our Earth; they involve our Sun and Solar (Soular) System, our Galaxy, and will have implications for the entire Universe as we are in truth One Uni-versal Being. We are within an ongoing process, approaching an event which is unprecedented; Humanity, Mother Earth and all life on her, are together graduating to a higher density/dimension. In fact Mother Earth is already fourth dimensional, but much of humanity has not yet reached the same level. This is causing problems for Earth, reflected in the earth changes we are experiencing. No-one but the Father/One Infinite Creator knows what will happen and when, and as the future is not set in stone there are potentialities which are still to be determined by the vibrations, thoughts and actions of humanity ourselves. One thing is certain - we are on the brink of an event the likes of which has never happened before [on Earth], and humanity (those who are spiritually ready) WILL graduate from the third density to the fourth, and possibly to the fifth, and our bodies will become more crystalline and lighter than our current carbon structure. Our bodies are already changing. Our graduation is now assured. Those who are not ready to - or who choose not to - 'ascend' at this time will be given the opportunity to spend more time in the third dimension and given a further opportunity to graduate at some future time. My recommendation in the meantime is to prepare yourself spiritually, to live in your heart, to help others, to live each day to the full - in love, not fear - and to be Awake and Aware." Love, Light, peace and healing Messenger Spirit See also: The Evidence - Electromagnetic Changes in our Solar System [A Review] below
Uploaded by wonderingmind42 on 16 Jun 2007 Almost 3.8 million views [2012] for an old codger giving a lecture about arithmetic? What's going on? You'll just have to watch to see what's so damn amazing about what he (Albert Bartlett) has to say. I introduce this video to my students as "Perhaps the most boring video you'll ever see, and definitely the most important." But then again, after watching it most said that if you followed along with what the presenter (a Professor Emeritus of Physics at the University of Colorado-Boulder) is saying, it's quite easy to pay attention, because it is so compelling. Entire playlist for the lecture: http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=6A1FD147A45EF50D |
_Messenger Spirit This section is for interesting items which are brought to my attention but which do not merit a separate article.
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