Paul Wallis spent 33 years in Christian Ministry where he became a Church Doctor and Archdeacon in the Anglican Church. He has authored four books understanding the extent to which Christian, Hebrew and other world religions are influenced by ancient contact with extraterrestrial life. In his latest book, The Eden Conspiracy (2023) he presents new analyses and evidence proving that extraterrestrials from different star systems, including Pleiades made contact and shared advanced technologies. Wallis shares his deep knowledge of the Christian bible where multiple passages reveal the extent to which extraterrestrials, including the Anunnaki, influenced the ancient world, and shared secrets of their advanced technologies. He explains how contemporary investigations into the UAP phenomenon are a stepping stone to eventual disclosure of extraterrestrial visitors that date back to biblical times. Paul Wallis website is:
Dr Michael Salla - Exopolitics Today
Paul Wallis spent 33 years in Christian Ministry where he became a Church Doctor and Archdeacon in the Anglican Church. He has authored four books understanding the extent to which Christian, Hebrew and other world religions are influenced by ancient contact with extraterrestrial life. In his latest book, The Eden Conspiracy (2023) he presents new analyses and evidence proving that extraterrestrials from different star systems, including Pleiades made contact and shared advanced technologies. Wallis shares his deep knowledge of the Christian bible where multiple passages reveal the extent to which extraterrestrials, including the Anunnaki, influenced the ancient world, and shared secrets of their advanced technologies. He explains how contemporary investigations into the UAP phenomenon are a stepping stone to eventual disclosure of extraterrestrial visitors that date back to biblical times. Paul Wallis website is:
Prayer Read In Kansas State Legislature...This interesting prayer was given in Kansas, USA, at the opening session of their Senate. It seems prayer still upsets some people.
When Minister Joe Wright was asked to open the new session of the Kansas Senate, everyone was expecting the usual generalities, but this is what they heard: "Heavenly Father, we come before you today to ask your forgiveness and to seek your direction and guidance. We know Your Word says: "Woe to those who call evil good", but that is exactly what we have done. * We have lost our spiritual equilibrium and reversed our values. * We have ridiculed the absolute truth of Your Word and called it Pluralism. * We have worshipped other gods and called it multiculturalism. * We have endorsed perversion and called it alternative lifestyle. * We have exploited the poor and called it the lottery. * We have rewarded laziness and called it welfare. * We have killed our unborn and called it choice. * We have shot abortionists and called it justifiable. * We have neglected to discipline our children and called it building self-esteem. * We have abused power and called it politics. * We have embezzled public funds and called it essential expenses. * We have insitutionalised bribery and called it sweets of office. * We have coveted our neighbor's possessions and called it ambition. *We have polluted the air with profanity and pornography and called it freedom of expression. * We have ridiculed the time-honored values of our forefathers and called it enlightenment. Search us, Oh GOD, and know our hearts today; cleanse us from every sin and set us free. Amen!" The response was immediate. A number of legislators walked out during the prayer in protest. In 6 short weeks, Central Christian Church, where Rev. Wright is pastor, logged more than 5,000 phone calls with only 47 of those calls responding negatively. The church is now receiving international requests for copies of this prayer from India, Africa and Korea. With the LORD'S help, may this prayer sweep over our nation and WHOLEHEARTEDLY become our desire so that we again can be called "ONE NATION UNDER GOD. Kryon answers your questions...
QUESTION: Dear Kryon, who is Lucifer, and what was the purpose of the Luciferian rebellion? ANSWER: "We know this will disappoint many and enrage many more, but there is no such thing as the devil, and there never was a real Lucifer. These were all metaphoric stories to help you understand yourselves. The darkest energy on the Planet comes from the Human Being as a result of free choice. Even the added metaphoric story of Adam and Eve should have given you that information. Free choice meant that a Human could choose darkness even in the Garden of Light. It's what ‘duality’ is capable of. For those who don't believe this and would rather think that there are those who are after your soul, you still have free choice to think as you wish. But it will also keep you from seeing your magnificence within the love of God, as you base your reality in fear of dark entities. We have given you a full discussion of dark and light several times." — KRYON Live Kryon Channelling: "The Recalibration of Awareness", April 2012
Old Soul Wisdom Blessed are the Human Beings who find God in their own way. Old souls will awaken to a truth that new souls are still working on. This explains the various levels of worship on this planet and the reason for very diverse spiritual systems. Many Human Beings who do not have the advantage of your old soul wisdom will motivate towards systems you may feel are too simple, and even mythological. But these systems are often the beginnings of understanding God. There is a place for it all. ~ KRYON, through Lee Carroll, the Original Kryon Channel From Kryon Book 10, 'A New Dispensation', Page 140
Ten years ago if I had told you that the largest businesses in this great land of yours (USA) would fall over and expire due to “integrity issues”, would you have believed me? If I’d have given you the prophecy that one of the largest religious organizations on Earth would be brought to its knees because of integrity, would you have believed me? The answer is no. Such things were not seen as possible. Big money and big religion were untouchable. Well, look out the window and read your news. It’s called pruning. Country by country… belief system by belief system, the sparks will fly. ~ KRYON, through Lee Carroll, the Original Kryon Channel Alaa Basatneh : Fusion : 27 Mar 2016 If you saw someone on the street sitting next to a sign that read "Ask A Muslim," what would you ask?
Sebastian Robins has probably heard it before. He and his wife Mona Haydar have gained local fame in Cambridge, Massachusetts, for setting up a booth on the street and fielding questions from strangers about all things Islam. "We were really afraid the first time, up to the point where we considered notifying the police," Robins told Fusion about the couple's unconventional idea. "I never really realized how people stared at you," he would tell his wife. Robins, a white American, converted to Islam in 2012 after meeting his wife, a Syrian American Muslim from Flint, Michigan, on a trip to New Mexico. A few months ago, in the wake of terrorist attacks in Paris and San Bernardino, the two of them started putting up their booth around town "to conquer fear through conversation," as Haydar put it. The couple's idea has been successful beyond their imagination, helping them spread love and awareness and even inspiring others around the country to do the same. "We love it if you can just break bread with us," said Haydar, who offers free coffee, donuts, and flowers along with her conversation. "Take a moment out of your day and hang out with us." The couple said they felt the need to reach out to their community for open dialogue amid heightened security fears and Islamophobic comments from Republican politicians. "Post Paris and San Bernadino, I had never only felt the fear of going out, but kind of this incredible impotence and depression," said Robins. "It was the first time I was afraid in my own country." His own education about Islamophobia had come from his wife. "It's been a huge reckoning for me," said Robins about his marriage. "Re-examining my place in society, and what it means to be a white, straight, educated, upper middle-class male in society. I knew these things through studies, but to experience them through Mona's's pretty amazing." "I never really realized how people stared at you," he would tell his wife when they started spending time in public together. The booth idea, the couple said, was inspired by an episode of This American Life in which an Iraqi refugee traveled the U.S. with a "Talk to an Iraqi" sign to encourage dialogue about the Iraq War. Haydar and Robins, 27 and 43, first set up in front of a high school and a library in Cambridge, a relatively diverse college town. They thought it would be the safest place—and close to a bathroom, too. Little did they know who had attended that school. "The booth was in front of the school where the Boston Marathon bombers went to school. We had no idea," said Haydar. But the coincidence spurred thoughtful conversations. Most of all, the couple wanted people to see that they are typical Americans. "We are normal humans living our silly and mundane lives as parents to a two-year-old, who change diapers and cook eggs in the mornings," said Haydar."We certainly do not want to convert anybody," added Robins. Not that everyone who stopped at the booth had a positive comment. Some people confronted Haydar about wearing "an oppressive thing" on her head, referring to the hijab. Robins was surprised by that, he said. "Here we were in Cambridge, home of Harvard, MIT and all the prestigious universities, with very smart people and I was amazed how the media effectively creeped up into people's minds," he said. Haydar said that it's a matter of perspective. "My perspective is that hijab is liberating, whether you see that as me being brainwashed or not," she said. Haydar was born and raised in Flint, Michigan. She met Robins in 2013 on a trip to New Mexico for a summer course. They fell in love after meeting on a mountaintop. "It was my birthday. I ventured up the mountain and Sebastian was sitting on a bench. He was the first one I saw there," said Haydar. Haydar recalled the time she told her parents that she was marrying a white man. Arab expatriates tend to marry each other; the idea of marrying an American isn't very popular within the community due to cultural and religious differences. "It was definitely not an easy conversation with my parents. But when they met him, everybody knew and felt that it was right," she said. The couple now lives in Massachusetts with their two-year-old son. To date, over 100 conversations have taken place at the booth over donuts and coffee, said Haydar. People were happy to see a Muslim couple on the streets extending a hand and willing to talk, she said. "Suddenly we had all these people thanking us for what we were doing," said Robins. People came up to the couple to talk about everyday things, like "making breakfast and the weather," said Haydar. "We stepped out of our comfort zone and it paid off. We went and did something that took a lot of guts for us," said Haydar. "We didn't feel safe and we did it anyways because we believe in love. We believe that the world is a generous and beautiful place. Period." People nationwide have reached out to her for advice about setting up booths in their own cities. Bethania Palma Markus : RawStory : 17 Nov 2015 The Dalai Lama offered unusually sage advice for dealing with the terrorist attack on Paris on Friday. Don't pray for Paris — work for peace, he told Deutsche Welle, a German broadcasting company. "We cannot solve this problem only through prayers," the spiritual leader said. "I am a Buddhist and I believe in praying. But humans have created this problem, and now we are asking God to solve it. It is illogical. God would say, solve it yourself because you created it in the first place." He added his hopes that the record violence of the 20th Century doesn't continue to bleed into the current one. "We need a systematic approach to foster humanistic values, of oneness and harmony," he said. "If we start doing it now, there is hope that this century will be different from the previous one. It is in everybody's interest. So let us work for peace within our families and society, and not expect help from God, Buddha or the governments." In what the Friendly Atheist described as sounding like Humanism, the Dalai Lama also said that much of the violence is over superficial matters. "Furthermore, the problems that we are facing today are the result of superficial differences over religious faiths and nationalities," he told DW. "We are one people." He also said he was leaving it up to the people of Tibet whether they wanted to continue having Dalai Lamas serve as leaders in the future. "If the people think that this institution is no longer relevant, it should be abolished. I am no more involved in political matters," he said. "I am only concerned about Tibet's well-being." RT : 11 May 2015 © Reuters/Max Rossi Pope Francis kisses a child during an audience with the boys and girls of the "Fabbrica della Pace" groups at the Vatican, May 11, 2015. The "industry of death" exists in the world as many people in power live off war, Pope Francis told Italian schoolkids in the Vatican on Monday. "Many powerful people don't want peace because they live off war," the Pontiff said as he met with pupils from Rome's primary schools in the Nervi Audience Hall.
Talking to children during the audience organized by the Peace Factory Foundation, he explained that every war has the arms industry behind it. "This is serious. Some powerful people make their living with the production of arms and sell them to one country for them to use against another country," the Pope was cited by AGI news agency as saying. The head of the Catholic Church labeled the arms trade "the industry of death, the greed that harms us all, the desire to have more money. The economic system orbits around money and not men, women," he told 7,000 kids present at the audience. Despite the fact that wars "lose lives, health, education," they are being waged to defend money and make even more profit, the Pope said. "The devil enters through greed and this is why they don't want peace," 78-year-old Francis said. "There can be no peace without justice," the Pope said and asked the children to repeat those words out loud three times. "Peace must be built day by day and even if, one day in the future, we can say that there will finally be no more wars, then too peace will be built day by day because peace is not an industrial product, it is artisanal: it is built day by day through our mutual love, our closeness," he said. In his April Easter Address, the Pontiff urged to end "absurd" violence, bloodshed and persecution in hotspots around the world. "We ask for peace, above all, for Syria and Iraq, that the roar of arms may cease and that peaceful relations may be restored among the various groups which make up those beloved countries," he told tens of thousands of pilgrims at St. Peter's Square in Vatican. Francis also asked the Lord to "bring light to beloved Ukraine" and called for resuming the "peace process" between Israelis and Palestinians "to end years of suffering and division." CBS News : 01 Apr 2015
The total phase of the lunar eclipse will only last about 5 minutes, making it the shortest lunar eclipse of the century on the morning of Easter Vigil, traditionally observed as the period between Good Friday and Easter Sunday. The eclipse also falls within the first night of Passover, observed by Jews worldwide beginning Friday at sunset.
Some total eclipses last for more than an hour, in this case, totality spans just 4 minutes and 43 seconds since the moon will be skimming the outskirts of the Earth's shadow, rather than passing centrally through it. The moon's red tint is caused by the Earth covering the sun. This red light from the rim of the Earth then beams onto moon, transforming it into a giant red orb. Lunar eclipses usually come in no particular order, but sometimes the sequence is more orderly. When four lunar eclipses are all total, the series is called a tetrad. This Saturday will be the third of four total eclipses in the 18-month long tetrad series. Previous eclipses occurred on April 15, 2014 and. Oct. 8, 2014. After Saturday, the next one is expected on Sept. 28, 2015. Such a closely-spaced succession of eclipses is a fairly rare occurrence. Some Christians believe the blood moon lunar eclipse tetrad could be connected to Jesus' return — or signify a world-changing event about to take place. According to the King James Bible, "The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and the terrible day of the Lord comes," (Joel 2:31). Regardless of your religious beliefs, it will be a breathtaking spectacle you'll want to wake up early to see. Just make sure to be outside no later than 4:58 a.m. PST to watch the transition. Source Russia donates Christmas tree to struggling Notre Dame Cathedral Lucy Williams : BBC : 14 Dec 2014 Russia has donated a 25m tree Christmas tree to the Notre Dame cathedral in France, following an appeal for help. The cathedral had struggled to raise the money for its annual tree and appealed to foreign embassies in Paris for assistance.
"It was a surprise but it won't create problems. It was a gift. No money changed hands. And if it helps to build bridges, so much the better.", said one of the Parisian clergy. The surprise donation comes at a time of strained relations between the two countries, over Russia's involvement in the conflict in Ukraine. Michael Kozlowski : Good E Reader : 23 Oct 2014 © Vatican Apostolic Library The Vatican Apostolic Library is now digitizing its valuable ancient religious manuscripts and putting them online via its website. All of the content is available for free.
The Library was originally founded in 1451 AD and holds over 80,000 manuscripts, prints, drawings, plates and books printed prior to 1500 AD. The titles are all written throughout history by people who had different faiths or religions, from all over the world. Not only are paintings, religious iconography and books being published online, but also letters by / from important historical figures, drawings and notes by artists and scientists such as Michelangelo and Galileo, as well as treaties from all eras in history. Finding all of the new digitized material is not easy; the library has a few samples online, but honestly it's tedious right now to view the rest. Users have to search the database manually by clicking on each title and scanning through all the pages in each book. By the end of the year, a new rendering engine is going to be implemented with a more robust site-wide searching system. In order to properly digitize the rest of the library, the Vatican is estimating that it will cost €50 million and take fifteen years. They are looking for corporate sponsors and normal people who want to see this work. One of the ways they are attracting corporate sponsors is to hold exclusive fundraising events. In June 2014 they had one and gave attending guests an exclusive guided tour of areas generally closed to the public, including the Library halls, laboratories and the caveau where the manuscripts are safeguarded, with dinner in the Sistine Hall. They also seeking donations of €5 to save a single page in a manuscript, while donations of at least €1,000 will see the backer included on the official supporters list. Conversations with God .... On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know.... .... that you are part of a Larger Whole, and you are never, ever alone. It is tempting, during difficult times, to feel very much alone, as if you are taking this journey in solo form, with no one at your side, and no one on your side. Nothing could be further from the truth. You are an aspect of The Divine. God lives in you, through you. "I am with you always, even unto the end of time" are not just pretty words. They are truth. Neale Donald Walsch is the author of the 'Conversations with God' books
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