Nikola Tesla: "God Lives Here"
Thank you very much to this wonderful man, Michael Tellinger, who has been a revolutionary for years. Subscribe to his channel: Visit his website:
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1,310,462 views 14 Dec 2022 Nikola Tesla: "God Lives Here" Thank you very much to this wonderful man, Michael Tellinger, who has been a revolutionary for years. Subscribe to his channel: Visit his website:
The Power Over Basic Seed Fear
The "new" New Age is approaching. We like to call it the "Now Age." We’re talking to those of you - some of whom are sitting in the chairs - some of whom are reading this - who have felt this before. It’s actually what brings you here. I would like to tell you that there is an internal fear that is connected with what is going on right now on this planet. We’ve discussed it in the past as the "seed fear", indicating that it was "planted" early on. The seed fear is this: As you transmute pieces and parts of your duality, you are moving into a stage of awareness that has never been broached before…except one other time on your planet. At that time, the planet was out of balance—and you chose to terminate it. What we’re telling you is that I sit in front of a family of Lemurians, almost exclusively! These are the ones who come and sit in these chairs and are interested enough in their internal spiritual engine to read these words. Did you ever feel like a wise old soul? Did you ever think you knew things that other people didn’t know? It’s all in there, you know, within your DNA. And I tell you, there is a seed of fear as you broach this "new" New Age that can only be overcome through love, and a full disclosure to your duality that you have felt this before. ~ KRYON, through Lee Carroll, the Original Kryon Channel (via [email protected]) P.S. To explore this topic more fully, you can download Kryon's Book VII – Letters From Home through Kindle. I'm going to give you a truth now that is beyond anything that any doctrine on the planet ever gave you. Are you ready?
When things were void, and there was no universe, God created that which was the universe. So God created the galaxies, all the parts, and what an incredible amount of time it took. When God created your sun and the Earth, in the Genesis area you read and think about — I want to tell you that YOU were there. All of you were there, and you watched it. You saw the majesty of it, the beauty of it. You saw the Earth being molded for you. You knew that you would come into this place with a test of light and dark. You knew what you would go through. More than that, you saw it going on all through the galaxies, including this one. Long before this Earth was ready for you, you were participating in that. Many of you have been on other planets and other areas. How does that make you feel? I want to tell you how big YOU are. YOU are enormous. I don't mean your size but your lineage, history, beauty, and splendor. Your Soul is magnificent, and so are YOU. And so it is, — Kryon of Magnetic Service Excerpt channeled by Lee Carroll on March 2, 2022, during Healing Wednesday. A replay recording of that event is available here. There's a door I want you to go through that leads to a place that you've been before. You go into this room, and there's a person you have met before. You will humanize it. Even though it's an energy, because for you it needs to be a person with a personality.
You're going to meet this person, one person, who's about to show you something spectacular. This is an entity; this is a combination of a Star Master and Time Master. You've always heard of space and time. But this day, this Star Master you've met before will take you back in time and show you the stars. You're going to see the cycle of the Earth represented in other times and other places in your galaxy. Is it possible that what you are going through right now on this Planet others have gone through before, or perhaps you have gone through before? Is it possible your Soul has been on other planets? If that's true for you, and if you see it today, you remember it at some level. That's part of an awakening, Dear Ones. Meet the Star Master, who is also a Time Master. This Star Master is going to take you somewhere far away. A galaxy, a series of planets, which today you call Orion, the star. It's the planets around the star – and there's more than one, just like with your particular solar system. If you took a look at their history, you would've seen that there were wars between wars, and there are not now. The Star Master is showing you something, and he's speeding up the time to show you that this planet went into an Ascension status. That only means that light and dark changed so much that there was much more light than dark. It represented a change in consciousness. Those on this planet grew up, and they started to understand the same physics that the Creator has – the kind of physics that allows you to travel anywhere you want to with your consciousness instead of your body. They went someplace else and planted the seed that they had. I want to take you to where they planted it. I'd like to take you to where the Arcturians live. Dear Ones, the Arcturians, had a very similar history to yours. They went through the same thing, from low consciousness to high. They had to go through these things in order to grow up – and they did. They went to a place that's very close to you, called the Seven Sisters, the Pleiadians. If you want to take a look at them, we had told you before that they had several habitable planets, and it was a mess, and there was horror there. They even had mass genocide. They came from the darkest place, and they made it. When the Pleiadians reached the point of the ones who preceded them, and those who preceded them, they also sent their consciousness somewhere else. We call it Earth. Your DNA is stuff from the stars. You were not here by accident. There was an influence that got you here, Dear Ones, and kept you here for you to go through this cycle if you chose. We have said this before; your history will not be what you are going into anymore. It's not going to repeat itself. You're going into uncharted territory that no one has seen on this Planet, but your ancestors have seen it on the other stars. Blessed are the Human Beings who see the light at the end of this tunnel you are going through right now, which would seem so dark, but it has the seeds of magnificence. Your future is bright. And so it is, ~Kryon of Magnetic Services Excerpt channeled by Lee Carroll on April 6, 2022 during Healing Wednesday. From Kryon Book Twelve – The Twelve Layers of DNA – Page 167: Past Lives Let’s discuss for a moment the entire past life issue. Humans want to think of these lives as a collection of pieces of string (the Human bias again). They want to think each one is a specific length, and each one is stored in a stack.
They want to think the further away in Human history the past life, the harder it is to find or access since it happened a long time ago. It’s not that way. Everything that has ever happened to you makes up the master painting of who you are today. As the cosmic artist mixes the paint and combines the colors, these are the lives that you have lived to help posture your energy and spirituality to the place it is today. Not only that, but Earth-based experience is also all there. The lives as a mother, a warrior, an accountant, or a farmer are there. Therefore, you have experienced almost everything a Human can experience, and it’s all in the DNA represented, in this metaphor, by one grand painting that continues to expand and change. ~ KRYON, through Lee Carroll, the Original Kryon Channel (via [email protected])
The Holographic Fractal Universe concept and the 'Black Whole' view, promulgated by Physicists Nassim Haramein and Dr. Elizabeth Rauscher.
Ian Sample; The Guardian; 23 Mar 2019 Scientists have found a treasure trove of fossils that date back more than half a billion years on the banks of the Danshui river in Hubei province. A "mindblowing" haul of fossils that captures the riot of evolution that kickstarted the diversity of life on Earth more than half a billion years ago has been discovered by researchers in China.
Paleontologists found thousands of fossils in rocks on the bank of the Danshui river in Hubei province in southern China, where primitive forms of jellyfish, sponges, algae, anemones, worms and arthropods with thin whip-like feelers were entombed in an ancient underwater mudslide. The creatures are so well preserved in the fossils that the soft tissues of their bodies, including the muscles, guts, eyes, gills, mouths and other openings are all still visible. The 4,351 separate fossils excavated so far represent 101 species, 53 of them new. The fossilised organisms date back to 518m years ago when life on Earth experienced a massive burst in diversity known as the Cambrian explosion. The event, at the dawn of animal life, marked the arrival of all manner of unusual creatures. Many went extinct as evolutionary dead-ends, but others went on to form the first sturdy branches of the tree of life. The rest of this article can be read here: From Kryon Book Eleven: Lifting the Veil
Stronger Than You Know If you know how much you are loved, this message is going to be more profound for you. I gave you information not too long ago that told you who you really were. I asked you to see the hidden relationship between myself, as Kryon, and you, whose real name you cannot pronounce. The name that you hear and read today is not your real name. You have an angelic name, indeed, which is unpronounceable since it is sensed as interdimensional light. And the lovely females in the room, are you aware of your warrior backgrounds? Do you know and feel a maleness that is there? If you could see the record of the Akash in your own DNA, you would see the joke. You came in this time as female, with an extra piece of early intuition, to get you going faster. But believe me, we still needed the warrior. Even as I look upon you, sister, I will remind you of your battlefield experiences that you wish to deny as you sit there. You are far stronger than you know. ~ KRYON, through Lee Carroll, the Original Kryon Channel September 10, 2018: From Kryon Book 2: Don't Think Like a Human
Truth I AM Kryon. I represent Spirit in its entirety. I represent truth. I represent the same truth that was Abraham’s. I represent the same truth that Eliyahu had. Through the ages, it has not changed. I speak with the same voice that Spirit spoke with long ago, and I am here for you now representing the same love that has presented itself through the eons. ~ KRYON, through Lee Carroll, the Original Kryon Channel A diagram of the geological time scale
Greg : Daily Grail : 06 Sep 2016 © Morgado, A., et al., Even in modern times we are fascinated by crystals - from the diamonds we use as a sacred symbol of partnership, to the plethora of 'healing' gems that can be found in a New Age gift shop. So we can only imagine how ancient people viewed these transparent rocks with hidden structure. Evidence of the esteem in which crystals were held can be found in a "remarkable set" of 'crystal weapons' found in the megalithic tombs of southwestern Spain. At the site of Valencina de la Concepcion, archaeologists have uncovered crystal arrowheads, an exquisite dagger blade, and cores used for creating the artifacts, that date to the 3rd millennium BCE. The Montelirio tholos, excavated between 2007 and 2010, is "a great megalithic construction...which extends over 43.75 m in total", constructed out of large slabs of slate. At least 25 individuals were interred within the structure , along with "an extraordinary set of sumptuous grave goods...the most notable of which is an unspecified number of shrouds or clothes made of tens of thousands of perforated beads and decorated with amber beads". Additionally however, a large number of crystal arrowheads were found together, which be suggestive of a ritual offering at an altar. The arrowheads have the characteristic long lateral appendices of flint arrowheads from the area - but investigators remarked that "even greater skill must have been required to produce these unique features when using rock crystal." © Miguel Angel Blanco de la Rubi The manufacture of the rock crystal dagger blade must have been based on an accumulation of transmitted empirical knowledge and skill taken from the production of flint dagger blades as well from know-how of rock-crystal smaller foliaceous bifacial objects, such as Ontiveros and Montelirio arrowheads... It was obtained from a large monocrystal at least 220 mm in length and 60 mm in width. Given that these single crystals are hexagonal, they would have a similar width along all their different axes. The rock crystal source used in creating the crystal weaponry has not been pinpointed exactly at this stage, though analysis suggests two potential sources, "both located several hundred km away from Valencina". This story, with additional images, can be read in its entirety here.
Source : 07 May 2016
Cosmic rays allow us to slice through the structure of a pyramid, revealing the ancient and fine engineering at its heart.
You may have wondered what the inside of a pyramid looks like. Not the cavities and passages you see on The Mummy - the actual structure of the creation, how it was built to last all these years.
The pyramids of ancient Egypt are around 4,500 years-old. They've stood the test of time, great monuments on the landscape. Dusty gold and majestic. Now, we can learn a little more about them thanks to cosmic rays. Archeologists have begun to utilise new technology to better refine our understanding of pyramids' internal make up. Cosmic rays allow us to slice through the structure of a pyramid, revealing the ancient and fine engineering at its heart. The new Scans Pyramids project uses cosmic rays to build 'inside' maps of the Egyptian attractions. The images show the internal crooked chamber of a 4,600-year-old pyramid known as the 'Bent Pyramid'. It's a 345-foot monument 25 miles south of Cairo.
In ancient times, the pointed building was known as the Southern Shining Pyramid. It's believed to be one of Egypt's earliest designs. It looks odd, probably built in a time of transition, when engineering moved from stepped pyramids to smooth.
The cosmic rays used to unlock the secrets of the structure might be compared to X-rays. Scientists are using muon particles, which come from cosmic rays, to penetrate deep into stone.Using these, researchers can gauge how thick the stonework is, and build up a map of the internal organs of a building. It took 40 days of exposure to the particles to garner enough information. Now, there are images that capture the scale of the craftmanship involved. And this is just the beginning. There are plenty more pyramids to look at... Stuart Gary : ABC Science, Australia : 28 Jan 2016 ![]() © Trustees of the British Museum/Mathieu Ossendrijver : Ancient Babylonian cuneiform tablet text A provided essential clues to understanding four other tablets numbered text B to text E. The earliest known examples of mathematical and geometric astronomy have been identified in a series of ancient Babylonian cuneiform tablets. An analysis of the tablets, reported in the journal Science, reveals ancient Babylonians were able to calculate the position of Jupiter using geometric techniques previously believed to have been first used some 1,400 years later in 14th century Europe. "These texts are the earliest evidence we have from antiquity of mathematical astronomy," said the study's author Dr Mathieu Ossendrijver, a historian on Babylonian astronomy with the Humboldt University in Berlin. "It describes Jupiter's velocity across the sky and how that changes with time." The tablets, which are housed at the British Museum, are believed to have been unearthed from an archaeological dig in what is now modern day Iraq sometime in the 1800s. The almost completely intact tablets are thought to have been written in Babylon between 350 and 50 BCE. The tablets are part of a larger collection of 450 astronomy tablets from Babylon and Uruk containing celestial data arranged in rows and columns, together with instructions. The rest of this article can be found here. Preserving traditional medicine knowledge in the Amazon; tribe creates 500-page encyclopedia4/1/2016 White Wolf Pack : 02 Jan 2016 ![]() © In one of the great tragedies of our age, indigenous traditions, stories, cultures and knowledge are winking out across the world. Whole languages and mythologies are vanishing, and in some cases even entire indigenous groups are falling into extinction. This is what makes the news that a tribe in the Amazon—the Matsés peoples of Brazil and Peru—have created a 500-page encyclopedia of their traditional medicine all the more remarkable. The encyclopedia, compiled by five shamans with assistance from conservation group Acaté, details every plant used by Matsés medicine to cure a massive variety of ailments. "The [Matsés Traditional Medicine Encyclopedia] marks the first time shamans of an Amazonian tribe have created a full and complete transcription of their medicinal knowledge written in their own language and words," Christopher Herndon, president and co-founder of Acaté, told Mongabay in an interview . The Matsés have only printed their encyclopedia in their native language to ensure that the medicinal knowledge is not stolen by corporations or researchers as has happened in the past. Instead, the encyclopedia is meant as a guide for training new, young shamans in the tradition and recording the living shamans' knowledge before they pass. "One of the most renowned elder Matsés healers died before his knowledge could be passed on so the time was now. Acaté and the Matsés leadership decided to prioritize the Encyclopedia before more of the elders were lost and their ancestral knowledge taken with them," said Herndon. ![]() Acaté has also started a program connecting the remaining Matsés shamans with young students. Through this mentorship program, the indigenous people hope to preserve their way of life as they have for centuries past. "With the medicinal plant knowledge disappearing fast among most indigenous groups and no one to write it down, the true losers in the end are tragically the indigenous stakeholders themselves," said Herndon. "The methodology developed by the Matsés and Acaté can be a template for other indigenous cultures to safeguard their ancestral knowledge." RT : 18 Sep 2015 A 90-percent intact steppe mammoth skeleton dating back 126,000 years has been discovered in northern Russia. The find could mean the species existed for much longer than previously thought. It is the first steppe mammoth to be found in Yakutia in Northern Russia. It's in better condition than the five other skeletons discovered in other parts of Russia. Although scientists estimated the animal's height as a little below average at just over 3 meters, the male specimen had giant tusks - each 2.5 meters long and weighing 75 kilos.
"The skeleton was discovered in an anatomical position and was extracted mostly intact. Even the smaller bones of the feet were complete. It lacked the right hind leg. Evidently it had been torn off during the mammoth's lifetime," says Yevgeny Mashchenko, senior research scientist at the Paleontological Institute in Moscow. Locals found the remains of the animal on the bank of the river Suola in the Sakha Republic, Russia's coldest region. As the bank thaws it erodes and yields a mix of sand and ice, where many specimens have been discovered over the years. This find is unique, however. It is believed that steppe mammoths lived in Siberia during the Pleistocene era some 600,000-370,000 years ago and were ancestors of the more commonly found woolly mammoths. But this skeleton appears much newer at about 126,000 years old. "It is thought that during the mid-Pleistocene period, the climate in Yakutia was relatively warm. However this skeleton was buried during permafrost. Apart from that, we discovered traces of animals near the skeleton that were previously thought to have lived in the area much later. How does that go together with a warm climate?" asks Albert Protopopov from the Sakha Academy of Science. "Next year we plan to start larger scale research in the area," he said. In comparison to the more common woolly mammoth, the steppe mammoth was taller and the length of its body shorter. On average they were 4 meters tall and weighed up to 10 tons. Earlier this year scientists found the remains of a steppe mammoth in the Perm region. They have only managed to pull out 50 bones so far due to difficult conditions on the site. The team hopes to resume the dig next summer. Other cases of steppe mammoth skeletons discovered in good condition include one in Serbia, where a female specimen was found with 90 percent of its bones, and in England, where an 85-percent complete male mammoth skeleton was found. |
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